It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Thursday, February 28, 2013


You Only Live Once...
What does this mean for you?
What do you think about when you hear Y.O.L.O.
It has been glorified by some athletes & on the web...
Some have taken this as a call to DO anything (really)
Dangerous / Risk to your life or not...
Not sure that is the best way to take this...
BUT it can mean that some of us can go outside our comfort zone every now & then...especially with friends & family.

It may or may not mean that you try anything...
Life is meant to be lived to its fullest...
That being said...I will still NEVER SKYDIVE!

So...Y.O.L.O. (brought to you by CFNE)

1) Jerk 5 x 5, climbing
record all weights

2) Y.O.L.O.
21-15-9 for time:
Power Cleans (185#/135#=Elite / 135#/95#=Normal)
GHD Sit Ups
Front Squats (same wt. as Clean...from ground)
C2B Pull Ups

3) Acquire 2 minutes of L-Sit
record total time it took to get to 2 min

Steve-O ~ Did Yolo...not sure of wts/time
SimO ~ 33:53 (130# / Banded HS)
Val ~ 135# Jerk / 34:02 (125#/banded HS)
STAN ~ 30:16 (135#21-15/125#-9 / banded HS)
Des ~ 105# Jerk / 31:?? (85# / box HS / Banded Pull)
Britt ~ 95-115-135-155-175 / 35:40 (155#)
tb ~ 130-150-155-175 / 34:41 (185#)
OZ ~ Moved & sweated...very sore (hurtin')

Watching Stan finish was awesome this AM...Pushed thru the 9 reps like a champ... 9 F.Sqts in a ROW!!!
AFTER he was finished...
Reflecting back on using bands for pull ups...
Walking out really not being able to Clean 95# about a year ago and now doing 135# for a 21 & 15 set ... ALSO, he was smart about adjusting to 125# for the finish!  Saved his back that felt like it was going to go...10# CAN make all the difference AND being smart helps...
GO at your own pace...
BE better than yourself yesterday...
KNOW that life is about something bigger than you...

CHECK the Events 2013 Page...
What are you doing with the group???
Have a different suggestion...
~ Leave a comment or talk with tb or Val ~

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Eastside Battle

Kate vs. Chris
Dip Demon (named by Kate) 3 RFT ~ 
15 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24"/20")
30 Dips
15 Deadlifts (225#/155#)
30 Goblet Squats (55#/35#)
15 Pull Ups

Kate ~ 32:53 (Purple Dips & Pull, 135#DL)
Chris ~ 36:23 (205#DL)
STAN ~ 25:10 (135#DL, Purple Dips)

NOW...Some thoughts from Ben Bergeron

Three things...

1.  If you are a beast, and don't "have enough time" to do the metcons/runs, but have time to throw around a barbell you are not going the Regionals or the Games.  Your weaknesses will be exposed - and it will be your fault for not having the balls to train your weaknesses.  The fact is, it's not a time thing, it's a priority thing.  The easy fix to this - just start every training session with the metcon and I bet you will have time at the end for your barbell work. You are a beast - so train like a ninja.

2.  NO EXCUSES - EVER.  It was raining, you had to do pull ups at the globo gym, your hand ripped.  Adversity happens to everyone, in every training session, everyday.  Every Games athlete deals with the same issues as you - but they recognize adversity as a part of life.  If you use excuses now what happens on game day?

3.  Pay attention to the small things.  This seems obvious when comes to things that directly impact your training: sleep, nutrition, warm up, cool down, recover and rest.  But there is one small thing that will trump all those together - your mental thought process. 

Your Thoughts become your Words, Your Words lead to Action, and Action will dictate your Results. 

If you have negative approach to a workout or are disappointed with your performance you need to turn it around mentally.  Instead of dwelling on how bad your handstand push ups are and fearing the workout, be excited at the opportunity to become better at a weakness. 

During the workout recognize the voice in your head.  That is your personal coach.  Is that voice a good coach or bad coach?  Is the voice telling you that you can lift the weight, that you can do one more rep, that you can be a little bit faster?  Or is the voice reminding you about the pain, how heavy the weight is, and that you need more rest? 

After the WOD reinforce anything that went well and use any negatives as a learning experiences.  Take solace in the fact that we fail in training to succeed in competition.  You need to fail reps, blow up, and try new things that don't work in order to improve.  Focus on the improving, not the failing.  While you are lying on the floor after the wod tell yourself that you love the feeling of battery acid in your veins, you love working hard, and that you got 1% better today.

~ Ben Bergeron CFNE

Like all GREAT coaches...
Some excellent insight on more than just lifting!!!

Sounds sort of like how we should be approaching life.
Be the person you want others to be!
Expect more of yourself....Be patient and understanding with others!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Early Bird...

The early start ~ DAY #1...
Went well...
As stated in yesterdays blog we are going to start @ 5:45 AM.
The reality is we/you/I will need to get our warm-up in before 6:15am...
There will always be something written in the form of a Warm-Up / Oly Lifts / Strength...
CHOOSE what works for you!!!
The MAGIC is in the WOD (6:15am)...
Really the MAGIC is in the GROUP and doing this TOGETHER!
Working Together...Sweating Together...Suffering Together...ANYthing Once!!!


1) Clean Complex, work to heaviest set
1 Power Clean + 1 Squat Clean

2) Front Squat
3 RM / 10 RM

3) OTM for 10 Min:
Odd = 15 Box Jumps (30"/24") Games Standard
Even = Hang Squat Clean (95#-155# / 75#-115#)

4) 6 x 400m (3 Laps)
1 Min Rest b/t
*Record EACH effort & Total Time!!!

Stev-O ~ XX / XX / 2 blue boxes & 75#HSC?? / RAN (no times)
Oz ~ Clean Form / F.Squat work / 95# HSC / 1:32-X-1:46-1:59-1:58-X
Des ~ 115# / 3@135# / 10@NA / 85# HSC / 15:14 (1:41-1:49-1:41-1:44-1:40-1:39)
Simon ~ XX / 3@185# / 10@135# / 100# HSC / 14:09
Britt ~ 135# / 3@205# / 10@155# / 135# HSC / stretched
JB ~ ?? / 3@245# / 10@195# / 155# HSC / RAN (no times) lead the entire group 14:11??
Val ~ 135# / 3@155# / 10@135# / 100#HSC / 15:22 (1:37-1:52-2:00-1:52-1:51-1:40)
tb ~ 215# / 3@245# / 10@195# / 155# HSC / 15:58 (1:54-1:51-1:51-1:49-1:50-1:43)

Monday, February 25, 2013

Start Earlier...

We / I need to do a better job of getting in and starting earlier...
I need to get some of the extra stuff in...after or before we all go...

Here is the proposal...
5:45 am ~ WOD will be posted... Warm-up can be as complex as you want to make it...
Follow the Oly Lifts, Strength Lifts, Complexes, etc or do something that may be more beneficial for you...
We will be starting the MAIN WOD (For Time, AMRAP, EMOM, etc) between 6:15-:20 daily ...depending on length of time it will take and set-up/explanation...

Programing...what do WE want, what are YOU looking for...this AM work should  be beneficial for you...If we need to change, say about it...maybe there needs to be two WOD's for the day:
Competitors WOD (+ strength & Oly lifts) / TEAM WOD ( bits of strength only)
Keep in mind all the values that CrossFit is based on when determining what YOU are looking for...
i.e. ~ Everyday cannot be a 20-30min WOD where we just grind it out with various exercises...

MONDAY 2.25.13
1) Snatch Complex
1 Power Snatch + 1 Squat Snatch... work up to Heaviest Load

2) Box Squat
3 x 3, across (check last Mon.2.18 for load)

3) OTM for 10min:
Odd = Max Rep Unbroken C2B Pull Ups
Even = 5 Push Press (heavy load)

4) "IRIS" 4 Rnds for Time:
9 Snatches (115#/80#)
30 Wall Ball
58 D/U

Box Squat to be done After School...

Kate ~ 75# / 46 Pull (purp)+75#PP / 14:00 (3 Rnds / 65# / 180 singles)
Feidt ~ 145# / ?? Pull+135#PP / 13:00 (2 Rnds)
Britt ~ 145# / ?? Pull+135#PP / 13:00 (2 Rnds)
OZ ~ Snatch Work / 21 Pull+95#PP /
SimO ~ 120# / 38 Pull+115#PP / 13:30 (2 Rnds)
Syd ~ 135# / 42 Pull+??PP /
Des ~ 75# / sets of 5 broken+75#PP / 17:45 (3 Rnds / 65#)
Val ~ 105# / 29 Pull+105#PP / 9:22 (2 Rnds) aft school: 3x3@135/155/165 / 8:30 (2Rnds)
tb ~ 160# / 53 Pull+155#PP / 22:52

Friday, February 22, 2013

A Good Week...

This week we saw back-to-back WOD's that looked the same. Albeit different movements.
It was interesting going thru the mindset...seeing these WOD's pop-up and knowing what the day before felt like...
HEAVY could be a theme of the week...
GAMES Prep is definitely in full cycle!
If you cannot move heavy will struggle in the games (regionals really), although, last years OPEN AMRAP of 30 Snatches with increasing weight put a limit on many!
This however; should not be a limiting factor on ENTERING the OPEN...
If it is the $$$ that you cannot spend (I will pay for you...let me know)
If you think it is a waste of your time...think again!  ENTER...put yourself out there!
Be motivated...track your progress...MOST OF ALL ENJOY THE PROCESS/JOURNEY (with others BTW)!!!


1) 800m Run, for time
2) Push Press 5x5, climbing
3) For Time:
1000m Row (sub = 100 Low Row @ 50#)
20 Bench Press (185-155# / 125-105#)
50 Ring Dips
4) 800m Run, for time
5) Handstand Hold, Tabata protocal

Britt ~ 2:36 / 4@165 / 12:43 (35 dips) / 3:05
Stev-O ~ 3:46 / worked strength / Did WOD / Ran??
Kate ~ 3:05 / 65-75-85-90-95 / 17:00 (dinkin' around) / 3:08
Des ~ 3:23 / 65-75-85-90-95 / 17:00 (dinkin' around) / 3:41
Bertag ~ 2:49 / 155-165-175-185-195 / ??? / no run
Simon ~ 3:07 / 95-115-125-135-145 / 10:25 (dips w/ purple) / 3:08
Feidt ~ 3:30 / 135-145-155-165 / 13:35 / 3:55
tb ~ 3:11 (thanks kate!) / 135-155-165-175-185 / 13:00 (185#) / Ran Pacer to 60 laps...
Val ~ 3:35 / - / 15:24 @ 95#/12+85#/8 w/purple / 4:02

This is why getting a pull up is a good idea...
getting a BAR MUSCLE UP is something we should all strive for!!!
The kids was reported OK!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

I can't feel my LEGS!

This was the statement made by more than one person after todays WOD...
I love it!!!  This is how most days should feel...You know you have worked hard at something...
You can feel yourself growing...getting stronger, faster, healthier (harder to kill)...

1) 800m Run, for time
2) 5 x 5 Deadlift, climbing (record your 5 sets)
3) For Time:
100 Low Row (@50#)
20 DL (275#/185#=Elite / 225#/155#=Reg)
100 Air Squats
4) 800m Run, for time
5) L-Sit, Reverse Tabata (10s work:20s rest x 8 rnds)

Great work by everyone this AM...
Britt ~ Active Rest day - Sealgrinder PT & Mobility Work
Stev-O ~ 3:55 / worked up to 185# DL / WOD-?? / Ran-? / NO L-Sit
Simo ~ 3:00 / 155-185-225-255-285 / 10:45 (225#) / 3:34 / L-Sit=good!
Des ~ 3:36 / 105-125-145-165-185 / 11:56 (155# / 150 D/U sub for 100LR) / NT /
STAN ~ 135-165-185-205-225 / 7:34 (135#) / NT / 3:00 / L-Sit=good
Val ~ 3:30 / 155-175-195-215 / 11:03 (185#) / NT /
Daliage ~ 135-155-175 / WOD-? / NT / L-Sit=good
tb ~ 3:23 / 255-275-295-315-335 / 10:34 (275#) / 3:40 / L-Sit=good

Val, Des & Stan ran an 800 & Clock did not start/ NT = No Time, but they did the run!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Wednesdays are a cluster...
A smorgasbord, if you will...
rest...alt. WOD...make-up name it...we can do it!

Warm-Up as you wish...

Take 10 Min. to establish a 2 RM

REST 4min...

AMRAP in 15 min:
200m Run*
12 Burpees
12 Wall Ball
*odd rnds = 1 lap / even rnds = 2 laps (due to 1.5 laps being 200m)

Britt ~ 175# / 5rnds + 10 WB
Kate ~ 105# / 5rnds + 11 Burp
Feidt ~ 135# / 5rnds + 8 Burp

VAL did yesterdays Warm-Up and WOD...
22:50 thru 4/70 @ 135#...awsome work...on track for an under 30min finish!!!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Here we go again...Looks the same...

Why would you want anything different?
This is how you feel ALIVE...can I or can't I

Warm-Up ~ 
2 Rnds:
2 Laps (200m Run)
15 GHD Sit Ups
15 Hip Extension
10 Strict Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
10 Rev. Lunges (Sampson Stretch)
10 Step Thrus
10 OHS
10 Band Pull Aparts

Futuristic Lover
Front Squats* (225#/155#=Elite / 185#/135#=Ave)
*NO RACKS...Must be taken from the ground!

ALT WOD (if you are hurting from Yesterday)
Box Jumps
Deadlift (135#/95#)
Swings (55#/35#)

JB ~ ??? (Alt. WOD)
Steve-O ~ ??? (Alt. WOD)
STAN ~ 13:30 (24" / 115# DL)
Daliege ~ 13:45 (20" / 95#)

SimO ~ 37:55 (135# / D/U thru 50...3 x singles with 60 on up)
Britt ~ 31:30 ~ (155#)
tb ~ 30:12 (195#)

Video from Yesterdays WOD:
IMPRESSIVE is not even enough

Monday, February 18, 2013

Need more L-Sit...

We need to add more L-Sit to everything we do...
Post WOD would be it is very tiring

"The L-Sit is little known outside the gymnastics community but may be the most effective ab exercise.  Athletes who have developed their L-Sit to the point where they can hold it for three minute subsequently find all other ab work easy."
~ Coach Glassman.

Burgener Warm-Up x6 (45#) / x 4 (@ 65#/55#)
Snatch Tech work to work upto Wt.

#1) Snatch 
3 x Max Reps TnG (Touch & Go)
* no regripping / Rest 2 Minutes b/t sets

#2) Box Squat
3 x 3 (across)
* boxes set @ parallel

#3) Heavy JET FUEL
10-9-8...3-2-1 JERK (205# /145#=Elite / 155#/105#=Ave)
2-4-6...16-18-20 Pull Ups

#4) L-Sit
Acquire 120 sec. of L-Sit

Feidt ~ 10-6-5 (@125#) / 245# / 27:30 (155#)
JB ~ 8-3-7 (@135-155) / 245# / ???
Val ~ 7-5-6 (@105#) / 165# / 16:25 (thru 5) ...then... 8:52 (4 thru 1) (@125#)
tb ~ 8-7-6 (@ 155#) / 275# / 32:50 (195#) / no L-Sit

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Alternate WOD Site...

Going to a PL meet on a Saturday morning... Need a WOD???
Syd, Penguin & I did a WOD during a rules meeting a few years ago in the Dells...
Necedah has been utilized!

Val & I worked out as weigh-ins took place...
It is just a great feeling to start off the day to have a WOD!
Especially when you are going to watch people lift the entire day as it is...

Leg Blaster Warm-Up
Burgener Warm-Up
Clean work 2-3 sets of 3-5 reps

#1) For Time:
15 Cleans (185#/135#)
10/7 Muscle Ups (sub was 3 C2B+2Dips = 1 M.U. / must be 3+2 each rep!)
300/200 D/U

#2) 3 RFT ~
9 Snatch (95#/65#) *G2O snatch-style, can be muscle snatch, pwr snatch, etc
3 x 20m Shuttle (down & back is one / 120m each rnd)

#3) 1 Min Max Stationary Bike / 1 Min Rest / 1 Min Max Stationary Bike

Val ~ 10:20 (3+2 / 200) / 4:01 / Bike=check
tb ~ 10:35 (bar M.U. / 300) / 4:25 / Bike=check

Friday, February 15, 2013

Sleepin' In

Was a day of sleeping in today...

Britt, JB & Feidt went after the early AM WOD...
Yesterdays AMRAP in 18min...

Not sure of the results...this is somewhat what I remember
from the conversation this morning
Britt ~ ???
Fiedt ~ 6 Rnds + ??
JB ~ 7 Rnds + 15 BJ

~ Strict
~ Rest as needed b/t

AMRAP in 12min:
50 Squats
30 Push Ups
15 Pull Ups

Reverse Tabata (10 on:20 off)

Val ~ 3(green)+7(p+g) / 5(green)+9(p+g) / 1(g)+2(p+g)
3 Rounds
L-Sits ~ Check!
STAN ~ 10(p+g) / 13(p) / 11(p)
3 Rounds + 70 reps
tb ~ 3 + 10(purp) / 5 + 7(purp) / 1 + 5 (purp)
3 Rounds + 42 reps
L-Sits ~ Check!

Workout coming from Necedah Sat. AM

Thursday, February 14, 2013

12.3 AGAIN?!?!

Here we are AGAIN...

Just two weeks ago (following a different programmer) we performed this very workout HERE (Stan/Des/Kate/Britt) or HERE (syd/val)!

This was/is an awesome test to see if/what we can improve...

I purposely did not look back at my score before the workout...
Interesting results...

Keep in mindWarm-up...Day before WOD/Rest...taking bar off rack...T2B/Box Jump Ht...all make a difference...
ALSO, if you read yesterdays BLOG...
NO ONE CARES ... (but YOU should...privately)

Warm-Up ~ 
50 Air Squats & 400m Run
Snatch/Front Squat Tech.

OTM for 10min (for Load)
Odd: 1 Power Snatch + 1 Squat Snatch
Even: 2 Front Squats (from rack)
* You may add/subtract wt during rnd

12.3 CF Open WOD (again)
AMRAP in 18min:
15 Box Jumps (24/20)
12 Push Press (115#/75#)

3 Giant Sets:
6 Goodmornings (mod. wt.)
9 Muscle Snatches (mod. wt.)
12 Band Pull Aparts

STAN ~ 8 Rnds (75#)
Daliege ~ 6 Rnds (75#) + I think...
Stev-O ~ Form / 6 + 5 (2 Blue / 65# (K2E) [221 reps]
Sim-O ~ ?? / 6 + 22 (95#) [238 reps]
Des ~ Sn=45-65 / FS=65-115 / 6+16 (K2E)
Hans ~ Sn=135-115 / FS=135-175 / 7 + 15 [267 reps]
Val ~ Sn= 95-100 / FS=95-135 / 6 + 29 [245 reps]
tb ~ Sn=130-160 /FS=185-225 / 7 + 18 [270 reps]

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Quite Possibly...
is in the last line of this post!!!

taken from Josh Bunch owner of Practice CrossFit

Read this and post your thoughts to comments!

CF OPEN is just 3 Weeks AWAY...I am very excite!

FOR US FIRST TIMERS [below is taken from Ben Bergeron (CFNE)]

Your goal is to compete in Regionals.  You need to do everything in your power during the Open to ensure you secure a spot at the next level.  Your objective is to maximize your Open Score.  Because of this its OK to take extra rest, practice movements instead of training for GPP, or hit the WODs more than once during the five week Open.  You will do the Open WODs twice per week on Thursday and Sunday to maximize recovery.  We have seen big improvements with a second attempt within a week, but see diminished results with a third attempt.
Here is your schedule:

Mon: Training
Tue:  Training
Wed: Rest Day
Fri:  Training
Sat:  Rest


Burgener Warm Up ~ 6 reps @ 45# / 4 reps @ 75#

OTM for 20 Min:
Even = 5 Power Snatches (choose your weight)
Odd = 50 D/U

Feidt ~ 115# 
Britt ~ 115# - good thru 10min...then adjusted
Des ~ 55#
Kate ~ 65# - 1min of singles
Hansen ~ 135# - went to 3 & 30 after 10th Minute

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Sir, May I have another...

Warm-Up on your own... recommended is Leg Blaster 
(20 Air Squats / 20Lunges / 20 Split Jumps / 10 Jumping Air Squats)

Front Squats + Push Jerk + Front Squat + Split Jerk
* Use the Rack
~ Work to heaviest set...

Sir, May I have another...
For Time:
20 Clean & Jerks (155# / 105#)
800m Run
20 Clean & Jerks (155# / 105#)

2min Max Cal. Stationary Bike (next to stepper)
~ quick extra resistance

STAN ~ xx / 8:48 (@95#) / 89 cal.
Des ~ 110# / 13:45 (@90#) / 82 cal.
Stev-O ~ form / 11:15 (@75#) / xx
Simo ~ 145# / 12:19 (@125#) / 99 cal.
Britt ~ 185# / 13:01 (@135#) / 87 cal.
Feidt ~ 185# / 11:59 (@135#) / xx
El Tigre ~ ?? / 11:00 / xx
tb ~ 205# / 11:02 / 87 cal.

Val ~ 145# / 9:42 / 75 cal

Monday, February 11, 2013

Mile + 9min

1 Mile Run for time

Rest 5 Min...

AMRAP in 9 Min:
12 Deadlifts (275#/185#)
24 Pull Ups
36 Walking Lunges

3 GIANT Sets (supersets)
45 Abmat Sit Ups
30 Back Extensions
15 Band Pull Aparts
* Perform these 3 w/ no rest b/ as you prefer b/t sets!

Des ~ xx/ 1+7 pull ups (145#)
STAN ~ 6:45 / 2 (155#)
Simo ~ 8:ish / 1+14 pull ups (225#)
Stev-O ~ 8:15 / 1
Kate ~ 7:25 / 1+24 pull ups (135#/purple)
Britt ~ 7:00 / 1+6 pull ups (255#)
Val ~ 7:31 / 1+24 pull ups
Feidt ~ 7:55 / 2 (225#)
tb ~ 7:57 / 2+1 DL

Sunday, February 10, 2013

2012 Games Chipper is an odd day to get a workout in...

BUT... In order to prepare for the open...we need to change things up...

This week is 3on - 1off (Wed) - 3 on...
Join as you wish...there will be a WOD posted every day this week...
Workout as it fits your schedule...

2012 Games Chipper...Heat 3 Women & Men

2012 Crossfit Games Chipper
For Time:
10 OHS (155/105)
10 Box Jump-Overs (24/20)
10 Thrusters (135/95)
10 Power Ceans (205/125)
10 TTB
10 Burpee to Muscle Up
10 TTB
10 Power Ceans (205/125)
10 Thrusters (135/95)
10 Box Jump-Overs (24/20)
10 OHS (155/105)

Val ~ 16:26
tb ~ 16:36

Friday, February 8, 2013

Brought to you By...BB

No, not Bucket Bombers...

Friday is here...Last WOD this week...Saturday is a REST day this week...
BUT...We will be working out on SUNDAY - AFTER Bombers!!! Enjoy your Saturday!!!

Read this on "WOD meditation" and reflect...thoughts?
Post to comments...if you have some!!!

2 Rnds of BB Complex (65-75 / 45-55)
(6 reps @ each ~ DL / Up.Row / Hng Pwr Clean / Frnt Sqt / Push Press / Bck Sqt)

AMRAP in 5 Min:
Squat Clean Thruster (165# / 110#)

4 RFT ~ 
15 GHD Sit Ups
15 Swings (70# / 55#)
30 D/U

GIANT SETS (Supersets)
3 Sets of:
ME GH Raise
ME Ring Rows
ME Band Pull Aparts
*No Rest b/t exercises
** Rest as needed b/t Sets
***ME is maximum effort (simpler form = Failure Set / Max Reps / Etc)

Hansen ~ 19 / 7:47 (Abmat / 65) [back from military...nice to see him!]
SimO ~ 21 (@115#) / 11:32 (abmat / 60#)
Stev-O ~ 40 (@45 & 65) / 10:40 (abmat/35# KB) improving!!!
Kate ~ 35 (@ 75#) / 10:39 (abmat / 100 singles / 45#)
Britt ~ 16 (@155#) / 11:37
Feidt ~ 15 (@ 155#) / 10:56 (pike abmats)
Tonn ~ 18 / 9:50
Bertag ~ 22 / 11:34
tb ~ 22 / 9:08

I (tb) purposely did not as JB what he got (he & hansen went early) cause he looked like he was flying in the AMRAP...I was working hard and used some for motivation, but still was dead by the end...working to get "one more rep" and refusing to look at the clock...

We tied...first thoughts were crap, unbelievable, awesome!

Tonn ~ 
1/25 Back Ext - 4 - 20
7 p - 8 p - 17
14 p - 10 - 20
tb ~ 
9 - 20 - 17
6/4p - 17 - 15
7/4p - 17 - 16

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Something Different...

Well...that was a different way to start a Thursday!
It has been MANY months since there has actually been a Thursday WOD...

ARMS were going to fall off...
Ahhh, I remember LYNNE! And we got reacquainted in a hurry.  She also reminds you how pathetic you are at bench press and pull ups!!! What a slap in the face!
Really though, she is a Nice Lady!!!  Much better than Fran or Cindy...Lynne makes you feel tired and all pumped-up inside at the same time.  The "beach muscles" in the arms & chest get all puffy when you hang around Lynne...Oh, what a feeling...

Burgener Warm-Up 45# (6) & 65# (4)

3 x ME TNG (touch & go) @ 80% 1RM

Establish a 1 RM

5 Rnds for Total Reps
ME Bench Press (Bdywt)
ME Strict Pull Ups*
*If you do not get 10 reps, move to kipping, then to banded...
REST 3MIN b/t rounds...NO REST(30s or less) b/t bench & pull ups

4 RFT (Burner) ~ 
12 Calorie Row (sub is 50 Low Row @ 75#...use cardboard on bench to slide)
6 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (24"/20")
jumping onto the box is allowed, but not required!

Val & I did Part 1 = Snatch & LYNNE in AM...
Val ~ 4-5-5 (95#) / 85#BP ~ 12-1+8k / 7-4k+? / 7-15p / 5-15p / 6-11p [37 - 1+12k+41p]
tb ~ 9-10-9 (135#) / 190#BP ~ 16-10 / 8-10 / 8-6 / 6-8 / 6-6 [44 - 40]
STAN ~ 10(135#)-7+3k / 7(155)-7+3k / 4(185)-7+3k / 7(155)-5+2k / 6(155)-7+3k [34+32+14k]
STAN ~ 13:55 for the Burner
k = kipping / p=purple band

Part 2 Coming after School ~
F.S. & Burner

Val ~ 165# FS / 6:25 (35reps @ 50#)
tb ~ 265# FS / 7:32 (35reps @ 75#)

*** I think the Low Rows are tougher than 12 calorie rowing...WE NEED TO GET SOME ROWERS!!!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Wednesday is a new day!!! CHAOS!

Due to the fact that this is a regular day for some of us... (those of you that have M-W-F WOD plans)... and will soon be a REST/ACTIVE RECOVERY day for those of us that are involved in the CF OPEN.

Wednesday's have now changed... I will continue to post a WOD for those wanting one...OR, as was the case today...
Chris & Kate did Tuesday WOD
Britt did the posted WOD
Des, Val & I did Active Rest (Sealgrinder PT)


Warm-Up ~
2 Rnds ~ 2 Laps, 10 Push Ups, 5 Pull Ups, 5 Bear Complex (45#), 5 T2B

On The Minute (OTM) for 20 Min:
3 Hang Squat Cleans (95#/65#)
6 Burpees

Britt ~ Did workout as Rx!  Looked like a good one!
Des, Val & tb ~ Sealgrinder PT & Stretch
Yesterdays WOD (Power Drill)
Kate ~ 37:27 (3:50-4:40-5:30-5:50-5:37)
Feidt ~ 38:45 (4:10-4:30-5:48-6:08-6:09)

Great work by all this AM... Felt a little "all over the place", but everyone was working...Awesome!!!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Power Drill

Couldn't say it better myself...Read HERE

3 Rnds Frog Complex (75-95# / 45-65#)
*Frog Complex is 6 Reps (1 Rep = Squat Clean to Thruster to Back Squat to Thruster)
then rest as needed (60-90s)

15 Min to Establish a 1RM Clean & Jerk

Power Drill
5 Rnds for Total Time:
10 Power Clean (135#/95#)
15 Burpees
20 KB Swings (55#/35#)
25 Wall Ball (20#/14#)
*REST EXACTLY 3 Min b/t rounds...

Des ~ 120# / 26:30 (3 Rnds)
Britt ~ 205 (Fail) / 23:43 (3 Rnds) (4:50-6:16-6:37)
SimO ~ 30:10 (3 Rnds)
StevO ~ 6:30 (1 Rnd)
Stan ~ 33:45 (95# HPC) (4:31-4:44-4:45-4:45-3:00)
tb ~ 205# / 38:11 (4:30-4:57-5:15-5:54-5:35)

Monday, February 4, 2013

Getting Ready...Always Ready?!

In anticipation of the OPEN WOD's which will be posted every Wednesday, from March 6 to April 3.

We have until Sunday to perform and submit the WOD!  I am thinking Thursday...AM's or PM's are our best bet for the WOD...getting it done...not thinking about strategy, times, etc. 
ALSO, if you want a re-do at the thing, you could rest a day (or two) and have at it again (don't think I would, but you never know).

Leg Blaster
Burgener Warm-Up

Halting Snatch DL ~ 3 x 2 (60s Rest)
* halt/hold @ knee for a 3-cnt, then again @ "pockets" w/ shoulders over bar for 3-cnt, then stand erect.

Halting Power Snatch ~ 3 x 2 (60s Rest)
* same as DL, but Power Snatch from "pocket" position...

7 Rnds for Time:
7 OHS (95#/65#)
7 Burpee Box Jumps (20")

STAN ~ X / X / 12:40 (65#)
SimO ~ X / X / 11:32
Des ~ 85# / 65# / 11:57
Feidt ~ 205# / 135# / 10:48
Kate ~ 85# / 65# / 10:21
Britt ~ 205# / 135# / 8:58
tb ~ 205# / 125# / 8:17 / 50# (3x15 Rev. Hypers w/ 60s Rest)
Val ~ 155# / 95# / 9:33

Yoga Thursday.

Saturday, February 2, 2013


We have done Tri's, 1/2 Marathons, Lung Climbs, Tough Mudders, Mud Runs, 5K's, Fun Runs, Polar Plunge... Com'on people!!!
TRY ANYTHING...Be daring...put yourself out there. Register HERE

Time to re-read the description below the blog title...what does that mean to you?
Certainly not the below statements & comments?!

I won't do any good...why waste $20! 
~ You waste $20 a month on other frivolous crap...why not put it to good use with friends
I am not ready! 
~ Really...when would you be!!!??? Did this come as a surprise...
I will just do the workouts with you, and compare to the leaderboard...
~ Plain and simple...WIMP... Put yourself out there (for all to see!)!!!

AMRAP Saturday...

Leg Blaster Warm-Up
20 Air Squats
20 Standing Lunges (L=1, R=2, etc)
20 Lunge Jumps
10 Jumping Air Squats
* Goal is to do these unbroken

AMRAP in 5 Min:
Bear Complex (95#/65#)
1 Rep = Power Clean + Front Squat + Push Press + Back Squat + Push Press
but looks more like Squat Clean + Thruster + Back Squat to Thruster

AMRAP in 5 Min:
8 Plate G2O (45#/35#)
16 Abmat Sit Ups
(24 Reps / Round)
AMRAP in 5 Min:
20 Jumping Pull Ups
15 Air Squats
10 HR Push Ups
(45 Reps / Round)
*1-2 min Rest b/t AMRAPS

Bertag ~ 25 reps / 3 rnds + 21 reps / 3 rnds + 14 reps
Ethan ~ 17 reps / 3 rnds + 23 reps / 3 rnds + 24 reps
Des ~ 17 reps / 5 rnds + 1 reps (HUGE!!!) / 4 rnds + 6 reps
tb ~ 22 reps / 4 rnds + 12 reps / 2 rnds + 38 reps

Jumping Pull Ups were KILLING ME!!!
Reps...Reps...Reps...Got to be able to move BWT effectively and efficiently!

Des came in just as we (E, JB & tb) finished...Did these by herself...STUD!!!

THE Afternoon... after school?!?! if that is what we call the adult version of it...

Val ~ 23 @ 75# / 5 rnds + 4 reps / 4 rnds + 8 reps - felt frickn awesome and the morning numbers were awesome to have to push me harder- THANKS guys!! The 75# was a mistake- I assumed wrong, which was a good thing.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Open Up...

Another Open WOD ... 12.4 to be exact!

Warm-Up ~
Leg Blaster ~ 20 Air Squats, 20 Lunges, 20 Jump Lunges, 10 Jumping Air Squats
Sotts Press (watch HERE) ~ 4 x 6 Reps... increase wt, if possible

Open WOD 12.4
AMRAP in 12 Min:
150 Wall Balls
90 D/U
30 Muscle Ups

Britt ~ 65# / 3 Muscle Ups
Des ~ 66 D/U
STAN ~ did singles (complete)
Bertag ~ 3 rounds of 3 Pull Ups, 3 Dips
tb ~ 75# / 1 Muscle Up

We need to continue to work on warm-up activities that will tax the bodyweight system...tabata, 100 reps of squat, lunge etc... Leg Blaster is perfect for now, but we really need to get use to this... It should take nothing for us to rep-out 50 or so squats, burpees, push ups, etc...the sooner these #'s become warm-up #'s the sooner we will become good Crossfitters!  I AM NOT...these #'s burn me...I need to work on them...
Pistols, Leg Blaster, Burpees, Air Squats (100), Push Ups, Pull Ups, Moutain Climbers, etc
We need to do these the next few weeks...EVERYDAY... Get use to it!

Entered...OH YEA!!!
V.Tonn is TOO!!!
No Hepp (Nobles is...btw), Syd, Britt, Des, Feidt...WTF!?!?!?
I would expect it from JB...
Penguin...get on it!!!