It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Thursday, June 12, 2014


About a few things...Summertime & AOWR
You know what that means...

#AOWR #summertimechallenge

Well gang??? What is it going to be???
We have 3 choices:
#1) That good 'ol stand by... 100 Burpees a day!?!?!

#2) D summer challenge ~ As in roman numeral D...that is 500 for those that were unsure.
In our case it means you MUST perform 500 reps a day of Squats, Push Ups & Pull Ups...
*Perform AT LEAST 10 reps of each on every given day (some of you may not have an appropriate place to perform many pull ups from on a daily basis...but this will get you looking for those places where you could at least get your 10 in sometime ~ find that playground or park, use the railing on a stairway at work, get creative and get it done!)

#3) Daily Challenge (you have all day to complete the daily exercise!)
Mon = 100 Burpees
Tue = 300 Air Squats
Wed = 200 Push Ups
Thur = 100 Alternating Pistols / lunges
Fri = 50 HSPU (scale however you need, but work toward the HSPU)
Sat = 100 Pull Ups
Sun = Make-Up Day (Double the # of whatever you missed and get the reps done!)
*all of these can be scaled exercises (mod. pull ups, holding something for the pistols, bands, etc)

Post your thoughts to comments...
AOWR Challenge will be put out and beginning on Monday, June 16th

Warm-Up ~

Escape from Wonderland (last is HERE)
3 RFT ~
75 D/U
50 Air Squats
25 Cal Row

EMOM x 14min:
odd: 5 Front Squats (you choose the wt.)
even: 10 TTB (strict if you can)

Des ~ 16:48
Britt ~ 15:29
SimO ~ 15:54
Witt ~ 24:00
Feidt ~ 14:28 / 185# & 6-8 TTB
tb ~ 11:51 / 185# (rack) & 10 TTB
Val ~ 18:25


  1. E - 3 rds
    225 singles
    50 air squat
    33 burpees + 1

  2. All 3 options would be a good challenge.
    I think with our busy lives 500 reps a day may just be hard to fit in, I know you need to commit the time and make it happen but just being real.
    I kind lean towards burpees, but maybe we dedicate one day a week to option 2 or 3. Or maybe Thursday is a non-burpee day and every Wednesday night someone different from AOWR is responsible for naming the Thursday challenge...

  3. I dislike #3 the least, so I guess I'll go with that one. Variety seems to break it up. Monday will definitely be my least favorite day (sorry Ethan aka the burpee MA-SHEEN!).
