It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Missing something...

There is something to say about the people you wake up to...
They see you at your finest hour:  6am. Bedhead. Possible B.O. and well, whatever that day brings.
We are a pretty mellow bunch...
Most of us, if ever bothered are all bothered by the same things (except for Jacob, he is bothered by lifts.. the rest of us may be bothered by well; others or possibly the TVs being left on.. if anything).
Us girls aren't too moody (ha, that would be something wouldn't it).
We don't let much get to us in a negative fashion,
more of a 'LETS GO and get moving' kind of gettin to each other.
We feed off of each other.
Whether or not we want to admit it... WE have all gotten stronger in the past few months!
Pretty Awesome.

It is when someone isn't there for more than a day or two that it feels like something is missing...
We fight the urge to not give in to aches and pains...
The last thing you want to do is stop.  DNF basically sucks to have after the effort of your WODs.
Unfortunately, we all take our turns at some point or another.... Britt had his concussion earlier in the year and at the moment it is Feidt's turn.

Just want to let you know... WE were missing something until today!!!
(plus, lets face it, you would've loved this Mondays workout of 400s)
~ written by Val

Warm-Up ~
10 Pass Thrus, 10 Step Thrus, 5 Snatch Press, 5 Snatch Balance, 5 Hang Sqt Snatch

EMOM for 5 Min:
5 Pull Ups & with remaining time hold a R or L T-Bar (may switch whenever)

The Last Day (of the School Year)
For Time:
200m Run w/ Partner
20 Total Thrusters
200m Run w/ Partner
20 Total SDLHP
200m Run w/ Partner
20 Total Push Jerk
200m Run w/ Partner
20 Total OHS
200m Run w/ Partner
20 Total Front Squats
* Wt for Bars is 115# Men / 85# Women
* Run w/ Partner
* Can only perform work when partner is in Chin-Over-Bar Position (top of pull up)
* Chin may NOT rest on bar or fall even with bar!!!
* Grip can be any (Pull Up / Chin / Mixed)

Britt & Krommy ~ 13:58
Bertag & Munce ~ 14:39
Reeder(115#) & Feidt(75#) ~ 14:52
Hansen(115#) & Camen (15#) ~ 14:38
tb & Val ~ 13:59

The push by partners was great...It is an entirely different feeling of being pushed and encouraging when you are in a partner WOD.
If you are the partner behind, you really push to keep going so you don't let down your buddy.  If you are the partner in the lead, you find ways to motivate your buddy...keep 'em going.  Not to mention the push you feel of the other groups...Competition is so much greater when someone else is relying on you (your partner). It is no longer about yourself and your SOMEONE else is relying on you!


Good to have you back FEIDT!!!

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