It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Back to the Real World

After a week of vacation (Up North @ Bob's House)...A full week on the lake & dock...Relaxing!!!
Syd "Goin' Solo" & Some other vacations (Feidt's & Tonn's @ Lake Superior...swimming in e coli)

Today was HEPP's Birthday (I think...)
He snuck in and got a WOD in without mentioning it!
Avoiding a B-Day WOD...Don't worry Steven ~ we will make it up!

50 Low Row
ROM Drills (5-10 Min)
Back Squat to 1 RM

5-5-5+ Back Squat (65%-75%-85% of 1RM))
Stamina (Chipper)
15 Back Squats (80% 1RM)
75 Box Jumps (30" / 24")
400m Farmers Walk (55# / 35#)
Work Capacity
AMRAP in 15 Minutes:
1 Suicide Run (0-10m-20m)
6 Pull Ups
10 KB Swings (55/35)
3 mile Run
3 Rnds ~ 20 Sledgehammer Slams, 5 Romanian DL (Med. Wt.)
5 Minutes of Box Breathing & Warrior Yoga Hip Mobility (4 Lunges, 4 Duck Walks, 4 Grinders)

Britt ~ 265# / 210# for the Stamina
Val ~ 195# (PR) / 155# / 7 Rnds + 5 Swings / 1.5-2 Mile Run + BB, Hip Mob.
Hepp ~ 300# / 225# / 10 Rnds + 6 Pull Ups
Feidt ~ 275# / 225# / 9 Rnds + Shuttle Run
Krommy ~ 275# / 225# / 10 Rnds + Shuttle Run
tb ~ 335# / 275# / 7 Rnds + 4 swings / 1.5-2 Mile Run + BB, Hip Mob.

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