Trying to move more today...mobilize...
3 Rnds: SmashweRx WU
3-5min of D/U work...just string some together... PLAY
3 Sets:
5 x BB Hip Thrusters (20X1)
60s Rest
15 x Banded Face Pulls
60s Rest
AMRAP in 10min:
10 Cal Echo Bike
10 Alt. DB Snatch + 2 Alt. Rev. OH Lunges*
* 1 Reps = DB Snatch, keep DB OH, Rev. Lunge Left, Rev. Lunge Right
Then switch arms on the DB Snatch for Rep #2...
So...1 Snatch & 2 Rev. OH Lunges = 1 Rep!
tb ~ 17 min for Smash WU / 95# & Black band for #1 / 4 Rnds + 4 Cals on #2
sb - 17 min for warm up
ReplyDelete65# & red band for #1
4 rnds + 7 cal on #2 (took the first 2 rnds to find my groove for the lunges.