It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Saturday, February 27, 2021

TWO Long...

Saturday WOD...
Yesterday we did Every 90s for 30m...
Today is an Interval WOD for 35min!

10 x Cat-Cow
Contract-Relax Hamstring Stretch
Thoracic Contract-Relax
2 Rnds (w/ slamball):
10 x Straight Leg Sit Ups
2 x Turkish Get-Ups (ea side)
10 x Stiff-Leg Sumo DL
10 x Ball Slams
EVERY 7 minutes x 5 Rnds (35m):
500m Row
15 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (24/20)
15 DB Box Step-Overs (50#/35# - 24/20)
*Adjust Rep Scheme so you have 2m Recovery...try to be done around the 5m mark...

Ethan ~ (45# DB) - 3:54 (12's) / all 15's after 1st Rnd - 4:40 / 4:50 / 5:00 / 5:12
Smalls ~ (40# DB) - 4:40 / 5:15 / 5:17 / 5:28 / 5:22
tb ~ 12's for Reps ~ 5:12 / 5:37 / 5:32 / 5:16* / 5:45
* = used 25# plates for this Rnd

Great sweaty workout...Two days in a row for some longer WOD's... Good stuff!

Friday, February 26, 2021

New Day

3min Bike (nasal breathing only)
60s Static Hang
60s Wall Slide
60s HS Hold
2 sets:
5 Cal Bike
5-Line Shuttle (Suicide Run)
5 Push Press
Every 90s for 30 minutes (5 rounds):
1 = 20 D/U + 10 Deadlift* (275/195)
2 = 20 D/U + 10 STRICT HS Push Ups*
3 = 20 D/U + 12 C2B Pull Ups
4 = 180-200m Run

Smalls - 135# DL / ?? Shldr Press
Ladick - 135# DL / ?? Shldr Press
Pyan - 185# DL / 95# Shldr Press
Daliege - 225# DL
tb - 225# DL / 8 HSPU

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Loosen Up

Upper body was T-I-G-H-T today!!!

Couch Stretch - 1-2m each side
(w/ active glute contract-relax pulses during this time)
3 Sets:
5-7 Wall Balls - focus on breathing!
30s rest b/t
AB Dirty 30 (Warm-Up)
30 Cal Bike (10 easy + 10 mod + 10 Hard)
30 Air Squats (10 easy + 10 mod + 10 Fast)
30 HR Push Ups*
30 STRICT Pull Ups*
*work these so they become large sets...stamina training
Open WOD - 19.1 (2.22.19 - HERE)
AMRAP in 15m:
19 Wall Ball
19 Cal Row

Ladick ~ 5 Rnds + 10 Cals
Smalls ~ 5 Rnds + 4 Wall Balls
Pyan ~ 4 Rnds + 10 Wall Balls
tb ~ 5 Rnds + 15 Cals

Not nearly on pace like 2 years ago...sheesh...just too much rest time today...

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Arm Day!

Bicep Openers x 10
Arm Circles (XioPang) x 10
Bent-Over Row x 10
Curl to Press x 10
2 Sets:
20 Bear Crawl Forward Steps
20 Bear Crawl Backward Steps
30s rest
Every 2 minutes for 5 sets (10m):
5-6 x Bench Press (20x1)
Every 3 minutes for 2 sets (6m):
Max Reps @ 90% from Heaviest Set above
EMOM for 20 min:
1 = 15 Cal Bike
2 = 10 x Ring Dips
3 = 12 TTB
4 = 15 HR Push Ups
5 = REST

Pyan ~ 135-155-175-185-195 / 6/7 @ 180#
Smalls ~ 135-155-175-185(3)-180 / 9/7 @160#
tb ~ 135-155-175-195-215 / 11/6 @ 195#

Monday, February 22, 2021


Good to be back at school... with the boys...
Working out...

Today felt good...We will see how the day progresses...

30-45s each:
Deadbugs (Unilateral & Contralateral)
Cross Under Lunge w/ Knee Up
Straight-Leg Side Leg Raise
Fire Hydrants
2 Sets:
10 x Russian Babymaker
10 x Reverse Lunge to Cossack Squat (5 each leg)
5m Row Warm-Up
60s easy Row
60s Leg Drive ONLY
30s Leg Drive & Hip Swivel
30s FULL PULL (Leg Drive + Hips + Arms)
30s Arms ONLY
30s Hips + Arms
60s Easy Row, FULL PULL (Focus on Leg Drive)

1000m Row
50 Thrusters (95#)

Pyan ~ 3:51.9 Row / 12:25
Daliege ~ 3:47.0 Row / 7:51
Ladick ~ 3:48.4 Row / 8:30ish @ 75#
Smalls ~ 3:51.5 Row / 9:42 @ 75#
tb ~ 3:54.1 Row / 9:26 (15@5:28 / 27@6:41 / 36@8:04 / 50@9:26)
15 in 1:34 / 12 in 1:13 / 9 in 1:23 / 14 in 1:22

HERE are some Rowing Stats to consider/look at/evaluate:
3:54.1 (1:57.1)223:52.0 (1:56.0)243:51.5 (1:55.7)233:47.1 (1:53.5)363:48.5 (1:54.2)25

LAST # in s/m column is my estimated # of total strokes you took... 
I just took the Ave s/m from the top row and went with 4 times that amount (minus some) as we were all under 4m for row...some lost a few more strokes for being in the 3:40's...

BUT... remember...EACH stroke is WORK done... so the fewer strokes you can take the better as long as your time does not go down...
Remember your damper setting then look at those Ave/500m times... where do you think you were most efficient...that is the # you want to hit...

Friday, February 19, 2021


Invictus at Home...

Warm-Up ~ Roll the Back
2 Sets:
30s Mtn Climbers
30s Death March (slow/controled)
30s REST
2 Sets:
30s Ground 2 Sky
30s Burpee Jump Backs (Sprawl)
30s REST
2 Sets:
30s Rt Arm DB OH Hold
30s Lft Arm DB OH Hold
30s Rest
EMOM x 16m (4 Rnds Total):
1 = 10 x Rt Leg Step-Back Lunge to Cossack Sqt
2 = 10 x Lft Leg Step-Back Lunge to Cossack Sqt
3 = 20 Alt. DB Push Press (Shoulder Press / 35#)
4 = 40s Plank Hold (Push Up Position)
AMRAP in 5min:
5 Burpees
60' Lateral Shuffle (6 x 10' Lat Shuffle)

Felt good...could feel tight back today

Those Step-Back to Cossacks were something else...good for single-let work!!!
8 Rnds + 4 Burpees on the AMRAP...
Rounds were: 27s - 37s - 46s - 40s - 35s - 36s - 41s - 27s + 4 Burpees

Thursday, February 18, 2021


Back finally feeling better so I thought...might as well workout...

Warm-Up - Mobility/Stretch (15-20 min)
2 sets working up to decent pace...
30 Air Squats
15 HR Push Ups
Every 90s for 10 Rnds (5 total sets):
1 = 30 Air Squats
2 = 15 HR Push Ups

Moved afterwards... Legs on fire after a week of nothing...

HOPE the boys at school have kept up with the WOD's...
I am told they are...

Monday, February 15, 2021

Missing the WOD...

Quarantine sucks...
Especially when asymtopmatic... BUT I will take the asymtomatic vs. something worse!

2 sets (30s ea):
Banded Lateral Walk
Banded Squats
Russian Step Ups
For Time:
50 Cal Bike
50 Thrusters (75#)
50 Toes to Bar

Smalls ~ 19:45
Pyan ~ 20:44

Friday, February 12, 2021


Smell or Taste...
Got none of it!!!
Let's hope that is the only symptom of COVID that I get... WuHan you suck.

Today I texted the boys and they performed!!!

CF Open 20.1
10 Rnds for Time:
8 Ground to Overhead (96/65)
10 Bar-Facing Burpees

Ladick ~ 14:36 (75#)
Smalls ~ 17:40 (75#)
Daliege ~ 17:15 (95#)
Pyan ~ 6 Rnds (capped at 15m / 95#)

I really missed being in wt room with them...
Got to be gone through next week...
Sorry everyone...
I will keep sending workouts and update with results...

Wednesday, February 10, 2021


Every 5m for 3 Rnds:
40 Cal Row
30 Wall Balls

Pyan ~ 
Daliege ~ 
Ladick ~ 
Smalls ~ 
(sheet w/ times is at school)

Then I showered and could not taste the toothpaste...
Called the nurse...could not smell bleach...
Got tested for the virus!

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Clean it up!

Warm-Up / Mobilize
Bicep Opener x 10
XioPang x 10
Bent-Over Row x 10 
Bicep Curp + Press x 10
1-2 Sets:
5 Clean DL + 5 Muscle Cleans + 5 Press in Split Jerk Stance
3 Power Cleans + 3 Jerk-Grip OHS
3 Squat Cleans + 3 Front Squats
3 Squat Cleans + 3 Sotts Press
45# Bar
Every 90s x 4:
2 x Hang Clean (65-70%)
Every 90s x 6:
1 Hang Clean + Clean (75-80%)
Every 4 minutes x 4 Rnds:
20 Cal Bike
5 x Clean (75%)

tb ~ 165# (4) / 185# (6) / 
AC @ 185# - all singles = 2:25 (1:41) - 1:55 (1:10) - 1:45 (1:01) - 1:43 (56s)
Time (Bike)

Monday, February 8, 2021


Specialty and Older WOD... NATE!
Previously done HERE
NOTE... both of those were HSPU...not STRICT HSPU...

3 Rnds:
30s Static Hang
20-30s Rest
20s Ring Support Hold + 10s Ring Dip Hold
20-30s Rest
2-4 Wall Walks
20-30s Rest
AMRAP in 20m:
2 Ring Muscle Ups
8 KBS (50/35)

We modified Nate for these guys and they did about 4-5 rnds before having to leave.

tb ~ 9 Rnds + 3 Reps
3rd done at 6m / 6 done at 12:30 / 9 @ 19:30...
Was not ready for the Ring MU... Rnd #2 & #4 I had to do singles and missed on #2 a few times....
After Rnd #4 it was much more smooth... 20-30s rest to be ready after KBS then up on rings and go...
Actually felt good, but the STRICT HSPU got to me in Rnd 7... 3+1, 8 = 3+1, then 9 was 2 + 2 thinking I might actually get them quicker...

Friday, February 5, 2021

5 in a Row...

Little different programming for the CF Invictus Group...
They have stuff everyday....

Warm-Up / Mobilize
5 x Wall Slides (slow & controled)
5 x W's - T's - Y's (each one)
Pec Activation 60-90s worth
2 Rnds:
5 x Parallette Shoot Thrus
10 x Glute Bridges
4-5 x Paloff Side Steps (ea way)
4 Sets:
8 x Bench (3s eccentric on each rep)
2-3 m Rest b/t sets
3 Rnds for Max Reps:
90s for 9 Burpee Box Jump-Overs
+ Max Reps Strict HSPU
30s Rest
90s for 9 Burpee Box Jump-Overs
+ Max Reps Strict Pull Ups
30s Rest
90s for 9 Burpee Box Jump-Overs
+ Max Reps TTB
30s Rest

Smalls ~ ??? / 1 Rnd
Daliege ~ ??? / 1 Rnd
Ladick ~ ??? /  1 Rnd
Pyan ~ 155-165-165-175 / 
tb ~ 155-165-175-185 / 0-2-1 (HSPU) / 5-8-9 (Strict Pull) / 7-11-8 (TTB)

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Snow (ICE) Day...

Day-off of school... ICE storm...
Now we will see what this Snow Storm brings in...

15-20 Elephant Marches (slow & controled)
2 Sets:
20-30s W-Hold
20-30s Down-Dog Toe Slaps
2 Sets:
8 Ground 2 Sky
8 Russian Step-Ups
Every 90s for 24m (4 Rnds):
1 = 6 Pistols (ea leg)
2 = 8-10 Hamstring Sliders
3 = 60s Hollow Hold
4 = Supine-Grip Bent-Over BB Row
AMRAP in 4m:
DB Box Step Overs (20" / 50#)
AMRAP in 4m:
Max Cal Row

Pyan ~ Done / 43 (35#) / 75 Cals (1130cal/hr / 30s/m)
Smalls ~ Done / 61 (35#) / 73 Cals (1077cal/hr / 33s/m)
tb ~ Done / 40 (50#) / 86 (1292cal/hr / 25s/m)

Wednesday, February 3, 2021


OLY Tech/Work then a little doozy...

Snatch Mobility
2 Sets w/ PVC &/or BB:
5 Muscle Snatches + 5 OHS
4 Pwr Snatches + 4 OHS
3 Sqt Snatches + 3 Snatch Balance
2 Sqt Snatches + 2 Sotts Press
Every 2m for 6m:
2 x Muscle Snatch (55-65%)
Every 2m for 6m:
2 x Power Snatch (75%)
Every 2m for 6m:
2 x Snatch Lift-Off + 1 x Snatch (85%)
10 Rnds for Time:
3 Snatches (135#/95#)
3 Bar-Facing Burpees

Pyan ~ ? / ? / 145# / 7:41 @ 115#
Smalls ~ ? / ? / 125# / 5:15 @ 95#
Stan ~ Tech work / 5:20 @75#
Daliege ~ ? / ? / 145# / 5:25 @ 115#
Ladick ~ ? / ? / 125# / 5:11 @ 115#
tb ~ 125# / 160# / 185# / 6:18 @135# (5 rnds in 3:03)

Tuesday, February 2, 2021


Not so much...

3m Bike (nasal breathing only)
60s Static Hang
60s Wall Slide with arms
60s HS Hold
For Time:
60 Cal Row
50 KB Swings (50/35)
40 Shoulder to Overhead (75/55)
30 C2B Pull Ups
20 Strict HSPU*
10 Bar Muscle Ups
20 Strict HSPU
30 C2B
40 S2O
50 KBS
60 Cal Row

Stan ~ Way before me!!!
tb ~ 40:51
Row #1/2 = 3:04.1 / 3:38.9
KBS = 20-15-15 / 18-7-18-7
S2O = 20-16-4 / 20-16-4
C2B = 6-6-6-4-4-4 / 9-9-5-4-3
*15 Strict = 4-4-3-3-1 / 3-3-3-2-2-2
BMU - 4-4-2 (15:55-20:23 / did not even start BMU till 16:55...)
Finishing first Strict HSPU was 15:55
Then HSPU to 60 cal finish was 20:23 - 40:51 (20:28)

Monday, February 1, 2021

New Week...

2 Sets of 30s ea:
Banded Pallof Hold
Banded Lat Monster Walks
Banded Air Squats
Russian Step-Ups
This is Work
EMOM x 16min (4 Rnds)
1 = 20 Speed Skater Jumps
2 = 20 Wall Balls
3 = 15 TTB
4 = 40s Front Leaning Rest on Ring (Plank on Rings)

Smalley ~ done
Ladick ~ done
Stan ~ done
Pyan ~ done
Daliege ~ done
tb ~ done