It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Friday, August 30, 2019


Time to improve...

ALSO...Time to get signed up for the CrossFit OPEN!!!
I'm IN!!!
Let's go people...
Let's represent CrossFit WR...
Register with our Affiliate (CrossFit WR) and come and get tested at LHS!
I want to get some Strength & Fitness kids involved either as judges &/or competitors!!!
If you are interested...take the judges course as well and be a judge... I always need someone judging me!!!

Go WOD warm-up

15 M Handstand Walk Practice
Tried to do a 180* turn around on wall...difficult
Back to front... then from side to other side...
Went in Gymnastics room and did some walking... easier on padded floor...
Soft surface = Stiff joints
Hard surface = soft joints
EMOM x 7 (increase a bit from last week):
1 = 7 Hang Squat Cleans + 1 Push Jerk
2 = 6 Hang Squat Cleans + 2 Push Jerks
3 = 5 Hang Squat Cleans + 3 Push Jerks
4 = 4 Hang Squat Cleans + 4 Push Jerks
5 = 3 Hang Squat Cleans + 5 Push Jerks
6 = 2 Hang Squat Cleans + 6 Push Jerks
7 = 1 Hang Squat Clean + 7 Push Jerks
For Time:
1 Mile Run
Directly into...
10 Rnds of Bergeron Beep Test (7 Thrusters + 7 Pull Ups + 7 Burpees)

Stan, Ladick and Daliege did Heartburn yesterday... No idea on time, but they were all done in under 25m (I believe)...

Z.Wendt ~ 125# / 24:12 (7:33 mile)
tb ~ 125# / 39:37 (8:37 mile / 20:07 with 5 Rnds of BBT to go...)

Bergeron Beep Test is an EMOM by the way... I have only completed 2-3 full rounds of that when I have attempted it...Burpees and Thrusters are my ENEMY (and goat)!

Heart Rate Post WOD for tb ~
10s HR immediatly after ~ 28 (168 bpm)
1m Post Wod ~ 24 (144 bpm)
2m Post Wod ~ 20 (120 bpm)
3m Post Wod ~ 18 (108 bpm)
4m Post Wod ~ 18 (108 bpm)

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Trail work...

Go WOD Mobility
Easy DL build up to 60%
NOT for time:
3-6-9-12-15 UB DL (60% 1-RM)
* b/t each rnd perform 30% Max Strict HSPU
3 RFT ~
800m Run (around school)
80 D/U
21 Push Press (115#/85# - can be taken from rack)

Stan ~ XX / 21:18 (95# / 180 singles)
Ladick ~ 185# / 22:34 (95# / 50 D/U)
DAliege ~ (started at 7:11) ??
ZWendt ~ 260# / 22:31 (7:10 / 7:20 / 8:01)
tb ~ 235# / 24:57 (6:58 / ?? / ?? / 21 UB 1st rnd then 14-7 for 2 & 3)

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Work Day!

GO WOD Pre-Workout
60s Light Bike
60% Max Ring MU
60s Light Bike
12 STRICT Ring Dips
60s Light Bike
50% Max Ring MU
60s Light Bike
9 STRICT Ring Dips
60s Light Bike
40% Max Ring MU
60s Light Bike
9 STRICT Ring Dips
5 Sets of the following Complex:
1 Hang Clean Pull
1 Hang Power Clean
1 Clean Pull
1 Power Clean
For Time (9m Time Cap):
50 Power Cleans (155#/105#)
* EMOM perform 5 TTB (begin on 1:00)

Ladick ~ XX / 155# / 6:36 (115#)
Stan ~ XX / 155# / 5:57 (115#)
Daliege ~ XX / 155# / 5:40 (55 reps / 115#)
Z.Wendt ~ XX / 205# / 5:56 (17-7-6-6-7-7)
tb ~ 5-4-4 MU / 195# / 5:38 (16[12+4s]-6s-6s-7[3+4s]-73+4s]-8[5+3s])

School Starts...

Tomorrow...for teachers...
3 Days of Inservice (getting ready) meetings and other stuff...
Goes by fast...
This summer did as well...

Where does the time go?

GO WOD Warm-Up / Mobility
BB Warm-Up
Easy warm-up on Squats to get to +3% from last week...

Alternating Minutes (OTM) x 12:
3 Front Squats
6 Back Squats
P#1) AMRAP in 3min:
21(15) Cal Row
21 Lateral Burpees Over Rower
Max Reps OHS (75/55)
~ 3m REST ~ 
P#2) AMRAP in 3min:
18(13) Cal Row
18 Lateral Burpees Over Rower
Max Reps OHS (95/65)
~ 3m REST ~ 
P#3) AMRAP in 3min:
15(11) Cal Row
15 Lateral Burpees Over Rower
Max Reps OHS (115/85)
~ 3m REST ~ 
P#4) AMRAP in 3min:
12(9) Cal Row
12 Lateral Burpees Over Rower
Max Reps OHS (135/95)
GO WOD for 15m to finish...

Tonn ~ XX / 3 / 2 / 12 / 12 (45# for OHS)
H.Felker ~ 115# / 2 / 8/ 10 / 17 (45# for OHS)
Z.Wendt ~ 245# / 14 / 15 / 20 / 16
tb ~ 205# (2/5 Reps...not feeling 3/6 today) / 10 / 9 / 18 / 13

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Caught Up!

Been doing GO WOD... I like it a lot...
Reffered to it by Shawn Brehm!!!
They are doing a 5 person WOD this Saturday... I would love to be a part, but am out of town.
That just sounds AWESOME, and knowing Shawn & the family, it will be a real sweat-fest not to mention a GRINDER... I don't thing he ever does anything that is not mentally & physically TOUGH!!!
Lots of positive motivation and pushing beyond the limits!!!

BB Cycling
Beast Builder V.1
OTM x 7m:
1 = 7 Hang Squat Cleans + 1 Push Jerk
2 = 6 HSC + 2 PJ
3 = 5 HSC + 3 PJ
7 = 1 HSC + 7 PJ
(try 50% of C&J Max)
20 Rep Heavy Set
For Time:
200m Run
27 Wall Balls
27 Box Jumps
200m Run
21 Wall Balls
21 Box Jumps
200m Run
15 Wall Balls
15 Box Jumps
200m Run
9 Wall Balls
9 Box Jumps

Z.Wendt ~ 115# (24~ 10s Heart Rate) / 275# 20-Rep / 11:07
tb ~ 115# (26~ 10s Heart Rate) / 235# 20-Rep / 13:24 (all WB UB / 4:11 / 8:11 / 11:21 / 13:24)


This Week...
Monday (8-19)
Alt. Squats OTM x 12 (6 Sets):
1 = 3 F.Squats
2 = 6 Back Squats
(increase 3% from Last Week)
AMRAP in 14m:
15 Thrusters (95/65)
30 D/U
15 C2B
30 D/U

Val ~ 3 + 50 reps (5 Pull Ups)
Z.Wendt ~ 265# / 3 + 32 (17 D/U)
tb ~ 205# / 3 + 12 Reps (Thrusters ~ 15 UB / 6-5-4 / 9-6 / 12 / C2B ~ 6-5-4 / 6-5-4 / 9/6)

Tuesday (8-20)
ROW 2K... yearly test!
Gymnastics Conditioning
With a 10m timecap:
30 Strict HSPU
30 Kipping HSPU

Z.Wendt ~ 7:25.7 / 8:10 (Strict 6x5 [3:17] Kipping was 9-8-7-5-1)
tb ~ 7:19.0 / 37 Reps (Strict 8x3-2-2-2 (7:57) Kipping 2-3-2)
I was actually at 15 Strict at 2:05...then the slow-down, does it catch-up fast!

Rowing Breakdowns
ZW ~ 1:49.6 (28) / 1:50.6 (27) / 1:52.5 (25) / 1:52.9 (28) / AVE ~ 1:51.4 (27)
tb  ~ 1:42.6 (27) / 1:52.9 (25) / 1:55.7 (23) / 1:47.9 (28) / AVE ~ 1:49.7 (25)

Time Gets Away...But workouts do not...

WOW... Just no time to post for over a week...
Week #1 Game Prep has been TOUGH...

Last Wed (8-14)
For Time:
50/35 Cal Bike
100-80-60-40-20 ~ D/U
50-40-30-20-10 ~ Abmat Sit Ups
50/35 Cal Bike

tb ~ 19:03 (3:54 / 4:00 Bikes)


Last Friday (8-16)
SNATCH on the 2:30 x 5:
3-Pos. Power Snatch (Pockets - Knees - Floor)
3-Pos. Squat Snatch (Pockets - Knees - Floor)
3 x 12
Same volume & load as last week, but varied Rep scheme
(consider this "for time" / take rest but as minimal as needed)
Team of 2:
Ascending Ladder in 25 min:
Cal Row
KB Swings (50/35)
Wall Ball (20/14)
~ One person completes a full round then the other...

Borski (Betsy) joined in for this one!!!

Borski ~ XX / 115# Stam Sqt (3:26) / Thru rnd of 21 then 24 Cal Row
Z.Wendt ~ 115# / 255 (4:50) /
tb ~ 135# for 3-4-5 / 195# (4:36) /
Zach and I completed Rnd of 21 plus ZW got 10 Cals on Rower... He was #1

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Old School...

Warm-Up ~ 
Go WOD for 10 Min...
(Young Kids did SmashwRx)
60s Light Row + 60% Max Strict HSPU
60s Light Row + HS Walk Work (suppose to be 50' HSW)
60s Light Row + 50% Max Strict HSPU
60s Light Row + HS Walk Work
60s Light Row + 40% Max Strict HSPU
60s Light Row + HS Walk Work
4 Rnds ~
200m Run
8 Bar Muscle Ups
200m Run
12 Alternate DB Power Snatches (70/50)

GJune ~ 16:32 (50# / Pull + Dips)
CJune ~ 14:20 (45# / Pull + Dips)
AJ ~ 13:55 (60# / Pull + Dips)
Drake ~ 16:48 (70# / Pull + Dips)
Wendt ~ 23:19 (70# / MU)
MU ~ 4-2-1-1 / 4-2-1-1 / 2-3-2-1 / 4-2-1-1
Val ~ 17:09 (??# / Pull Ups + Dips)
tb ~ 5-4-4 & 10' HS Walk (kikin' up and 2 hand moves...weak, but worked) /  19:20 (70# / MU)
MU ~ UB / UB / UB / 7-1
DB 12 / 12 / 8-4 / 12

Monday, August 12, 2019

Go Wod

New warm-up Routine...made just for you at GOWOD

then ...BB WU
EMOM x 12 (6 Sets):
3 Front Squats
6 Back Squats
(63% 3-RM)
Squat Clean (135/95)
Ring Dips

ZW ~ 225# / 8:44 (HUGE PR)
Drake ~ 240# / XX
tb ~ 185# / 10:28 (not so hot)

ZW ~
7-6-5-1-1-1 / 8-7-6
6-5-1-1-1-1 / 6-5-4
6-1-1-1 / 6-3

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Mix it Up

Warm Up Quick... Got to get back to a good warm up!!!

30 Clean & Jerks (135/95)
1 Mile Run
10 Rope Climbs
1 Mile Run
100 Burpees

ZW ~ 44:34 (2:57-13:46(10:49) - 23:00(9:14) - 33:30(10:30) - 44:34(11:04))
tb ~ modified to 30 C&J+1Mile Run + 100 Burpees ~ 29:06
(3:52 for 30...15 reps completed at 1:30
11:00 mile
14:14 for 100 Burpees...

Then I did 50 extra burpees to finish after the time!!!

Wednesday, August 7, 2019


Well this one was a little sneaky...

SmashweRx WU


On the 2:30 x 5 rnds
Snatch Complex
3-Pos. Power Snatch
3-Pos. Squat Snatch
(55% 1-RM)
~So it will be High-Hang(pockets) Pwr Snatch + Low-Hang (knees) Pwr Snatch + Pwr Snatch from floor + HH (pockets) Sqt Snatch + LH (Knees) Sqt Snatch + Squat Snatch from floor ~ 6 total reps!
Every 4 minutes begin (5 Sets total):
9 Box Jump Overs (30/24)
15 DB Front Squat (50/35)
15/12 Cal Bike

ZW ~ 105-105-105-115-115 / 2:07(1:05B) - 2:14(1:15) - 2:19(1:16) - 2:28(1:18) - 2:53(1:36)
tb ~ 95-95-115-125-135 / 3:00(1:21) - 3:06(1:21) - 2:56(1:14) - 3:00(1:17) - 2:55(1:17)

Drake (8.8.19) Leg Work ~ (35#DB) 2:01-2:23-2:23-2:20-2:24

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Quads feelin' it...

Quads are feeling it today... just sore and slow to start...
Plus Football is a go today... Tonight we start... exciting and burdensome all at same time...
Paperwork and the drudgery of getting started... two more days and we will be back to good!

Mobilize & SmashweRx Warm-Up

3 x Tempo Romainian DL (4s down + 1s Hang)

Strict Pull Ups
Strict HSPU*
*modify/scale as not waste 10m on a set!
For Time:
21 DL + 400m Run
15 DL + 400m Run
9 DL + 400m Run

ZW ~ 12:34 / XX
21's ~ 8-4-3-6s / 8-7-6
15's ~ 4-3-3-5s / 9-6
9's ~ 5-4s / 4-4-1 (failed on 5th attempt on both sets of 4 during 9...)

tb ~ 16-18+ish(under 20min) / 13:07 (sucked)
21 Guns...Drake shut off his timer on me! Modified HSPU to 15-9-6
21's ~ 11-4-3-3 / 3-3-3-5(kipping)-1
15's ~ 12-3 / 2-1-2-2-2
9's ~ 9 / 2-2-1-1
SD ~ 15 Jefferson DL, then 3-3 traditional / 5-10s / 3-6s

Drake did Yesterday Fish out of H2O ~ 17:03 (135#)
Row = 8:20.2 (24) / Splits~2:00.3(27)/2:05.4(24)/2:07.3(24)/2:07.2(24)
Garrett J ~ 19:28 (9:16.9 Row / 115#)
Carson J ~ 16:45 (8:45 Row / 95#)

Monday, August 5, 2019


Been a while for some squats...coming off last week as a de-load week...

Warm-Up ~ Mobilize

EMOM x 12m (alt. these):
odd = 3 Front Squats
even = 6 Back Squats
(use 60% of 3-RM Back Squat ~ 7.22.19)
For Time:
2K Row
10 Rnds:
3 Power Clean (155/105)
6 Push Ups
9 Air Squats

Z.Wendt ~ 215# / 15:15 (stopped after 5 Rnds of 3-6-9...back was sore...)
7:47.2 Row / Ave~1:56.8(26) / Splits~1:53.2(25)/1:54.4(25)/1:57.0(27)/2:02.7(28)
tb ~ 175# / 17:02 (Quick Singles on 1-2-3-7 / UB on 4-5-6-8-9-10)
7:36.2 Row / Ave~1:54.0(23) / Splits~1:49.4(23)/1:52.3(22)/1:57.0(22)/1:57.5(25)

Saturday, August 3, 2019

CF Games Week...

This week is the CF Games in Madison, WI

Shawn Brehm was down there to watch some of them workouts and just "take-in" the events

He did #1 last night and I did them both today...

We were able to get together this AM and do WOD #2 ~ Two Ropes
It was fun!

WOD #1 ~ Row Burpees
For Time (6m Cap):
500m Row
30 Bar-Facing Burpees

5 Rnds for Time:
3 Rope Climbs (12')
15 Front Squats (115/85)
60 D/U

SB ~ 3:52 (1:47 Row) / 12:19 (95#/90 singles)
tb ~ 4:19 (1:44 Row) / 19:12

How about that for a times ~ 12:19 & 19:12...
I may have done a few extra D/U in Rnd 1 & 2... The 3's from Front squat got in my head and I was off on counting.
Brehm was Rockin' this one!!! Stud in both #1 & #2!!!

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Where did summer go...

Some have a month left of summer... But August means Football Starts...

#1 ~ AMRAP in 4m:
27 Hang Power Cleans (95/65)
27 Lateral Burpees over Rower
27 Cal Row
4 Minute REST
#2 ~ AMRAP in 4m:
21 Hang Power Cleans (115/85)
21 Lateral Burpees over Rower
21 Cal Row
4 Minute REST
#3 ~ AMRAP in 4m:
15 Hang Power Cleans (135/95)
15 Lateral Burpees over Rower
15 Cal Row

Val & I did this one...

Val ~ 55 Reps (1 Cal) / 58 Reps (16 Cals) / 1 Rnd + 13 HPC
tb ~ 74 Reps (20 Cals) / 65 Reps (1+2 HPC) / 62 Reps (1+2 Burpees)
Transitions (tb)
#1 ~ 45s (UB)-2:55
#2 ~ 40s (UB)-2:32-3:54
#3 ~ did not look until after the 15 HPC (1st was 9-6, 2nd was UB...didn't think I would finish in time, so I just gripped and ripped)...completed the HPC...looked at clock ~ 3:54 got over to 2 burpees.