It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Need more L-Sit...

We need to add more L-Sit to everything we do...
Post WOD would be it is very tiring

"The L-Sit is little known outside the gymnastics community but may be the most effective ab exercise.  Athletes who have developed their L-Sit to the point where they can hold it for three minute subsequently find all other ab work easy."
~ Coach Glassman.

Burgener Warm-Up x6 (45#) / x 4 (@ 65#/55#)
Snatch Tech work to work upto Wt.

#1) Snatch 
3 x Max Reps TnG (Touch & Go)
* no regripping / Rest 2 Minutes b/t sets

#2) Box Squat
3 x 3 (across)
* boxes set @ parallel

#3) Heavy JET FUEL
10-9-8...3-2-1 JERK (205# /145#=Elite / 155#/105#=Ave)
2-4-6...16-18-20 Pull Ups

#4) L-Sit
Acquire 120 sec. of L-Sit

Feidt ~ 10-6-5 (@125#) / 245# / 27:30 (155#)
JB ~ 8-3-7 (@135-155) / 245# / ???
Val ~ 7-5-6 (@105#) / 165# / 16:25 (thru 5) ...then... 8:52 (4 thru 1) (@125#)
tb ~ 8-7-6 (@ 155#) / 275# / 32:50 (195#) / no L-Sit

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