It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Team Series #6 & #7

Today we got in TS #6 & #7...

2 Rnds for Time (20min Cap)
100cal Row (alt. every 25 cals)
50 HSPU (alternate however you like, but both partners MUST complete at least 1 HSPU)

Within 10min complete a MAX Complex...
Deadlift + Hang Clean (pwr or sqt) + Hang Clean & Jerk

TEAM Brehm & Biolo (AnythinOnceWR) ~
#6 ~ 14:16... MUCH better than I thought we would be!!! That was great

#7 ~ 380# (155+225) VIDEO

Thursday, September 27, 2018


Today we did the toughest WOD of the next grouping...
PLUS...little victories...
Shawn B got not only his FIRST Bar Muscle Up...but proceeded to get 30+ more by the time warm-up and workout were done!!!

Officially he got 24 Bar MU w/in the workout...

Team Series Workout #5 (Here & last bit here)
For Time (20m Timecap)
Bar Muscle Ups
Squat Snatches (95/65)
~ This is a tag-team WOD... One partner does 10 Bar MU + 10 SS, then slap hands and P2 does 10+10...Tag off...P1 = 9+9, slap hands, P2 = 9+9, etc...

Brehm & Biolo = 82 Reps...

Like I is the little (or Big) victories...and they do not always equate to better times or scores...
Sometimes it is just "being there" for those moments when your teammates accomplish things they never have before!!!
Growth & getting better...Always!!!
Pushing each other and being there for each other... the essence of teamwork!!!

Wednesday, September 26, 2018


EMOM x 12
40s Bike
4 Slow Russian BB Makers
40s Bike
5 Good AM's + 5 Elbows + 5 Strict Press
3 Sets (BB only...FORM)
3 Strict Press
3 Pausing Push Pres
3 Push Jerks
PUSH PRESS (optional)
Work to a HEAVY 10-Rep Push Press
Ascending Ladder for 12min:
2-4-6-8...increase by 2 each round
Push Press (95/65)
Toes to Bar
Box Jump Overs (24/20)

Daliege ~ 14 + 4 PP
Ladick ~ 12 + 7 BJO's
Schutz ~ 12 + 14 Push Press

TEAM SERIES week #2 WOD's come out tonight...
Took a rest day so we can get after the workouts for the next Wave...

Tuesday, September 25, 2018


A.Johns Birthday today... Happy Birthday!!!
She has been doing WOD's for quite a while now & has been improving tremendously!!!
What better Birthday gift to give yourself than a nice workout!!

2 Rnds ~
200m Light Row
5 Slow Scap Retractions
5 Kip Swings
1-3 Strict Pull Ups
15 D/U
2 Rnds ~
200m easy Run
5 Push Ups
5 Spidey & Reach
10 GHD or Abmat SU
15 D/U
Cal Bike
Cal Bike
KBS (55/35)
Cal Bike
DL (135/95)
Cal Row

EMOM x 12:
O = 15 GHD Sit Ups
E = 45s Strict HSPU

Ladick ~ 18:01
Birthday Girl ~ 1/2 = 8:45 (30-20-10)
Schutz ~ 14:45
tb ~ 13:18 / 31 (7-6-5-5-4-4)

Monday, September 24, 2018

SWEAT it OUT...restore!

EMOM x 12:
1 = 15/12 Cal Row
2 = 1 Rnd Strict Cindy
3 = 15 Russian KBS
4 = 15 Abmat

(the crew and I did SmashWerx Elbow work instead)...
3 Spidey & Reach (ea side)
10 OHS
3 Walkouts
10 OHS
Find F.Squat Wt (something you are confident you could get 20+ when fresh)
For Time:
1000m Run
40 Pull Ups
30 Front Squats (115/80)
20 Bar-Facing Burpees

Just a perfect workout from yesterdays stuff...SHEESH...
MORE Bar-Facing Burpees!?!?!

Daliege ~ 12:59
Ladick ~ 12:50 (95#)
A.Johns ~ 16:36
tb ~ 14:47 (5:05 / 30-10 / 6-12-8-4 (could not catch breath)...burpees = S-L-O-W...could definitely feel them from yesterday!!!
We give You thanks and we praise the majesty of Your name!

Sunday, September 23, 2018

CrossFit Team Series...

Double Trouble...
Need to get two workouts done in one day...

Here we go...
Synchro Pull Ups
Deadlift (225#)

Brehm / Biolo ~ 5:14

AMRAP in 7min: Synchro Bar-Facing Burpees

Brehm / Biolo ~ 71... 6 No-Reps in there... 77 total burpees...but 6 No-Reps in there...I held us back here a bunch... GOT to have better Aerobic Cap.

Looking forward to this week!!!

Friday, September 21, 2018

TS ~ Day #2

Today we attacked another TEAM SERIES workout...

Squat Cleans!!!

Warm Up together then the crew did OVERTIME!!!

3m Light Bike/Run
3 Rnds ~
5 Strict Pull Ups
5 Wall Squats
10 Push Ups
10 Sit Ups (GHD or other)
2 Rnds
30s Alt. Sampson Stretches
30s Alt. Spidey & Reach
30s Russian BB Makers
Squat Clean Primer
4-5 Sets ~
1 Tempo Front Squat (5-2-x)
2 High Hang Pausing Squat Clean
(2s Pause in catch)

For Time
200m Run + 21 Front Squat
200m Run + 21 Push Press
200m Run + 15 Front Squat
200m Run + 15 Push Press
200m Run + 9 Front Squat
200m Run + 9 Push Press
(95# / 65#)

Did this as 1 lap in FH vs. 200m... also bars were in FH...
Daliege ~
Ladick ~ 
Johns ~ 14:40 (did as 1 lap in FH vs. 200m Run)

TEAM SERIES Workout #2
For Time (or Reps)
20 Synchronized Squat Cleans (Rx = 135/95 / Scaled = 95/65)
20 Synchronized Squat Cleans (Rx = 185/125 / Scaled = 135/95)
20 Synchronized Squat Cleans (Rx = 225/155 / Scaled = 155/105)

We went scaled on this one again...was good for both of us...pushed my breathing and capacity and pushed Brehm on strength! He did a great job holding form and then we went into OT for the last 5 reps and heaviest wt!!!
ANOTHER successful TEAM workout!!!

Brehm / Biolo ~ 45 Reps (20 @ 1:23 / 40@5:52)
Changing those weights was NO type of recovery whatsoever for the QUADS!!
Bless the Lord, all you works of the Lord. Praise and exalt him above all forever.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

TEAM Series

Here we go folks...
4 events... TEAM Style...
Two-Person Teams... LOTs of Synchro-Style stuff... Must be coordinated!!! Work together...
Strengths & Weaknesses...out the window! This is a WE, US, TOGETHER deal!!!

HERE are the workouts...
We have 4 WOD's that we need to complete by Monday night!!!

Today we did #4...
5 RFT ~
50 D/U = Rx / Singles = Scaled
50' Synchro DB OH Lungewalk (knees touch ground at same time)
Rx = 50/35 / Scaled = 35/20

Team Brehm & Biolo went Scaled on this one... 5:03
I think we will go scaled on 2 and Rx on 2...we will see as the weekend progresses...

EGO would have us TRYING to go Rx...but that is not the smartest thing here...and ultimately NOT the goal...
What is the goal you ask???
To put ourselves out there and be the best we can be... You know who knows that??? The man in the mirror!!! These competitions (Open, Team Series, etc) just give us little opportunities to up the intensity and really put it out there...
I can say that I am challenging myself everyday...I can even look back on workouts to see if I am improving, but if I never "show" it to anyone else...If I never "put it out there"...
Have I really pushed it?
Do you get butterflies in your stomach for the daily workouts?!?! No it becomes routine...and routine can be the enemy of growth

Today was fun...exciting and I am looking forward to tomorrow...There is something greater than just the workout going on! Teamwork!!!

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Changin' Up

Today will be an unusual REST DAY...
We begin the TEAM Series WOD's over the next few days...

Shawn Brehm & I will compete in the Masters Catagory... (45-49)...

Did still do warm-up with the crew and then got to coach and motivate them thru this baby...

Warm Up
EMOM x 12:
1 = 40s Bike
2 = 4 Slow Russian BB Makers
3 = 40s Bike
4 = 5 Good AM's + 5 Elbows + 5 Strict Press
3 Rnds (w/ BB)
3 Strict Press
3 Pausing Push Press
3 Push Jerks
Warm-Up for Power Clean & Jerks...
Work to a weight (or slightly higher) than you will be at for the WOD...
Unbroken Power Clean & Jerks
~ MUST be touch-and-go from floor... NO RESTING... You can take breaks/breaths at top, in front rack, or while holding bar at the waist (body under tension)...but if you pause (even slightly) then it is a no rep for the round...try again...
The intensity here is the cycling...if this is your first time, better to guess 10-20# lighter than heavier...
As a guide, or general rule...we will go with a continuous running clock...
Begin the 15 at 0:00, 12 at the 5:00 & the final 9 at the 10:00 mark...
If you feel like going quicker...go for it, but try not to take longer than that...

A.Johns ~ 75#
Daliege ~ 115#
Schutz ~ 115#
Ladick ~ 95#
I will praise You, Lord all the days of my life!

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

FIRE Away...

2 Rnds ~
200m Light Row
5 Slow Scap Ret
5 Kip Swings
1-3 Strict Pull Ups
15 D/U
2 Rnds ~
200m Light Run
5 Push Ups
5 Spidey & Reach (ea)
10 Abmat or GHD Sit Ups
15 D/U
HS Walk Practice
10m of Work
1 Rnd ~
200m Run
20 D/U
1 Bar MU
-- 3-4 min Rest --
4 RFT ~
400m Run
40 D/U
6 C2B Pull Ups
3 Bar Muscle Ups
(sub Chin Over Bar + TTB + C2B...and maybe lower reps 6-4-2 or 5-3-1 if appropriate)

3 K Row...continuous, but think more like 6 x 500m...
...where first 300m is 2K +20s & 200m is 2K + 5s...4s...3s...2s...1s
Sort of a fartlek training on the Rower!!!

Johns ~ 22:48 (singles , Mod Pull + K2E + Pull ups w/ feet)
Schutz ~ 17:?? (singles + chins+K2E+C2B)
Ladick ~ 18:15 (singles / Chins + K2E+C2B mod)
tb ~ 18:23 ( 18 / 12+6 / 15+3 / were burning by Bar MU)
3K Row ~ 11:58 total...
300 + 200 Breakdown
2:07 / 1:55.5
2:05 / 1:54.7
2:04 / 1:53.5
2:04 / 1:51.0
2:04 / 1:49.5
2:03 / 1:47.2
Praise to Our Lord Jesus Christ

Monday, September 17, 2018

Change Up

I am really trying to keep this going...but man, do the days get away from me...

EMOM x 12:
1 = 15/12 Cal Row
2 = 1 Rnd Strict Cindy
3 = 15 Russian KBS
4 = 15 Abmat Sit Ups
3 Spidey & Reach, ea
10 OHS
3 Walkouts
10 OHS
Snatch Grip BBWU
Every 90s x 5:
1 Tempo (5-2-5) OHS
65% - 70% - 75% x 3
Every 3min x 5:
3-Pos Power Snatch
3-Pos Squat Snatch
(HH - Hang - Floor)
Choice of Daliege / Ladic
10 RFT ~
10 Back Squats
100m Run
30s Rest b/t Rnds
Gym Work
AMRAP in 7min:
5 Strict Ring Dips
10s Supine Row Hold
15s KB Front Squat Hold (Depth)
Ladick ~ 65# ~ 12:56
Daliege ~ 65# ~ 13:15
Johns ~ 65-75-70-70-75 (Snatch)
Schutz ~ 75-85-95-95-95 (Snatch)
tb ~ 115-125-135-135-135 (Snatch) / 5 Rnds Gym Work

Friday, September 14, 2018

Another Game-Day

3m Easy Bike
3 Rnds
5 Strict Pull Ups
5 Wall Squats
10 Push Ups
10 GHD Sit Ups
2 Rnds ~
30s Alt Sampson
30s Alt Spidey & Reach
30s Alt Warrior
5 Sets ~
Tempo Front Squat (5-2-x)
2 HH Pausing Sqt Clean
OTM x 4 ~ 3-Pos Squat Clean (HHSC+HSC+SC)
60s Rest
OTM x 4 ~ 2-Pos Squat Clean (HSC+SC)
60s Rest
5 Sets of Squat Cleans
2 rnds ~
3 Walkouts
3 Russian BB
3 Burpees
3 Box Reps (1st = Step Up/Down / 2 Jump Up/Step Dn)
150m Row
3 Burpees
3 Box Jumps
50m Row
Rest 3-4 min & Begin...

3 RFT ~
500m Row
12 Burpee
21 Box Jumps (24/20)

Daliege ~ 13:39
Ladick ~ 13:04
Johns ~ Skined shin on Box Jumps!
tb ~ 11:54 (3:48-7:57-11:54
(Rows ~ 1:56/1:58/2:03 / Burpees ~ 7-5 / 12 / 12 / BJ ~ 7+14sd / 5+7sd+3+6sd / 14sd+7)

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Meat Eater

EMOM x 12:
1 = 40s Bike
2 = 4 Slow Russian BB Makers
3 = 40s Row
4 = 5 Good AM + 5 Elbows + 5 Strict Press
3 Sets (w/ Bar)
3 Strict Press
3 Push Press
3 Push Jerk
2 Rnds:
100m Run
15 D/U
3 DL
For Time:
1 Mile Run + 100 D/U + 15 DL (275/185)
800m Run + 75 D/U + 10 DL (275/185)
400m Run + 50 D/U + 5 DL (275/185)
* DL needs to be heavy, BUT a weight you are confident you could get 15 times WHEN FRESH...
I am adjusting to 255#...275 is just a bit heavy...
Micro-Goal is no more than 1 break on set of 15...
200-150-100 Singles sub for D/U

Ladick ~ 22:49 (singles / 205# DL)
Daliege ~ 21:47 (singles / 225# DL)
Schutz ~ 21:47 (singles/225 DL)
tb ~ 23:45 (255#DL)

Johns ~ 25:11 ~  800-600-400m Run / Singles & 135# DL

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Remember This...

One year ago...HERE

3 Rnds ~
250m Row
5 Push Ups
5 Spidey & Reach
5 Scap Retractions
5 Kip Swings
1-5 Strict Pull Ups
5 Wall Squats
3-4 Rnds (NOT for Time)
15s Ring Support Hold
20s GHD Supine Hold
35s HS Hold on Wall
3 Bear Complexes (Empty Bar)
PC+FS+PJ+BS+Bhnd Neck Press
100m Row
2 Rope Climbs (C2B Pull Ups 3:1)
2 Bear Complexes
For Time (TEAMS of 2):
2001m Row (buy-in)
4 Rnds:
9 Rope Climbs (27 C2B)
11 Bear Complexes*
2977m Row (Cash-Out)

Just so you know the #'s:
2001 = Year
4 = Planes
9 = Month
11 = Day
2977 = Lives Lost on that Day!

Rickaby & Schutz ~ 30m for Row + 4 Rnds
Johns & tb ~ 36:49 (27 Pull Ups...tb=C2B & 115#, Johns=mod & 65#)
~ Johns had to leave 500m into the final row...2977m took 12:39)

Monday, September 10, 2018


EMOM x 12:
1 = 15/12 cal Row
2 = 1 Rnd Cindy
3 = 15 Russian KBS
4 = 15 Abmat SU
3 Spidey & Reach
10 OHS
3 Walkouts
10 OHS
Every 90s begin the OHS Complex:
1 Tempo OHS (5s down-2s @ Bottom-5s Up)
Climb...increase from last week
Every 3min begin the complex...
3-Position Power Clean
3-Position Squat Clean
(6 Total last week...increase the weight)
Set #1, Set #2 +10#, Sets 3-4-5 stay the same
For Time:
30/20 Cal Bike
20 D-Ball Cleans (100/80)
30/20 Cal Bike
(sub for the D-Ball is a HEAVIER than normal Alt. DB Snatch...65#/45#)

Dailege ~ 4:13 (50# D-Ball)
Ladick ~ 5:40 (40# D-Ball)
Johns ~ 4:41 (40# D-Ball)
Schutz ~ 4:44 (65# DB)
tb ~ 4:55 (65# DB)

Friday, September 7, 2018

Boat Race...again

3 Rnds ~
5 Pull Ups
10 Slow Wall Squats
10 Push Ups
10 GHD Sit ups
200m Row
200m Run
60s Rest
150m Row
150m Run
60s Rest
100m Row
100m Run
3 RFT ~
500m Row
400m Run
EXACTLY 3m Rest b/t Rnds (keep the clock running)

Daliege ~ 17:09
Stan?? ~ 16:53
Johns ~ 22:36
tb ~ 17:44 (3:56 / 10:51 / 17:44)

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

2nd Day of School

Getting adjusted...
EMOM x 12
1 = 40s Bike
2 = 4 Slow Russian BB
3 = 40s Row
4 = 5 Good AM + 5 Elbow + 5 Strict Press
For Time:
30 OHS (95/65)
30 Box Jumps (24/20)
30 TTB
30 Cal Row

Daliege ~ 1 + 105 (15 cal short of 2) (75#)
Ladick ~ 2 Rnds
A.Johns ~ 1 + 80 (65# / Pike Sit Ups)
AJ Schultz ~ 2 Rnds + 10 OHS (75#)
tb ~ 2 Rnds + 39 (9 BJ)
OHS = 30 UB 1st & 3rd / 21-9 Rnd 2 / TTB = 15-10-5 / 10-10-10 / 18-9-3 /  1:58 Row & 1:51 Row

Tuesday, September 4, 2018


3 Rnds ~
250m Row
5 Spidey & Reach
10 Slow Scap Ret.
15 Abmat
For Time:
200m Run + 21 DL
200m Run + 18 Strict HSPU
200m Run + 15 DL
200m Run + 12 Strict HSPU
200m Run + 9 DL
200m Run + 6 Strict HSPU
*Modify Reps & or exercise for Strict HSPU
225#/135# for DL

Stan ~ Mod Push Ups (135) 13:07
tb ~ 16:33 (HSPU were 12-9-6)

Monday, September 3, 2018

School Year...

Starts tomorrow...
So today we have a bit more time and a group...
Casey, E.Tonn & Shawn Brehm... ALL-IN for Labor Day WOD

EMOM x 12
1 = 15/12 Cal Row
2 = Strict Cindy
3 = Russian KBS
4 = 15 Abmat
3 Alt. Spidey & Reach
10 OHS
3 Walkouts
10 OHS
Snatch-Grip BB WU
On the 90s x 5
1 Tempo OHS (5-2-5)
1-2-3 @ 55%
4-5 @ 60%
On the 3min x 5:
3-Pos Power Snatch (HHPS-HPS-PS)
3-Pos Squat Snatch (HHSS-HSS-SS)
1 @ 48%
2 @ 53%
3-4-5 @ 58%
On the 2m x 5
1 Tempo S-G DL (20s...5s to knee, 5s to stand, 5s to knee, 5s to floor)
Back Squat (Optional)...No for us...
Build from last week...
3 Rnds building in intensity & load
12 Air Squats
6/4 Cal Bike
4-3-2 Hang Power Clean
then... 3-4 min and GO
3 RFT ~
50 Air Squats
15/12 Cal Bike
9 Hang Power Cleans (175/115)

Casey ~ T.OHS ~ 115# / Sn ~ 95# / Tmpo DL ~ 125# / 8:32 (@135#)
E.Tonn ~ T.OHS ~ 105# / Sn ~ 115# / Tmpo DL ~ 125# / 9:10?? (115#?)
S.Brehm ~ T.OHS ~ 95# / Sn ~ 75# / Tmpo DL ~ 95# / 9:01 (@115#)
tb ~ T.OHS ~ 145# / Sn ~ 125 / T.DL ~ 145# / 10:49 (175#)
3:02 (59s Bike) / 6:39 (1:05 Bk) / 10:49 (1:01 Bk)...WOW...those Air Squats...sheesh!