It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Flippin the Switch

Recap of the past two weeks.. some little food for thought since beginning the Sealfit Programming.
#1: This is crazy.
Starting at 7:30am goin till 11:30.. finishing most days or getting as far as possible on the durability!
#2: This is definitely feelin better!!
This week was a good week... Starting anything new always takes a bit of transition and the end of this week has definitely shown improvement in our endurance.  We've finished most still and are finding the ability to move through the Baseline and Strength.
We are improving with the length of the WODS.
Good Job Everyone!!

3rnds: 20 SDLHP, 5 HPC, 10 BS, hip flexor stretch
increase in wt: #75. #85. #95 / #55. #65. #75

Strength:  5x1 Back Squat

4rnds not timed:
5 Back Squat @ 70% of 1rep Max, 10 barbell jump squats (#45, #35), 50m sled pull 70/45

12.11.10.....1 reps for time: We Did A 30minute Cap
Thruster (75#/55#), Pull ups, Ring dips, Sit ups (45#)

3mi Run.  Mod pace.... get out and get active.

Krommy~ 275#/195#/27:55
Feidt~ 275#/195#/Finished
Nic~ 315#/220#/23:33
JB~ 275#/195#/29:20
Val~ 185#/135#/29:59 purpleband for dips


  1. Great work by everyone!!! This week is definatly feeling better... Longer WOD's for sure!

    Next Tue is set folks...
    Filthy 50... We will be doing it in Rhine-town...Rapids Crew should follow...
    There needs to be some stipulations on finishing...Wall Ball, Burpee & D/U MUST be the last 3 events...In that order...THAT is what puts the "Filthy" in the 50.

  2. BTW...for all of us SEALfitters... I will be up early and look at SF... We may be required to perform the Baseline, Strength & Stamina(if any) before the F-50...
    REPLY with comments...
