It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Honey Badger...

Summer is now in full swing! Get in the best shape of your life!!!

HoneyBadgerFit will begin...
This is our "new" summer WOD attitude...

The entire days WOD will have a bit more work/components within them...
Perform everything in order, or if you are short on time...Do the MAIN WOD!
Pick and choose what you would like to do...but be careful not to avoid things JUST BECAUSE they are a weakness...
Everyday you should expect something from the following:
~ Warm-Up (Baseline Work / Technique)
~ Strength (Get some Tech &/or Build Muscle)
~ Stamina (both timed & untimed)
~ Work Capacity (WOD)
~ Durability (Endurance & Finishing Work)
~ Flexibility

400m Run, 15 Lft-Arm DB Snatch
400m Run, 15 Rt-Arm DB Snatch

7 x 1 Power Clean + Push Jerk (get as heavy as possible) ; 60sec Rest

AMRAP in 15 Min:
5 Burpees
10 Swings (55#/35#)
15 Box Jumps (24" / 20")

1 Mile Run
100 Abmat Sit Ups
100 4-Ct Flutterkicks

Syd ~ 215# / 8 Rnds + 2 Burpees
Val ~ 115# / ??? (we will guess 7-8 Rnds)
Eric ~ 215# / 5 Rnds + 10 Swings (30" Box Jumps)
Damien ~ 215# / 5 Rnds (30" Box Jumps)
Bri ~ 75# / 9 Rnds (24" Box Jumps)
Hepp (did after) ~ 6 Rnds + 3 Box Jumps
tb ~ 225# / 7 Rnds + 5 Box Jumps
El Tigré ~ No Strength / 4 Rnds w/o Puking!

We had some extra people working with us this AM...Great to have others!
VolleyBALLER's that are putting on a camp for the girls @ LHS!
They jumped right in and put us to shame!

Feidt on Vacation (Camping @ Devils Lake) ~
Little Devils
4 Rnds for Time:
1 Hill Run
10 Pull Ups
1 Hill Run
20 Pike Sit Ups
1 Hill Run
30 Air Squats

Feidt ~ 19:17
Joni ~ 17:20
Tubbs ~ 17:20

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