It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Be Strict!!!

Thoracic w/ Peanut
Band Assisted Couch Stretch
Inversion Table
Wall-Groin stretch
BB Warm-Up
For Time:
10 x 30% Max Strict HSPU
AMRAP in 20m:
400m Run
Max Strict Pull Ups

Wendt ~ 10 sets of 4 ~ 6:57 / 6 rnds - 48 total (13-10-7-7-7-4)
Drake ~ XX / 5 rnds ~ 61 total (17-11-11-10-12)
tb ~ 1-5 @ 3's / 6-10 @ 2's ~ 9:45 / 5 rnds ~ 64 total (21-12-8-12-11)
Runs ~ 1:54 / 2:19 / 2:20 / 2:41 (walked a bunch) / 2:22 / ---
Time from enter to completion of Pull Ups: 2:00 (21) / 1:22 (12) / 1:00 (8) / 1:17 (12) / 2:22 (11)

Should have figured (gamed) this a bit more...
Knowing I was running 2:20ish 400's ... I came in on round 5 at 17:15... should have taken LONG rest and gone for more Pull Ups...
Intead...did 11 pull ups, came off bar at 18:50... leaving 1:10 to run, could not get another 400 in, but finished it anyway...
Here is the rub on this one... less rounds and bigger sets of Pull Ups or more rounds??? I guess this depends where your strength is... The runs were no recovery for me...

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