It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Open Up...

Another Open WOD ... 12.4 to be exact!

Warm-Up ~
Leg Blaster ~ 20 Air Squats, 20 Lunges, 20 Jump Lunges, 10 Jumping Air Squats
Sotts Press (watch HERE) ~ 4 x 6 Reps... increase wt, if possible

Open WOD 12.4
AMRAP in 12 Min:
150 Wall Balls
90 D/U
30 Muscle Ups

Britt ~ 65# / 3 Muscle Ups
Des ~ 66 D/U
STAN ~ did singles (complete)
Bertag ~ 3 rounds of 3 Pull Ups, 3 Dips
tb ~ 75# / 1 Muscle Up

We need to continue to work on warm-up activities that will tax the bodyweight system...tabata, 100 reps of squat, lunge etc... Leg Blaster is perfect for now, but we really need to get use to this... It should take nothing for us to rep-out 50 or so squats, burpees, push ups, etc...the sooner these #'s become warm-up #'s the sooner we will become good Crossfitters!  I AM NOT...these #'s burn me...I need to work on them...
Pistols, Leg Blaster, Burpees, Air Squats (100), Push Ups, Pull Ups, Moutain Climbers, etc
We need to do these the next few weeks...EVERYDAY... Get use to it!

Entered...OH YEA!!!
V.Tonn is TOO!!!
No Hepp (Nobles is...btw), Syd, Britt, Des, Feidt...WTF!?!?!?
I would expect it from JB...
Penguin...get on it!!!

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