It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Monday, October 7, 2019

PD Day

Professional Development day at school...
No that means we sit in lectures and info sessions...
Time to get better...So we start the day getting better!

Warm-Up ~ 
Snatch-Grip BB Warm Up ~ 5-7 reps of each:
Good AM's
Back Squats
Shoulder Press
Stiff-Leg DL
Sotts Press
Burgener WU 3-5 Reps ea
Muscle Snatch
Jump & Land
Snatch Propulsion (Hang Sqt Snatch)
Squat Snatch Build Up in Wt. for Form
SQUAT SNATCH (2 Choices)
#1 ~ Beginners / Form Workers
EMOM x 10 ~ 2 Squat Snatches (build in wt.)
#2 ~ Advanced / Good w/ Sqt Snatch Form
15 Squat Snatches AFAP (135#/95# / 4m Cap)
...immediately into...
6m to make 3 Attempts at a HEAVY (1-RM) Single
21-15-9 for Time:
Front Squat (185/125)
(10m Cap)

Rickaby ~ #1 - 135# / 7:02(135# from Rack)
Ladick ~ #1 - 95#? / 7:20 (135# from Rack)
Daliege ~ #1 - 135# / 7:37 (135# from floor)
tb ~ #2 - 2:52 - 175/185/185 / 8:09 (165# from floor)
Sqt Snatch ~ 5-3-3-4s / Fr.Sqt - 15-6 / 8-7 / 9UB / All TTB UB

Register for the OPEN HERE
make sure to put CrossFit WR as your affiliate...lets get a little leaderboard going.
Nervous...go Scaled Division!
Just Get In!!! 5 Weeks of some Motivation!!!

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