Kate picked it from 'da Hopper...
Imagine all the WOD's she could have picked...
AND she grabbed THIS one!
For Time
100 Air Squats
Then, partition any way you like:
-100 Pull Ups
-200 Push Ups
-300 Air Squats
Then, finish with:
100 Lungesteps
*if you have a 20# vest wear it
(or if you are Maloney...use a 25# Plate for the Squats & Lunges)
Kate (25# Plate for Air Squats & Lunges) ~ 42:33
Feidt (20# Vest) ~ 32:15 (needed 100 Lungesteps to complete, but had to go! HE WAS KILLING IT)
tb (20# Vest) ~ 43:13
My estimated time for Feidt (the Machine) would be 35:56...he would have definitely completed 100 lungesteps in under 4 minutes!
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