It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Friday, May 11, 2012

WEEK #1...More to Come

This weeks programing was different...

We actually started on time a few times...
Worked some strength
BB Gymnastics(Snatch Balance/Oly Lifts)
Good Met-Cons (higer intensity than the 20-30 min WOD)

More to come next week...Let's see how we progress

Friday 5.11.12
1 x 20 Back Squat
You will need to do warm-up sets on your own...
This is a maximal UNBROKEN effort...
Choose your weight (approx. 70% of 1RM)
Then try to get to 20...Do not guess light just so you know you can get it...This is a challenge!


3 Rnds for Time:
20 Push Press (95#/65#)
20 HR Push Ups
20 Pull Ups
* 2 Min Rest b/t Rnds

Elite = Bertag!
20 PP (135#/95#)
15 HR Push Ups
20 Pull Ups

All times have Rest Time included!
Val ~ 125# (20) / 14:45 (Purple Band)
Desi ~ 95# (20) / 17:52 (Purple Band)
Kate ~ 115# (20) / 16:35 (Purple Band)
Feidt ~ 215# (12) / 16:11 (105# / 2:49/4:41/4:41)
El Tigré ~ 225# (13) / 19:38 (135#&15 HR PU)
Krom ~ 185# (20) / 16:36
Brit ~ 175# (20) / 14:58 (2:41/3:34/4:43)
Hans ~ 225# (20) / 14:11
T-Lev ~ 185# (20) / 14:45
tb ~ 225# (20) / 19:22 (115# / 4:43/4:53/5:46)

OUTSTANDING DAY!!! Bertag rocked the Elite WOD! Even with some strength component added to it...He was very upset with his squat performance and was determined in the WOD.
Your reward for performing 20 squats means you will increase the weight sometime next week!!!

Thought ~ Patience?!

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