It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Anticipation & Spring Break...

Waiting for 13.5 is different...
Anticipation as to what 13.5 will be...
Disappointed that the OPEN will be over... &
Looking forward to the OPEN being over...
Can you really be disappointed and happy at the same time?!

Disappointed because this has been a great experience & one I am sure WE will do again!!!
I would not really do this on my own...COMMUNITY/FRIENDSHIP is everything!
Happy because next Monday (after Break is over), WE (ANYthing Once) will be getting back to our same routine.  Competing in the OPEN has made this difficult, as some of the days we usually workout have turned into rest-days...I miss feels different.

Part of fitness/wellness/health is the community/friends/family, and if you don't think so, you are crazy!
Of course what you eat & how you train are the major parts of fitness...
But community/friends/family are also a part of health/wellness/fitness.
Like good cholesterol and bad cholesterol, the community aspect of fitness makes a big difference on your life. (Val had a great post as to the positive/negative influences on your Not having any community, isn't as bad as being around the negative, but not nearly as good as having those positive people around that make you want to "be better".

Eating right & not having a good training plan can lead to ok health/fitness...
Not having a good eating plan & training perfect can be ok for health/fitness...
(some would say "you cannot out train a bad diet"...but that is a debate for a different time)

Throw in the community/friends/family factor and this makes a big difference. From holding you accountable, motivating you, being there for each other and pushing you to goals you thought were impossible, community is where wellness comes in...
Doing all this on your own would not be even close to the experience it can be with the group.

We have all experienced it...being on Spring Break...makes me realize, again, how special our group is.

13.5 tomorrow...


  1. Yoga again today.... This is coming back to our schedule.. Some long holds and some flexibility is what we are missing!
    E and I discussed. Adventure vacations are where it is at! This place is awesome and super beautiful but let's face it... Dominating some crazy adventures in an out of this world place isn't what an all inclusive is about.. I have never really liked being waited on (the guy told us he would bring our bag to the room, which was his job, but I was like - nope it's got wheels we R good and off we went proceeding to get lost on our way to find our room), I really enjoy the freedom of coming and going when we want with the means to control our travel and I dislike the ability to not be able to make an entire pot of coffee! Hope DD is doing well and Oz or Dix haven't did her in.
    Have fun tomorrow AM with 13.5! Can't wait to find out what it is... And so true tb with the blog points today. I am ready to get back to 'normal'- whatever that was or will be.
    Our group is awesome!

  2. You can totally be disappointed and happy at the same time!
