It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

To. Be. Better.

Imagine that moment when you could’ve been better.
(Are there a lot that come to mind?)
(If not, teach me.)
As you imagine your moment of ‘could’ve been better-ness’ what are you doing to make it better?
Is it doable in more than that one occasion, possibly on a more consistent basis?
Is it something you can take a mental note with as you approach situations?
Does it deal with interactions with others?  Are you making those ‘others’ better?
To Be Better.
Is not a ‘put-down’ that you aren’t good enough.
It is an evaluation of the strife you have to be your best.
How do you want to end your day, every day?
How do you make your impact valued?
Is it your attitude, do you better the environment by being in it?
Is it your speech, does the confidence you hold in words radiate in other’s ears?
Is it your actions, do you silently find that connection with others without having to speak that message?

I write about this.  
I am surrounded by others that constantly remind me To. Be. Better.
You are apart of that.  We are constantly reminded to evaluate ourselves and our situations when those around you are wanting more for you, wanting you to succeed.
Reflecting is an action that has been asked repeatedly of us, but To. Be. Better. is a reminder that everyday is another day to make something better. 
Each environment holds an opportunity... in many of our lives it is from AM, to work, to home, to home-home, and the list could keep going... grocery store, post office, coffee shop, drive-thru, face it- even online and the netiquette we use.
Maybe a reminder isn't always a bad thing.

Here is to an Active Rest day...
Jogging with Witt.

Either way... Roll It Out and take some time for yourself.

1 comment:

  1. I think about it constantly! Everything I do, could be better.
    Val ~ Always good tought process...
    You make us all better, by being around!!!

    Good recovery day...
