It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Something Different...

Well...that was a different way to start a Thursday!
It has been MANY months since there has actually been a Thursday WOD...

ARMS were going to fall off...
Ahhh, I remember LYNNE! And we got reacquainted in a hurry.  She also reminds you how pathetic you are at bench press and pull ups!!! What a slap in the face!
Really though, she is a Nice Lady!!!  Much better than Fran or Cindy...Lynne makes you feel tired and all pumped-up inside at the same time.  The "beach muscles" in the arms & chest get all puffy when you hang around Lynne...Oh, what a feeling...

Burgener Warm-Up 45# (6) & 65# (4)

3 x ME TNG (touch & go) @ 80% 1RM

Establish a 1 RM

5 Rnds for Total Reps
ME Bench Press (Bdywt)
ME Strict Pull Ups*
*If you do not get 10 reps, move to kipping, then to banded...
REST 3MIN b/t rounds...NO REST(30s or less) b/t bench & pull ups

4 RFT (Burner) ~ 
12 Calorie Row (sub is 50 Low Row @ 75#...use cardboard on bench to slide)
6 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (24"/20")
jumping onto the box is allowed, but not required!

Val & I did Part 1 = Snatch & LYNNE in AM...
Val ~ 4-5-5 (95#) / 85#BP ~ 12-1+8k / 7-4k+? / 7-15p / 5-15p / 6-11p [37 - 1+12k+41p]
tb ~ 9-10-9 (135#) / 190#BP ~ 16-10 / 8-10 / 8-6 / 6-8 / 6-6 [44 - 40]
STAN ~ 10(135#)-7+3k / 7(155)-7+3k / 4(185)-7+3k / 7(155)-5+2k / 6(155)-7+3k [34+32+14k]
STAN ~ 13:55 for the Burner
k = kipping / p=purple band

Part 2 Coming after School ~
F.S. & Burner

Val ~ 165# FS / 6:25 (35reps @ 50#)
tb ~ 265# FS / 7:32 (35reps @ 75#)

*** I think the Low Rows are tougher than 12 calorie rowing...WE NEED TO GET SOME ROWERS!!!

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