It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Friday, April 19, 2013

FGB ~ Friday


Warm-Up ~ 
400-800m Run
Mini Leg Blaster
2-3 Rnds:
6 Pull Ups
9 Line Hops
12 D/U
9 GHD Sit Ups
6 Push Ups

3 Rnds for Total Reps (continuously running clock):
60 sec. Wall Ball (10')
60 sec. SDLHP (75#/55#)
60 sec. Box Jump (20" all)
60 sec. Push Press (75#/55#)
60 sec. Burpees (Row for Cal)
60 sec. REST / Record Reps for Rnd

JB ~ 109+97+85 = 291
Oz ~ 94+74+77 = 245 (@65#)
Biba ~ 80+79+80 = 239
Britt ~ 91+85+71 = 267
FEIDT ~ 95+82+83 = 260
Kate ~ 107+102+92 = 304 (stud...get D/U & Pull Ups and she will be great for our TEAM for the OPEN next year!)
SimO ~ 207 ? unsure of rnd #'s
Val ~ 96+77+70 = 243
tb ~ 97+96+93 = 286

#1 - Rowing Cal & Burpees are fairly the same for #'s...
BIG difference on power output I would say...Rower is work, but not as taxing as the burpees would have been...but getting to 10-11 is still tough and constant...
#2 - SDLHP were/are brutal after Wall Ball
#3 - This was a good test...Primer... WE need to get these #'s closer to 300 & WE can!
#4 - Good article:
7 Most Underrated CF Exercises

I Wouldn't disagree with the suggestions, some are "box" or equipment specific...

Here is my list for ANYthing Once Crew (in order):
Strict Wt. Pull Ups 
~ The better we get, better for MU!
Partner Pulls
~ Just torture...hard work 
Squat Therapy (Form, Flexibility & Function)
~ We can always improve, and many take squatting for granted
~ Better with single leg stuff
Getting Under Bar (Dropping the Hips)
~ Speed and Flexibility go a long way here...
~ Great warm-up activity anytime...25 straight reps will get you sweating

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