It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Spring Break with Diane

Warm-Up ~ 
400m Run
45# ~ 6 DL, 6 Upright Row, 6 Front Squat, 6 Press, 6 OHS
45# ~ 6 Muscle Cleans, 6 Front Squats, 6 Press
75# ~ 6 Hang Clean, 6 Front Squat, 6 Press
95# ~ 6 Hang Squat Clean, 6 Press

Clean & Jerk
Work up to HEAVY set (Not 1RM)...then...
5 x 1, across

Deadlift (225#/155#)

Feidt ~ 185# / 10:02 (@185# / banded HSPU after 21)
Oz ~ tech / 5:12 (@95# / mod HSPU)
tb ~ 205# / 12:58

1 comment:

  1. I have been trying to blog but everything is kind of dicey... This whole being disconnected has its perks but sometimes you just want to get online.. Do what you need to do and move on. Kelly and I had a conversation today at about 10 am, which is officially the worst time to workout even if you are the only one in the gym (if you call it that)
    Myself and four very nice Mexicans dominated Kelly.
    Treadmill 400m
    7 high platform foe jump boxes which were step ups
    20# dumbbell thrusters for wall ball
    Here is the scene: myself and the treadmill on one side.. Jump off at .25 and head to the other side of the room where I set up the stepper thing and the DB.
    Not kidding.. I ran. Jumped off to the other side and the Mexicans got up as I came over and moved by the treadmill, as I came back for rnd 2 they moved by the DB area, as I headed back over they walked over by the treadmill... This cont. till rnd 4 when one asked if I needed a towel. Lol!
    It is so hot in there you can hardly breathe, it looked like I had dumped a bucket of water on myself from sweating!
    Worked on head stands by sea. Decided we will have a 1 hr yoga session on Mon and Wed this summer in the AM.... What do we think on that?
