It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Monday, October 3, 2011


Awareness is an ability many of us lack in. 
Most of the time we have no idea what our body is telling us we need or the fact that
we truly are not present in the moment. 
This is a learned habit.... 
 (OKAY, so I am very scattered, lose lots of things yet seem to find them, forget things in odd places which most return to me, I could write a book about my experiences because they are pretty humorous only I forget most of those moments also. 
ALL of this has to do with my awareness.)

SO, what helps in gaining awareness in your life and body? 

Yoga.  I may be bias here, I love yoga.  You begin to learn so much about yourself and your ability through rythmic breathing and flowing movements.. all of a sudden you gain the advantage to find yourself in the moment worrying only about the pose and just how far your body is telling you to go into that pose... It Rocks.
Listening.  Mind and Body are two seperate things.  My mind says I can't OHS 105 but my body says I can.  THERE IS A DIFFERENCE and you need to stop and realize your mind gets in the way once n a while and you stop listening to it.
Also, you need to listen to what your body is telling you.  For example:  If it is 930am, already had breakfast, and you are feeling hungry but have not even come close to drinking a good quantity of water... than I would consider the fact that your body is simply: Thirsty.  A common misunderstanding for people... I get headaches that tell me I need more water, weird. 
Excersizing.  The list is endless on where you can find awareness while excersizing.  Allowing your mind to quiet and concentrate on breathing and steps when running.  Swimming, again focuses on breathing.  Weight-lifting, breathing.  I would like you to know that during a wod it becomes very hard to drift away if you are counting, breathing, and moving through the rounds.... but I know someone who does this weekly, so exceptions apply

There.  A start to finding your awareness.
Any other suggestions?!

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