It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Friday, June 28, 2019

Easy Thursday and WORK on Friday...

Easy Warm-Up & Mobilize then...

3 Rnds ~
7 Bench Press (70% Max)
14 Glute Bridges
21 Hip Extension
2m Rest b/t
Bike Away
150 Calories on Assult Bike by:
15 Cals Slow + 15 Cals Faster for 5 continuous rounds...

Nothing really special..."not really for time", but we timed anyway and checked the rpms...

ZWendt ~ 12:47 ( slows were 50 for 7 then 54 for 8 / Fast were 71-73-75-77-83)
Drake ~ 12:38
tb ~ 12:36 (slows were 50-55 / Fast was 72-78)

Help out the Ground Squirrels... Found 3 baby ground squirrels on the walkway coming in this AM
Got them in a box now...
Pics coming...

1 x 5 (70%)
3 x 3 (75-85%)
5 x 1 (90% & Climb to heavy)

For Time
1-10 of TTB
10-1 of DL (225#/155#)

Val ~ ??? / 10:43 (75# Jefferson)
Wendt ~ 385# / 8:59
Ladick ~ ??? / 8:17 (185# DL)
tb ~ 345# (Jefferson DL) / 7:56 (Jefferson DL ~ 6-4s / 4-5s / 4-4s / 4-3s / 3-3 / 5s / 4 / 3s / 2s / ALL TTB UB)
#+s is the number of quick singles that I did to finish the rnd...
I did Jefferson DL the entire time:
195(5)/235-260-285 (3) / 315-325-345 (1's)... Heavy enough

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