It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Gettin Filthy ... Rhine-Town & Rapids on a Toasty Tuesday

Hot and humid, chance of scattered showers...  Don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.

But hey, two Rapids filthy fifties down...  Des came in e.a.r.l.y.  I wanted to water the garden after yesterday's heat wave... shortly after, the wind picked up, storm clouds moved in, and we received a fair amount of precipitation.  It really only lasted five minutes. looking at Des' sweaty piece of paper, here are our times...

Des - 34:50
Britt - 31:10

I underestimated the amount of time.  I commented last night about 25 minutes.  I forgot how hard it got during back extensions.  Have fun!

Filthy 50...Somewhat Modified

WR vs. Rhinelander
Or better yet... WR AND Rhinelander...
This is their first F-50...We will be modifying it due to some constraints on the facilities/equipment

Here is today's Filthy 50
F-50 (WR vs. Rhinelander)
Perform 50 of each (in order) For Time:
Box Jumps (24" / 20#)
Jumping Pull Ups (touch chest)
Plate Swings (35#)
Walking Lunges
Leg Levers (mod. from K2E)
Push Press (45#)
Back Extensions (or Supermans)
Wall Ball (20# / 14#)
Double Unders (250 Singles if you cannot do 10+ D/U in a row)


WR crew
Krommy - 29:40 Rx
Val - 31:31 (leg levers)
Syd - 31:34 Rx
Hepp - 32:16 Rx

Rhinelander crew
Lemmens - 30:17
Moore - 42:00
tb - 31:21

Compare to spring: used 65/55 for press/swing
Krommy ~ 30:51
Bath ~ 32:10
Desi ~ 33:10
Syd ~ 35:10...or as he puts it DFL
tb ~ 30:01

Celebrating the 4th with our respects.

8am LHS weight room.

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