It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


First day of school I never got to the BLOG...

Here are our Two Days in ONE!!!
We are folloing Crossfit Takeover...& I feel like a "cheater" on CFJAX... But the programing has been nice...

Monday WOD
Baseline/Foundation WOD ~ NANCY
5 Rounds for Time:
400m Run
15 Overhead Squats (95#)

We ran the back circle ( getting to the bars was the extra)
Britt ~ 15:55
Syd ~ 15:19 (working a weakness...OHS have been tough for Syd...but he is quickly mastering them!)
Hepp ~ 13:55
Feidt ~ 16:39
El Tigre' ~ 14:31
Reeder ~ 15:26
Hansen ~ 16:39
tb ~ 13:33 (must have fueled well this weekend, & OHS are a serious strength, running is weakness)

Tuesday WOD
4 Sets of:
Max Reps of Unbroken Strict Pull Ups
Rest As Needed between Sets

5 Rounds for Time:
3 Power Cleans (@ 85-90% 1 Rep Max)
20 Burpees

El Tigre' ~ 9-7-5-5 / 14:12 (185#)
Britt ~ 11-8-6-6 / 13:06 (165#)
Feidt ~ 5-5-5-4 / 13:16 (165#)
Hepp ~  11-7-5-7 / 13:5? (165#)
Reeder ~ 9-7-7-6 / 11:53 (185#)
Hansen ~ 11-9-7-7 / 13:15 (185#)
Syd ~ 11-9-7-7 / 10:34 (185#)
tb ~ 17-12-12-7 / 13:22 (180#)

REST on the Pull Ups makes a difference...3-4 minutes b/t the first 3 sets then 90s rest for the last round for me...
Burpees were harder than I thought...

Want to see it done well...Check it Out:
Crossfit Oldtown does WOD

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