It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Shuttle RUN?!?!

15 Cal Row
15 OHS
12 Cal Row
12 Good AM
9 Cal Row
9 Wall Squats
Snatch BBWU
One the 0:00 ~
8 Min to Work to Mod/Heavy Complex
1 Pause OHS
+ 1 OHS

@ the 15:00 begin ~
Every 90s x 6 sets:
3-Position* Squat Snatch
55% - 70%
* 1 = Pockets / 2 = Knees / 3 = Floor

@ the 35:00 Perform:
Within a 5min Window Complete:
30 x 10m Shuttles (15 Down & Backs)
3 Squat Snatches (95#/65#)
6 Bar-Facing Burpees*
*Two Feet back and up together...jump over bar

Z.Wendt ~ 185# / 110-145 / 4rnds + 1 (37 Reps) & 4 rnds + 1 (37 Reps) [74 Total Reps]
tb ~ 185# / 110-145 / 3 Rnds + 5 (32 Reps) & 3 Rnds + 8 Reps (35 Reps) [67 Total Reps]

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Gettin' Ready...

OPEN season is different than any other time of year...
This is our "testing" time... Really see if we have improved or not.
Really we do this everyday, but sleep, nutrition, work, stress, etc can really vary from day to day throughout the year...
THIS time of year...we focus on being our BEST on Fridays (GAMEDAY) and Mondays (Re-Test)...
#1...Friday is not a "trial run" or a "test run"! It is a time to give everything you have and see what you can get.
#2...Monday is a day where you try to improve upon what you did on Friday... Re-do Friday, only smarter...put some strategy and work to your strengths...
#3...HAVE FUN!

That being said...Tue & Wed need to be days where we still make gains. We cannot just peak for 5 weeks...
Again...this is a time where we need to focus on Fridays & Mondays and work hard to make those our best 2 days of work, but NOT neglect the other days...

Slow/Low Intensity (walking pace)
Med-Ball Front Squats
20s Singles (Jump Rope)
3 Rnds:
5 Cal Bike
5 Wall Balls
15 D/U
60s Rest
5 Rnds:
60s Max Cals on Bike
60s Max Wall Balls
60s Max D/U
60s REST
5 Giant Sets:
5 DL (65%)
40% of Max HSPU
60s b/t Sets

Syd ~ Compelted Whiplash
A.Johns ~ Completed Whiplash
Daliege ~ 9 Rnds of 18.1 (40#DB)
Z.Wendt ~
tb ~

You do not ask for sacrifices and offerings, but an open ear.
You do not ask for holocaust and victim. Instead, here am I.

Monday, February 26, 2018


Mondays will ALWAYS become a re-test day!!!
This is the time of year where we WILL do workouts a couple times...
Friday is a REAL GAMEDAY...not just a trial run... DO NOT attack friday as a trial run...that is a waste of your time and energy...rather think of Friday as an ALL-OUT GAME...
Get after it and work it as hard as you can...
Then come back Monday...smarter and ready to add a few reps...

LOW INTENSITY (walking pace)
21 Cal Row
5 Pull Ups + 10 Push Ups + 15 Air Squats
15 Cal Row
5 TTB + 10 Push Ups + 15 Sit Ups
9 Cal Row
5 Pull Ups + 10 Push Ups + 10 DB Hang Clean & Jerks
3-5 Rnds (60s b/t)
Working Transitions here...
2 DB Hand C&J (1ea arm)
3 Cal Row
1 Rnd @ Workout Wt
5-6 min rest and GO

AMRAP in 20min:
10 DB Hang C&J (50/35)
14/12 Cal Row

A.Johns ~ 6 Rnds (20#DB & Hanging Knee Raises)
Z. Wendt ~ 8 Rnds + 4 DB HCJ (268 Reps) +10 from Friday!!!
tb ~ 10 Rnds + 1 TTB (321 Reps) +25 from Friday...

Glory be to God!!!

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Day After the .01

3 Rnds"
30 D/U
15 Cal Bike
12 Abmat SU
9 Good AM (banded)
6 Walkouts
Every 2min:
1 Tempo* Front Squat
2 Front Squats
*5sec descent + 2sec on bottom

Front Squat (115#/80#)
Burpee* Box Jumps
Calorie Bike
*No step-down/up burpees allowed...jump down & up / Jump up on box / Step-down off box IS allowed

Ethan ~ 115-185 / 12:56* (95#) *E waited at least 10s for bike on rnd of 9....he would have been faster than ME, if he did not!
Z.Wendt ~ XXX / 11:23
tb ~  135-205 / 12:46...

Now time to get ready for RE-TEST of 18.1... Can we get to 300 reps...well, that is the goal!

Glory to You, Lord Jesus Christ, Wisdom of God the Father!

Friday, February 23, 2018


OPEN SEASON is finally here...
Another year's training to see if we have improved...
Well...everyday is a test to see if you have improved or not...
You are either getting better or getting worse ~ There is NO staying the same!
Reflect on applies to ALL facets of life, not just fitness/health...
Mentally, Spiritually, Emotionally, Physically & Educationally...everything...
Are you making yourself (and the world) better b/c you are here?

LOW/Slow Intensity
21 Cal Row
5 Strict Pull Ups + 10 HR Push Ups + 15 Air Squats
15 Cal Row
5 Kip Swings + 10 Push Ups + 15
9 Cal Row
5 TTB + 10 Push Ups + 15 KB Swings

2 Rnds ~
3 DB Hang Clean & Jerk (50-70%)
6 Cal Row

Work up to DB C&J Wt and try a few combinations...
REST 3-5 min & Begin:

AMRAP in 20min:
10 DB Hang Clean & Jerk (5 each arm...NOT ALTERNATING)
14/12 Cal Row

Oz ~ 8 rnds + 9 Cal (283 Reps @ 40# DB)
Casey ~ 8 rnds + 3 HCJ ( 267 Reps)
Z.Wendt ~ 8 rnds + 2 TTB (258 Reps)
tb ~ 9 rnds + 8 TTB (296 Reps)

I must decrease and He must increase.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Move & Sweat

Two Days till the OPEN...
Oh, Boy!!!

Just move and sweat today...tomorrow is mobility...FRIDAY is GAMEDAY!

15 Cal Bike
15 Stiff-Leg DL
12 Cal Bike
12 Good AM's
9 Cal Bike
9 Hang Power Cleans
OTM x 3:
3 Good AM's
3 Stiff-Leg DL
3 Hang PC
~ add a bit of wt. each rnd
Every 90s x 7 Rnds:
1 Pausing* PC
1 Power Clean
* 1s pause @ Knee, Mid-Thigh, & Catch
Climbing Weight

OTM x 16 (4 Rnds)
1 = 15/12 Cal Row
2 = 6 Power Cleans (155/105)
3 = 40 D/U
4 = 20 ABMAT SU

Oz ~ 3-Pos Clean + Split Jerk = 135 / OTM x 12 (No abmats) ~ Completed
Casey ~ 155 / OTM x 12 (no Abmants) Completed
A.Johns ~ did yesterdays workout
Z. Wendt ~ 135-155-165-175-185-195-205 / Completed Primer
tb ~ 135-155-165-175-185-195-195 / Completed Primer to God!
Make this a part of your daily thought process!

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Code Red...

No kids in school...
Just getting a workout in...
AND we go into a "Code Red" at school...
Police got a call and had to investigate...We were on full lockdown!

Thoracic + Lats
Banded Shoulder
Pec Mash
Quad + Adductors
Low (Slow) Intensity
Cal Row
GHD Sit Ups
BB Warm-Up (Snatch Grip)
5 Sets:
2 Hang Snatch High Pull
2 Snatch High Pull (from Floor)
10s Rest...
2 Power Snatches
OTM x 7
2 Power Snatches
For Time:
20 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)
30 Power Snatches (75/55)
40 OHS (75/55)
50/35 Cal Bike

tb ~ 85-125 / 125-135-145-155-165-165-165 / 10:52 ( 20cal@1:45 / 35@2:45 / 3:33=50cal)

Help, I Lord, for good men have vanished: truth has gone from the sons of men.

Monday, February 19, 2018

OPEN Week...

And two days off of school!!!

Came down with the cold...stuffy, runny nose... on Saturday @ PL Meet...
Slight cough today... Worked out anyway...
Figures on the week of the OPEN...

Roll & Mobilize
3 Rnds ~
10 Cal Row
8 Stiff-Leg DL
6 Walking Lunges (6 ea)
4 Pull Up Bar
Rnd 1 = Scap Retractions
Rnd 2 = STRICT Pull Ups
Rnd 3 = C2B or Bar MU
4 Rnds on the 2:30 (10min)
5 DL (75%)
50' Front Rack DB Lungewalk (50/35)
X# Bar MU (no more than 5...hold X for ALL Sets)
~ This is a one time grab on the bar to get X number of MU each round...not to exceed 5 reps. Goal is to maintain this thru all 4 rnds.
#1) AMRAP in 4 Min:
27 Cal Row
27 Wall Ball (20/14)
27 C2B
~ 4 MIN REST ~ 
#2) AMRAP in 4 Min:
21 Cal Row
21 Wall Ball (20/14)
21 TTB
~ 4 MIN REST ~ 
#3) AMRAP in 4 Min:
15 Cal Row
15 Wall Ball (20/14)
15 Pull Ups

Syd ~ IR = 65 (11 C2B) / 55 (13PU) / 1rnd + rower
tb ~ 275# DL / 3 Bar MU each time...took 11:23 to finish this / 78 (24 C2B) / 1rnd + 9cal / 1 rnd + 25 (10 Wall Balls)
1st = 1:15/10-9-8/10-14
2nd = :58s/8-7-6/21/9cal
3rd = :42s/15/15/1:13/10
WOW...that 2nd rnd of 15 cals almost took longer than the 1st rnd of 27

JESUS CHRIST is the answer to ANY & EVERY question/problem!

Friday, February 16, 2018

Say Cheese!

Very Low Intensity
Cal Row
Pausing Air Squats
GHD or Abmat Sit Ups
BB Warm-Up
Mod Intensity
2 Rnds ~
5 BB Thrusters
5 Box Jumps (Step Downs)
5 Cal Row
5 Kip Swings (Rnd 1) TTB (Rnd 2)
@ Wt.
5 Thrusters
5 Box Jumps
5 Cal Row
Gymnastics Skill
6 Rnds (every 90s)
60s to complete:
10 GHD SU + Max HSPU (kip or strict) in remaining time
(this leaves 30s rest till next Rnd)
AMRAP in 18min:
30 Thrusters (75/55)
30 Box Jumps (24/20)
30/20 Cal Row
30 TTB

Casey ~ 2 rnds + 7 reps (I think he did 95#)
A. Johns ~ (45#/leg lifts) ~ 2 rnds
tb ~ 27 (3-2/3-2/4-1/3-1/3-1/3-1) / 2 Rnds + 10

Give me today the grace and strength to embrace Your holy will and fill my heart and mind with Your truth.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Hot Stuff on Ash Wednesday!

Thoracic + Lats
Banded Shoulder
Quads + Adductors
21 Cal Bike
7 Wall Squats
15 Cal Bike
5 Wall Squats
9 Cal Bike
3 Wall Squats
BB WU x 2 rnds
Every 2:30 x 6:
Same wts as last week
PT #1 ~ AMRAP in 3min:
21/18 Cal Row + 18 Burpees over Rower
Max OHS (75#/55#)
~ 3 MIN REST ~ 
PT #2 ~ AMRAP in 3min:
18/15 Cal Row + 18 Burpees over Rower
Max OHS (95#/65#)
~ 3 MIN REST ~ 
PT #3 ~ AMRAP in 3min:
15/12 Cal Row + 15 Burpees over Rower
Max OHS (115#/80#)
~ 3 MIN REST ~ 
PT #4 ~ AMRAP in 3min:
12/9 Cal Row + 12 Burpees over Rower
Max OHS (135#/95#)

Oz ~ 6 / 9 / 8 / 10
Casey ~ 4 / 11 / 10 / 6
A.Johns  ~ 16 Burp / 18 Burpees / 2 (45#) / 10 (45#)
Z.Wendt ~ 10 / 13 / 17 / 12
tb ~ S.Sqt-185-205-205-215-215 / 8 / 10 / 15 / 17*
* did 9 & 9 on last Rnd...forgot it was 12/12...
tb burpees completed @ 2:34 / 2:28 / 2:08 / 1:35*
ZW burpees completed @ 2:30 / 2:10 / 2:00 / 1:48??
My sacrifice, O God, is a contrite spirit;
a contrite, humbled heart, O God, You will not scorn.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Hang On...again?!?!

Mobilize (Skipped this)
4 Rnds ~
40s Easy Bike
20s Mod. Bike
3 Spidey & Reach (ea)
3 Walkouts
3 Ring Scap Retractions
3 STRICT Ring Dips
Build to heavy Hang Power Clean
AMRAP in 7min:
ascending rounds...
1 Hang Power Clean + 1 Muscle Up
2 HPC + 2 MU
3 HPC + 3 MU
4 HPC + 4 MU
...continue to add one rep each round

AMRAP in 15 Min:
15 Hang Power Cleans (135#/95#)
20/15 Cal Bike
15 C2B Pull Up
60 D/U
~ Focus on least amount of breaks in the HPC & C2B...extra break can cost way more time than a tad slower on bike or D/U... Speaking of D/U, take that extra time to "get right" and coordinated... 10 sets of 6 b/c you keep hitting your toe do nothing for you!!!

A.Johns ~ 1 Rnd + 45 reps (45# / Mod Pull + 100singles)
Daliege ~ 3 Rnds + 10 HPC (115# + 100 singles)
Z.Wendt ~ 5 Rnds / 2 Rnds + 15 HPC
tb ~ 5 Rnds + 9 reps (MU=1/2/3/2-2/2-2-1/3) / 3 Rnds + 11 HPC
HPC = 8+7 / 8+7 / 6+5+4 / 11
Bike = 1:34 / 1:32 / 1:35
C2B = 8+7 / 8+7 / 15
D/U = 35+25 (hit toe) / 20+20+20 / 60

He said to them, "But now one who has a money bag should take it, and likewise a sack, and one who does not have a sword should sell his cloak and buy one."

Monday, February 12, 2018


We have done this before...
Years Ago... HERE
Here (Oz & Casey)
Here (tb...not exactly the same)

Roll & Stretch
500-300-100m Row
5 Push Ups
7 Strict Press (45/35)
9 Slow Air Squats
Activation Work
5 x 3 ~ Strict Split Jerk PRESS
5 x 2 ~ Pause Split Jerks

OTM x 10min:
1 Split Jerk (Climbing)
AMRAP in 7min:
Max Wall Balls* (20/14)
* OTM @ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6 ~ 5 x DL (225/155)
Begin this WOD with the wall balls (6 total sets of DL)

3 Giant Sets:
14 DB Front Rack Reverse Lunges
60s Static DB Front Rack Hold
2m Rest b/t
30 DB Manmakers (HERE)
Mod. to Light Loading
3 Sets:
30 Banded Low Row
30 Banded Pull Aparts

Oz ~ Back Squat 195 / DL - 3@195 / 95 reps (DL@185
Casey ~ Bk Sqt 225 / XX / 93 reps
Z. Wendt ~ 209# Split Jerk / 116 reps (30-15-15-16-15-12-13) / 25# / XX
tb ~ 209# SJ / 99 reps (25 / 8-7 / 8-4 / 8-5 / 8-4 / 8 / 14) / 25-40 / 35-25 / 35-35 / 7:26 (30 MM 20#)

Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam

Friday, February 9, 2018


Mobilize & Flex
21 Cal Row
7 Wall Squats
15 Cal Row
5 Wall Squats
9 Cal Row
3 Wall Squats
5 Good AM's
5 Back Squats
5 Elbows
5 Front Squats
5 Stiff-Leg DL
...add 10's & Repeat
On the 2:00:
2 FS + 4 BS
same as last week or (climbing)
CLEAN & JERK (@ 20:00)
In 10min Work to a HEAVY Clean & Jerk
DOUBLE TIME (@ 40:00)
AMRAP in 10min:
50 Bar-Facing Burpees
100 D/U
30 Squat Clean Thrusters (Clusters) (115/80)

Casey ~ Dble Tm = 167 (17 Clusters)
Oz ~ ??
A.Johns ~ 75-135 SS / ?? Clusters @ 65#
Z.Wendt ~ XX / 215 (235missed) / 174 reps (24 Clusters @115)
tb ~ 185-235 / 225 / 171 reps (21 Clusters @115#)

Every knee shall bend at the name of Jesus. ~ Philippians 2:10

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Sore or SOAR...

...It is all up to you!
You can wake up sore and say it is not going to be a good day, or you can wake up and SOAR regardless of the circumstances...It is up to you!

500m Slow Row
2 Rnds:
3 Strict Pull Ups
6 Alt. Spidey & Reach
9 Slow Air Squats
12 Abmats
3 Burpees
3 Box Jump Ups / Stepdowns
3 Kipping Pull Ups
3 Slower Burpee Box Jump Overs
3 C2B
3 Faster BBJO
1-2 Bar MU
2.7 Gymnastics
For Time:
9 Bar MU (scale to less than 90s work, see bleow)
7 Bar MU
5 Bar MU
*6-4-2 / 5-3-1 / 4-3-1 / no Bar MU ~ C2B
pick a # in first round that will take no more than 90s to complete...this is a conditioner & we want to keep the stimulus.

AMRAP in 18min:
12/9 Cal Bike
15 Wall Balls (20/14)
12 Alt DB Snatch (50/35)

Oz ~ 30 Snatch (95#) for time = 1:56 / 0
Casey ~ 30 Sn (95#) for time = 2:27 / 3 + 23 (18 cal row / cut to 12min)
Z. Wendt ~ 8:32 (6-4-2) / 4 rnds + 39reps (12 Snatch completed)
tb ~ 8:57 (5-4/7/5) / 5 rnds + 17 reps (3:27/6:45/10:17/13:34/16:45 ~ 45-59s for 12cals)

I had rather lie at the threshold of the house of my God
than dwell in the tents of the wicked.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018


Stan did this:
5m Cal Bike ~ 2:30 R
4m Cal Bike ~ 2:00 R
3m Cal Bike ~ 1:30 R
2m Cal Bike ~ 1:00 R
1m Cal Bike

Stan ~ 69/64/50/48/22

3m Easy Bike
Spidey & Reach
low intensity...
30s Single Unders
5 HR Push Ups
20s D/U
1 Wall Walk
10s D/U
1-3 Strict HSPU
AMRAP in 5min:
25 D/U + 2 HSPU
25 D/U + 4 HSPU
25 D/U + 6 HSPU
25 D/U + continue to add 2 each rnd
Low Intensity
10 cal Row
7 KB Swings (light)
5 Push Press (light)
7 KB Swings
10 cal Row
Work to Heavy 3-Rep Push Press
For Time:
50/35 Cal Row
40 KBS (55/35)
30 Push Press (115#/80#)
40 KBS (55/35)
50/35 Cal Row

A.Johns ~ 5 Rnds / XX / 17:30 (45# PP)
Z.Wendt ~ 4rnds + 31 / 155# / 14:29
tb ~ 3rnds + 26 / 155# (2@185#) / 11:59 (2:34/UB/11-10-9/20-10-10/2:50)

Blessed be God who lives forever, because his kingdom lasts for all ages.

Monday, February 5, 2018

Ladies First...

It has been a while since Elizabeth showed up in the weight room...
She is here again today...
Last time was HERE (12.19.16)

Mobilize & Stretch
2m Light Bike
2 Rnds Cindy w/ 30s Sampson b/t
1m Mod Bike
10 DL
10 Good AM's
45s Mod. Bike
5 Elbows
5 Strict Press
5 Front Squat
30s Mod. Bike
3 Hang Pwr Clean
3 Hang Sqt Clean
3 Squat Clean

OTM x 5 ~ TALL CLEAN (climbing)
working on "getting under" the bar...
think...pick-up the feet...pull under the bar
Squat Clean Waves
OTM x 9
1st = 3 Squat Cleans (70%)
2nd = 2 Squat Cleans (75%)
3rd = 1 Squat Clean (80%)
Repeat 2 more times...

Squat Cleans (135/95)
Ring Dips

A.Johns ~ did 21-15-9 SDLHP & Chair dips
Z.Wendt ~ 160-180-190 / 10:49
tb ~ 160-180-190 / 9:12 (pr by a few...) 4:25-7:42-9:12 ~
21's = 7-1-1-1-2-1-1-1-3-1-1-1 / 11-6-4
15's = 4-3-3-1-1-1-1-1 / 6-5-3-1
9's = 6-3 / 6-3

Oz & Casey had Pausing Front Squats OTM x 10, OTM x 10 (Sqt Cleans & Rest, alt minutes, then
For time:
100 D/U + 10 Bar MU
80 D/U + 8 Bar MU
60 D/U + 6 Bar MU
40 D/U + 4 Bar MU
20 D/U + 2 Bar MU

Casey ~ 190# (PR!!) / 30 / 12:05 (some MU some C2B)
Oz ~ 205# / 33 / 11:26 (half MU + half C2B

The Lord is my strength, and I shall sing His praise.

Friday, February 2, 2018

We be Rowin'

Done before...HERE

500m S-L-O-W Row or
15 Cal SLOW Bike
3 Rnds ~
3 Strict Pull Ups
6 Alt. Spidey & Reach
9 Slow Air Squats
12 Abmat SU
20s Sampson
20s D/U
For Time:
2K Row
150 D/U
10 Rnds Cindy

CAUTION...this one is really about pacing for the Cindy Rnds...
Easy on the 2K row...Smooth is fast on the D/U's...don't think 30s faster on D/U's is going to win this thing!!!

Oz ~ Clean Complex 95# / 21:01 ~ 8:03 Row...12:33 D/U (4:30)...which leaves 10 rnds in 8:28 WOW!!!
Casey ~ Clean Complex 155# / 22:32 Z.Wendt ~ 20:20
tb ~ 20:04 ~ 7:46.6 Row...10:33 D/U (2:48)...which leaves 10 rnds in 9:31 (5 rnds @ 15:19 [4:46/4:45])

This is the gospel that you heard and that has been proclaimed to every creature under heaven, and of which I, Paul, have become a servant.