Sorry the blog was not up earlier...
Great WOD's with even better people!
Desie, Krom, Feidt, Syd, E & Val all in!!!
Feidt's "Warm-Up"
As Many Rounds as Possible in 7 Minutes:
3 Thrusters (95# / 65#)
3 Strict Pull Ups
6 Thrusters
6 Strict Pull Ups
etc... Increase 3 Reps every round...9, 12, 15....
Syd ~ 12 + 10 Thrusters
Feidt ~ 12 + 8 Thrusters
Des ~ (45#) 12 + 1 Thruster
E ~ 9 + 9 Thrusters
Val ~ 12 + 3 Thrusters
Krom ~ 12 + 6 Thrusters
tb ~ 12 + 3 Pull Ups
Taken (modified) from Crossfit Games WOD's:
350 M Run
30 Wall Ball (20/14)
20 T2B (Hip Flexors for Mod)
30 Box Jumps (24"/20")
20 SDLHP (95/65)
30 Burpees
20 Shoulder to Overhead (135#/95#)
We went with two groups so we could watch, encourage, motivate
Taken approximatly 4-6 Min Rest between WOD' the other group...
With the exception of the last WOD...We started at the 6 Min mark...
As Far as Possible in 3 Min:
Val ~ 3 Flex
E ~ 5 Flex
Feidt ~ 30 WB
Des ~ 2 T2B
Syd ~ 12 T2B
Krom ~ 6 T2B
tb ~ 3 T2B
As Far as Possible in 6 Min:
Val ~ 4 SDLHP
E ~ 25 BJ
Feidt ~ 10 BJ
Des ~ 22 BJ
Syd ~ Pukie visited...
Krom ~ 30 BJ
tb ~ 4 SDLHP
Complete For Time:
Val ~ 14:21
E ~ 20:15
Feidt ~ 16:05
Des ~ 17:30
Syd ~ Still not Right... Dairy and Grains came up!
Krom ~ 14:17
tb ~ 15:09