This WOD was a bit Graceish!!! Really getting 30 C & J done just in a different type of order...By TENS!
Interesting...took a bit longer than I anticipated... My "tank" needs to improve!
Warm-Up ~
Movement Prep...need to get back to some basic type of warm-up...
3 RNDS for Time:
10 Power Cleans (135#/95#)
10 Push Jerks (135#/95#)
Work to a 5 RM
~ taken from the ground
EMOM x 7min:
7 Box Jumps (24"/20") + 7 TTB
Des ~ 7:27 (@85#) / Skills = Done
STAN ~ 4:11 (@95#) / Skills = Done
Britt ~ 4:09 (@95#)
tb ~ 4:34 / 185# 5RM Thruster / Skills = Done...last 3 rnds were 8's & I did rebounding BJ the whole time!
6 min and change @#115