It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Sunday Madness-

Alright- Taking advantage of this Sunday.. currently you all are enjoying the 50 degree July day- enjoy it too, get out and run or do that thing that you haven't been able to do because it is just too hott!! Lawn work comes to mind (it would be great for any of you to send yourselves or your son (DRAKE) over to mow our lawn, we would even take crop circles and the possible gossip of UFOs in our area for a humor standpoint), also a perfect day to paint your garage door (this is what I would be doing were I home), have a bon-fire with smores and wear sweatshirts!!, or TP the Feidt's house cuz it is the weekend and you know they live in their mansion with wheels on the weekend... not their weanie little house!
Finished Kodiak with a bit of seakayaking...

This is some of the good stuff we have been up to- FISHING.  (I think my mom is regretting this vacation currently cuz E and I are eating this stuff up, literally also!)

Captain AL and Chris took us up Kenai River and we had a blast catching Rainbow Trout!  Did a bit of salmon but the Red Run has slowed and Dad knew of a 'bank spot' for us to go to... We had fun, nothing like kicking the old guys butt with the biggest catch of the day!

Halibut are crazy fish that need a 5# weight just to clunk them in the heads to bite the bait!  This weight and the pressure from the current is a CRAZY, blow your forearm kind of workout.  As the tide subsides and calms, it gets a bit easier.  Early on, we dropped and I lost a BIG ONE (fisher talk, as in broke my line) but that didn't last long and we kept bringing them up... most in the 30# range.  They can grow to be huge! Like 400#+ HUGE.

Red Salmon have been the recreational activity... E and I bet on some things to pass the time.  Currently he is up one.  We pounce on each others as we bring them to the banks.... super fun, better than a net for sure!  I am the ultimate pouncer, E is a bit leary since my (also, the biggest) salmon caught led to my pole get tangled in a branch, E pouncing on the fish, my thinking he had it and I could move, him not being ready for that and the hook finding his hand!  Would've been a great story had he not let the fish get away!!  Yell at me to stop but NEVER let the fish get away!!! Instead of it being a win/lose  (big fish / bleeding hand) it was a lose/lose (no fish / still bleeding hand)  

Enjoy Your Sunday!
(go TP feidts!)

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