It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Saturday, November 30, 2013


TEAMS of two...

25 Burpee Box Jumps
50 Hollow Rocks

TEAMS of Two
AMRAP in 15min:
5 Snatches (115#/80#)
10 Wall Balls (20#/14#)
One partner completes a round while the other rests...
Each partner must complete the breaking this up!

Cool Down ~ Finish Burpees

tb (115#) & val (80#) ~ 20 Rounds + 10 Reps (310 Reps)

Bertag (115#) & Oz ~ 22 Rounds Complete!!! (330 Reps)

Friday, November 29, 2013

Black(out) Friday

Black(out) Friday!
If you were not careful...
Both Oz & I had the black stars going in this WOD...
we were both going dizzy and ready to fall over at one time or another...
REMEMBER to breath when doing heavier weights. That always helps!


2 Rnds:
20 Narrow Squats (feet together & squat)
10 Push Ups
10 Roll to Candlestick

2 Rnds:
10 Straddle Sit Ups (same as pike sit ups, just wide feet)
30 Sec. Straddle Hold (stretch)
10 Pike Sit Ups
30 Sec. Pike Hold (stretch)

6 Rnds:
30 Sec Max Air Squats
30 Sec. REST
30 Sec. Max Burpees
30 Sec. REST

WOD ~ Black(out) Friday
Up-Ladder w/ Partner ~ 3...6...9...12...etc.
AMRAP in 8 Minutes:
Deadlift (275#/185#)
Strict C2B Pull Ups

One partner does 3 DL & 3 C2B, then the other Partner does 3 & 3, first does 6&6 and so on...

Cool Down:
Finish 100 Burpees for the day (left over of what we got in Pre-WOD)

Squats ~ 23-25-25-24-22-25 (144)
Burpees ~ 12-13-12-12-11-13 (73) (TOTAL of 217)
60 Total Reps in AMRAP...Full thru 12's!!! (155# & Kipping C2B)

Squat ~ 25-24-23-21-23-22 (138)
Burpee ~ 14-13-14-12-13-13 (79) (TOTAL of 217)
52 Total Reps (275# & on 9 set & final 4 were just strict Pull Ups)...whew!

8th Grade WOD
4 Rnds:
25 Burpees
10 Pull Ups
15 Deadlift (135#/95#)

Ryan A ~ 29:16 (95#)
Drake ~ 24:40 (135#)

Thursday, November 28, 2013


We all have so much to be thankful for!
Friends, Family, Jobs, Community, Health, Mind, Freedom & Opportunity, Faith, etc...
Sit down and take the time to reflect on what you are thankful for ~ make a list if you need, but keep these things in your mind!  Having trouble...CLICK HERE or HERE

When your days get too busy, life is getting the better of you...sit back and reflect on these things!  With all we have & do...don't let burning the candle at both ends, hustle & bustle, fast & furious style of life get in the way of ALL the positive that surrounds you!  SLOW will wait for you! And if some of those things don't wait for you in life, then maybe you were meant to let them go in order to make more room for the Positive and that in which you are thankful for.

Turkey Trot ~ (ANYthing Once Style)
For Time:
800m Run
50 Burpees
800m Run
35 Pull Ups
800m Run
20 Thrusters (135#/95#)
800m Run
35 Pull Ups
800m Run
50 Burpees
800m Run
Little Gobbler Variations
* Modify Reps, Weight, Distance however you would like...but keep it challenging!!!
Some Examples:
300-500m Runs
25 Burpees
Modified Pull Ups (Banded, Feet Up, or Supine)
40-50 reps (choose one):
Wall Balls / Med Ball Cleans / Squat Cleans / Banded Jumping Air Squats

El Tigre ~ 44:28
Feidt ~ 46:08 (+ extra 1/2 mile with Joni to finish~TEAMWORK & Encouragement!!!)
Joni ~ 52:07 (bands for Pull ups / 45#??)
Syd ~ 53:28 (95#)
Trina & Grace ~ 60min on the gymnastics equipment!
Tyler Wolosek (sole LHS athlete) ~ 48:50 (95#)
tb ~ 49:03

Lil' Gobblers (8th graders)
Drake B ~ 37:30 (tennis court / 65#)
Cameron F ~ 38:11 (tennis court / 45# / bar pull ups)
Ryan A ~ 35:51 (4x back circle / 2x tennis court / 45# / bar pull ups)

ANYthing Once ~ WR Turkey Trotters

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Turkey Day is Coming

Come one...come ALL...lets start Turkey Day out right!!!
With the ANYthing Once Turkey Trot...
We will begin the festivities @ 9am at LHS Wt. Room...

Bring yourself, your friend and/or your family...

Turkey Trot for the daring (3 Miles of Running broken up by some exercises)
ALSO, we will have all sorts of Little Gobblers versions (scale-able options) will be available!!!

ANYthing Once ~ Turkey Trot
800m Run
50 Burpees
800m Run
35 Pull Ups
800m Run
20 Thrusters (135#/95#)
800m Run
35 Pull Ups
800m Run
50 Burpees
800m Run

ALL RUNS & EXERCISES ARE SCALE-ABLE (we can change to fit your ability!!!)
Come enjoy the sweat!!!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Rock & Row...

Well...sort of!!!
This WOD did Rock. It rocked you really hard. Tested your limits and mental toughness like non-other.

In the "normal" world of the WOD you "test" the first two minutes as follows:
Perform as many burpees as possible in 40 20, then Row for Cals for 40 20...for the remaining 28 minutes try to match those numbers...if you fail, keep working to get to those numbers!


We went with Bergeron's recommendation for OPEN athletes at 15 Burpees and 15 Calories...
Tough Stuff!!!
Most modified it somewhere along the way! ALL were working their butts off and testing the limits...
ALL were encouraging others while working thru the pain of victory!!!
NONE of you should feel Shame or Agony (of defeat)...WE GOT BETTER TODAY!!!


EMOM for 30 Min:
odd = 15 Burpees
even = 15 Cal Row
(or alternate with a partner)

10 x 10 ~ Slow OHS (45#/35#)
work Form & Technique

Completed 30 Min of work:
tb ~ Row first / Burpees second...sets are as follows:

Monday, November 25, 2013

Thanksgiving Week

ANYthing Once ~ Turkey Trot
Thursday, Nov. 28
9am @ LHS
EVERYONE is Welcome

Leg Blaster / Superman Push Ups / Bridging

For Time:
100 D/U
10 Muscle Ups
20 Squat Clean to Thruster (155#/105#)
10 Muscle Ups
100 D/U

There were many variations for the Muscle Ups...some did just Pull Ups, others varied their pull ups and dips...

Kate ~ 27:00 (90# / 400singles / Purple band for PU & Dips 15/30)
Feidt ~ 22:18 (135# / 20pull/30dips)
Des ~ 18:00 (75#/ Purple band 15/30)
Oz ~ 105# / 20 Pull Ups)
JB - 24ish
tb ~ 18:25

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Did you break?..

"Open 11.5"
20min AMRAP

5 Power Cleans (155/110)
10 TTB
15 WB (20/14)

Rnds + Reps = Total
red - 6 + 5 / 185 (85#)
urbs - 5 + 25 / 175
oz - 6 + 6 / 186 (135#)
stan - 8 / 240 (110#)
val - 6 + 25 / 205
tb - 8 + 8 / 248

Well.  That was fun.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Runnin' Rebels

From yesterday:
#1 = Syd (Tornado)
#2 = Oz (Dog...German Shorthair)

Warm-Up (in no order / break-up as you wish):
50 Burpees
25 Wall Crawl (Handstand Wall Climb)
2 Min L-Sit / L-Sit Progression (accumulate 2 min total)

4 RFT ~
400m Run
4 Muscle Ups (6-8 C2B + 8-10 Dips)
40 D/U

2 Min Max Rep D/U
1 Min REST
2 Min Max Rep D/U

STAN ~ 17:26 (C2B/D & 100 Singles)
Red ~ 17:43 (C2B/D & 80 Singles)
Kent ~ 23:30 (C2B/D) / 20 & 12
Val ~ 18:30 (C3B/D) / 110 & 89
JB ~ 18:30 (bar MU) / 159 & 151
Oz ~ 16:52 (C2B/D) / 86 & 74
tb ~ 15:34 / 154 & 160

Todays Guesses @ Natural Phenomenon (occurrences or disasters) and/or Animal:

Do you know your Friends???

#1) there any need to describe????
The calm after the storm.. - the ability to encourage/laugh with those around me at the end of an awful WOD There is really only a certain degree of visibility in order to view the phenomenon and the opportunity only lasts for a short amount of time...(greatness comes in short successes with a substantial amount of time in-between them)

#2) Adolescent Female Black Bear...loud & strong, with short bursts of energy and a desire to eat & sleep
I intimidate others but I am more afraid of them than they should be of me. OR Mama Black Bear - quick to jump on someone who gets in the way of the others

#3) Mt. St. Helen eruption in the 80s:
I might be slow and predictable, but when I blow there will be an impact

#4) Avalanche. I may not look like I am moving fast, but try to out run me!
Also, I am very powerful and destructive.

#5) Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are flashes of gamma rays associated with extremely energetic explosions that have been observed in distant galaxies.
The disaster and explosions I have been causing may be observed at a distance from the AO weight room (WR to Point) similar to the energetic GRB explosions observed in distant galaxies.
While these disasters and explosions to this point have been occurring at a distance and harmless to WR, if one occurred nearby in the presence of several reoccurring natural disasters in the AO weight room, the effects would be devastating.
My energy bursts can last from ten milliseconds to several minutes, similar to GRBs.
Current orbiting satellites detect about one gamma-ray burst a day, which is a good frequency to mimic.


Monday, November 18, 2013

Up Ladder

Here we go...

Holiday STREAK Challenge Survey
With 9 Responses in we are at
4 votes for 1 mile Run & 100 Buprees
5 votes for 100 burpees
(Britt, Urbs, Maloney, Syd, Oz, Urbs, Bertag, Val, tb)

If you want the Survey Post to comments and I will send it to you...

Who Am I?
1) I think I would have to be a tornado for the following reasons: I rarely show up in the fall and winter, I can be unpredictable, and when conditions are right I am unstoppable causing mass destruction

2) Dog: German Shorthair
Reasoning: German. Loyal. Friendly when they get to know you. An easy care coat. Needs vigorous exercise and craves mental and physical challenges
Post Answers to Comments...if it is you...feel free to answer and throw others off ;-)

Leg Blaster / Superman Push Ups / Bridging (combine however you wish)
Burgener W.U. w/ bar

Stairway to Heaven (CFNE)
AMRAP in 7 Minutes:
3...6...9...12...etc (Up Ladder of:)
Snatch (115# / 80#)


Britt ~ 12 Rnds + 7 snatch (67 reps / @95#)
Redd ~ 9 Rnds + 4 snatch (40 reps / ??#)
STAN ~ 12 Rnds + 5 burpees (65 reps / @85#)
Des ~ 9 Rnds + 6 sqt-clean (42 reps / sub: Sqt-Cleans)
Kate ~ 12 Rnds + 1 snatch (@70# / 61 reps)
JB ~ 12 Rnds + 5 snatch (65 reps) / 2K Row Post-WOD
Feidt ~ 12 Rnds + 5 snatch (65 reps)
Kent ~ 12 Rnds (60 reps) / 165#
Urbs ~ 9 Rnds + 6 burpees (56 reps) / 145#
tb ~ 12 Rnds + 8 burpees (83 reps) / 165#
Oz- 12 +1 burpee (95#) / 3rnds tabata- abmat/DU/pullups
Val- 12+12 snatch / 3rnds tabata- abmat/DU/pullups
Syd- 15+1 snatch (95#)

Friday, November 15, 2013


Warm-Up ~ 
3 Rnds:
5 Wall Crawl
10 Bridge Ups
15 Burpees

AMRAP in 7 Min:
Wall Balls
EMOM complete 5 Deadlifts (225#/155#)
Begin w/ Wall Balls (6 sets of DL)

3 x 30 Unbroken (U/B) Box Jumps (24/20), games standard
need to be moving, if you must start again...

STAN ~ 102 (@185#)
Des ~ 70ish...lost count (@135#)
Britt ~ 75 (@205#)
Kate ~ 120 (@135#)... Unbelievable...first round of 30...then 15's after that!!!
Feidt ~ 87 (@225#)
tb ~ 91 (@225#) / #1=step-up/jump downs, #2=jump up/jump down, #3=jump up/step-down

Some great responses to the questionnaire!!!

Volcanic Eruption = ???
Rainbow = ???
Thunderstorm = ???
Two have choose Bald Eagles = ?? & ??
And who is the Raccoon???

Throw some answers in comments...Some descriptions coming over the weekend and next week!!!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Holiday STREAK

Alright A.O.

Here is the Challenge...
The Holiday STREAK....not streaker...
STREAK: meaning an uninterrupted series

LHS Student Council is offering this contest for a chance to win a $100 gift certificate...
AND a chance to help these kids goto a Student Council Leadership conference...

Goal ~ Run 1 continuous Mile EACH DAY b/t Thanksgiving (11/28) and New Years (1/1)

COST = $10 (you can purchase a calendar booklet from me in AM weight room or find a S.C. student from L.H.S.)

ANYthing Once version is yet to be decided:
Choice is: 100 Burpees or 1 Mile & 100 Burpees

Todays WOD
Warm-Up ~ Frog Complex / Superman Push Ups / L-Sit

For Time:
C2B Pull Ups
* Run 400m after EACH round

7 x 2 High-Hang Squat Snatch (from pockets)

2 x 10 HBBS (High Bar Back Squat)

STAN ~ 12:52 /
Redd ~ 16:14
Urbs ~ 22:34 (30" box / feet on bar) / Burg. W.U. Work / ??
Kent ~ 19:54 (30" box / Green Band) / Burg. W.U. Work / ??
tb ~ 14:50 / 135-145# / 225#

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


This is not the month or the date...This is the WOD!!!

Today is 11.12.13...How do you like that!!!

Warm-Up ~ Burpees / L-Sit / Wall Crawl

AMRAP in 10 min:
60 Bar Facing Burpees
30 OHS (120#/90#)
10 Muscle Ups

10 x 30 Unbroken D/U (when/if you miss...start that round over!!!)
(if you cannot get 30 UNBROKEN...choose a challenging # that will be tough to get, but attainable)
Another challenge in this is perform the last round for an unbroken FAILURE set!!!

STAN ~ 23 OHS (@85#)
Kent ~ 16 OHS (@95#)
Val ~ 16 OHS (@85#) / 3 misses during the 10 rnds...did not have a miss until round 7...Last round for 64 reps unbroken!
tb ~ 3 Muscle Ups / 4 misses during the 10 rnds...2 misses in 1st round, 2 misses during the 7th round...last round for 94 reps unbroken

Monday, November 11, 2013

Veteran's Day (DT)

Warm Up ~ Leg Blaster / Superman Push Ups / Bridging

5 RFT ~ 
12 Deadlift (155#/105#)
9 Hang Power Cleans (155#/105#)
6 Push Jerks (155#/105#)

In honor of USAF SSgt Timothy P. Davis, 28, who was killed on Feburary, 20 2009 supporting operations in OEF when his vehicle was struck by an IED. Timothy is survived by his wife Megan and one-year old son T.J.

Work to a Heavy 1 Rep

Front Squat 3 x 5, across

STAN ~ 10:32 (@105#) /  Britt ~ 12:45 (@115#) /
Des ~
Kent ~ 17:37 (155#) /
Feidt ~ 13:11 (155#) /
tb ~ 13:14 (155#) / 215# / F.S. this aft.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Heartbreak Kid

Run - Burpees - Wall Crawl - Bridging

Heartbreak Kid (CFNE)
10 Front Squats (185#/135#)
20 C2B
50 D/U

EMOM x 10 ~ 10 TTB (scale to what will work...just get 10 sets in!)

Oz ~ 14:52 (@135#) / 10-8-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7
Kate ~ 17:06 (125# & 200 Singles)...then did yesterdays WOD!!! Whew!!!
Feidt ~
Val ~ 14:34 / 5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5
JB ~ 12:30 / Did TTB
tb ~ 11:55 / 10-10-10-10-10-5-5-5-5-5

I love this stuff!!!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Yoga... with Friends.

We stopped yoga about a year or so ago.
If I reflect back on life there has always come a time when I needed a break from something... and that was when we stopped doing yoga on our Rest day mornings. (aside from Britt & Des- they do it in their dining room) 

So: Time to Start it Back Up!!

Wed PM-
Power Yoga (this is what I love about yoga- the flow and that is power yoga- you are constantly at a hold and go mode)
You want to call yourself out on any kind of ego.  Take power yoga... It will knock you flat on your back.. because you 'think' you are so 'in shape' but your body will tell you different.
Our bodies don't lie to us.  Our minds do.
Our mind justifies things: diet, exercise, sleep, stress.
Everything can have the OK by our mind but it is our bodies that suffers.
Yoga helps your body and your mind have a conversation.  At first- they are screaming but eventually it becomes a soothing, refreshing, reflective, awareness that you gain by being able to listen to your mind and know it is telling you the truth about your body.  That is truly a beautiful conversation to have with yourself.

You know you have been missing something when you are unable to balance, your shoulders burn, your hips are heavy, you are missing the 'deepness' of your breath... you know you have lost the flexibility and the value of full capacity breathing that is necessary to provide balance to your body.

So.. Not that I am holding them accountable for much but these are those that have decided to hang out with me on Wednesday and Thursday evenings:
Power Yoga - Wed:  Kate! / Lisa
Hot Yoga - Thurs: Joni / Jennifer & Traci(maybe a Wed too? :)
Lets hope we can make it to Christmas together!

Super excited for this season! - If anyone has any interest in this or pass the word on to another... it is almost the season of giving (does that ever really end) SO we all know the best gift to give is the gift of good health.... Tarah flexes the session amount or drop ins are $10. (better deal to commit)
OH: Boys are welcome- most of the men do yoga at the hospital... since they are OLD and didn't decide to start yoga when they were younger to help in their aging process!  (JUST SAYIN)

Started this last night.... Crow Pose.  Will get it done by the time Jamaica roles around in February!


Today is a WKCE Test day @ LHS...
11 & 12 graders have a nice 4 day weekend!!!
Where was that when we were in school?!?!
Maybe some of you young pups had it this way...but back in the old days...

Frog Complex (4 rnds)

The River Styx
For Time:
1K Row (1000m) followed immediately by:
Swings (70#/55#)

Clean & Jerk
OTM x 12min ~ 1 Squat Clean & Jerk (75% 1RM)

Back Squat 2 x 3
Front Squat 10 x 1, across

Red ~ 9:40 (35#)
STAN ~ 9:33 (55#)
Oz ~ 10:42 (55#)
JB ~ 10:29 (70#)
tb ~ 10:30 (70#) / 175# / later...

Oz & JB went was great! Off the rowers at the same time...pushing each other thru the 21-15-9...great motivation!!!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

OPEN 11.2

Throwbacks...gotta love 'em!!!

Now if we were only doing the open back in '11.  We might have something to compare this to...

Burpees ~ L-Sit ~ Wall Crawl

AMRAP in 15min:
9 DL (225#/155#)
12 HR Push Ups
15 Box Jumps (24"/20")

Hang Squat Clean
10 x 2 @ 65%-75%

Arnie ~ 5 Rnds (??#)
Redd ~ 7 Rnds + 10 BJ (115#)
Urbs ~ 5 Rnds + 9 DL (189 Reps)
Oz ~ 7 Rnds + 5 DL (257 Reps @185#)
Val ~ 8 Rnds + 1 DL (289 Reps) / 95-115#
tb ~ 7 Rnds (252 Reps) / 155-185#

Quote of the Day:
"Those deadlifts were not even holding me back!" ~ Urbs

Sounding like the old powerlifting stud that he was!!!  It will never be the heavy weights that will hold back Jesse!  He was and is still a STUD with the heavy weights...and when he sets his mind to anything he GETS it! Jesse is working hard and improving daily (like all of us)! But you see it more in the rookies...Looking good man!!! Keep it up!

Monday, November 4, 2013


We "fell back" an hour on Saturday night!  Yesterday the time was screwed up all day for me...
This morning was still the same...It did not seem to be an hour difference to me...Still driving in the dark...
Still a bit sleepy thru the warm-up!!!

Warm-Up ~ Leg Blaster / Superman Push Ups / Bridging (get these in if you can)
I broke up the Leg Blaster with a running lap b/t exercises and finished with 15 Superman Push Ups

2 Sets of Burgener Warm-Up (45#/35# & 65#/45#)

Work to a 1RM (15min Time Limit)

For Time:
30 OHS (115#/80#)
30 TTB
20 Power Snatch (115#/80#)
20 TTB
10 Squat Snatch (115#/80#)
10 TTB

3 x 2, across

STAN ~ 21:50 (85#)
Oz ~ 125# / 14:15 (95#) / 
Urbs ~ 25min (115#/K2E)
Kate ~ 13:31 (65#/K2E)
Val ~ Snatch work / 14:40 (80#) / 155#
Feidt ~ 155# / 12:44 (115#)
tb ~ 185# / 13:14 (115#) / 245#

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Diane & a couple of Friends

Text to Val by me last night...WOD in AM???
Text back...Time???
Me...8 8:30ish
Val was here @ 8am...
tb...8:35! HA... Val ~ "This is ISH??????"


Warm-Up ~ Whatever Val did from 8-8:45 (10min to get changed)
Then it was GO TIME!!!

Deadlift (1225#/155#)

Val ~ 8:34
tb ~ 7:55

Then a good talk for cool down...
Then Val left for X-Country in her NEW TRUCK!!!

I read yesterdays blog...was inspired...Sooooo

J4K&U was performed...Fought thru that 4th round "negativity"! Thought about the Machine we call Feidt!!! All I could think was he was way out in front of me!!!

Ran the Tennis court 400m mark! Rounds 1 & 2 went into Wt room...Rnd 3, 4, 5 out on the Black Pull Up area... Round 6 Finish in Wt. Room...

tb ~ 32:20

Thanks for the inspiration!!! ANYthing Once!!!!

Friday, November 1, 2013

For the Newbs..

Go ahead.. do it... shrug right now (not kidding).. shrug the shoulder in tight, yeah- that is some definite soreness.
We appreciate each other a lot... our own little personalities, the way we encourage or the way we accept encouragement, the definite way some of us have now utilized the ability to turn our names into adjectives..
BUT.. when you get the workout named after you... well, that doesn't happen to just anyone- Must Be Pretty Special (and JB didn't alter it so.... we can thank another for this fantastic fun)

Just 4 Kent & Urbs (i 4got the specific name and will change it when i get it)
6 Rnds 4 Time
400m run
20 burpees
20 pull ups

Kate- 36:48
Redd- 41:20
jb- 1/2 a decade (really.. more like 40min)
Kent- 52:40
Feidt- 34:32
Oz- 34:38
Urbs- 63:15
Val- 42:50

Hate is a word that comes to mind.... thought about it during round 4.  Then I got mad at myself because it isn't that I hated the workout (really), I just hated the focus it had on my weaknesses.  Screw weaknesses; they are like those really awful hang nails that just never, ever go away until you do something about it! So, when are you going to do something about it is the question?

This is a combo that definitely begins to work on you... and you can see the persistence very quickly in those that can excel at this.... kate, oz, jb, and the Feidtster (machine)
Feidt knows how to look his weaknesses in the face and tell them to shove off... look to him for advice, cuz obviously some of us are still trying to figure this out!
Way to go Newbs... you finished.  Remember: It doesn't get easier, you just get better.

Oh. P.S. In case anyone is unsure of their count on the indoor track.. I know where Witt keeps his lap counter if anyone is ever interested... anyone, I mean anyone at all... anyone.