Warm-Up ~
400-800m Run
Mini Leg Blaster
2-3 Rnds:
6 Pull Ups
9 Line Hops
12 D/U
9 GHD Sit Ups
6 Push Ups
3 Rnds for Total Reps (continuously running clock):
60 sec. Wall Ball (10')
60 sec. SDLHP (75#/55#)
60 sec. Box Jump (20" all)
60 sec. Push Press (75#/55#)
60 sec. Burpees (Row for Cal)
60 sec. REST / Record Reps for Rnd
JB ~ 109+97+85 = 291
Oz ~ 94+74+77 = 245 (@65#)
Biba ~ 80+79+80 = 239
Britt ~ 91+85+71 = 267
FEIDT ~ 95+82+83 = 260
Kate ~ 107+102+92 = 304 (stud...get D/U & Pull Ups and she will be great for our TEAM for the OPEN next year!)
SimO ~ 207 ? unsure of rnd #'s
Val ~ 96+77+70 = 243
tb ~ 97+96+93 = 286
#1 - Rowing Cal & Burpees are fairly the same for #'s...
BIG difference on power output I would say...Rower is work, but not as taxing as the burpees would have been...but getting to 10-11 is still tough and constant...
#2 - SDLHP were/are brutal after Wall Ball
#3 - This was a good test...Primer... WE need to get these #'s closer to 300 & WE can!
#4 - Good article:
7 Most Underrated CF Exercises
I Wouldn't disagree with the suggestions, some are "box" or equipment specific...
Here is my list for ANYthing Once Crew (in order):
Strict Wt. Pull Ups
~ The better we get, better for MU!
Partner Pulls
~ Just torture...hard work
Squat Therapy (Form, Flexibility & Function)
~ We can always improve, and many take squatting for granted
~ Better with single leg stuff
Getting Under Bar (Dropping the Hips)
~ Speed and Flexibility go a long way here...
~ Great warm-up activity anytime...25 straight reps will get you sweating
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