That and you would've thought there was an intense storm heading our way with the breeze build up we were creating from the band buddy pulls..... WHO needs AC.
Kids Football Camp today. Tabata @ 10am.
Witt is gone... Hodag. If up in Rhinelander for the country festival, feel free to stop by and say HI at Witt's Curds Stand. He said I shouldn't mention him in here without his approval~ but I'm promoting his business so....
Hard.. it just was.
Difficult to transition between hpc to burpees to pull ups..
Difficult to breathe.
Then to get back up and goin on the 400s.... my legs couldn't remember what it was like to sprint!
Baseline: Run 400m, then ROM drills. Work up to 1 RM strict press.
Strength: 5-5-5 strict press. 5 reps @ 65% 1 RM, 5 reps @ 75% 1 RM, 5+ reps @ 85% 1 RM (last set is a burn out set)
Stamina: 5 rounds, not timed: 3x press @ 90% 1RM, 10x push press (65#/45#), 50m buddy pull with heavy band.
Work Capacity: Complete 5 rounds for time of the following…
- 15x hang power clean (95#/65#)
- 15x burpee
- 15x pull up
Durability: 4 x 400m sprints (1:1 work to rest ratio). 100x sit ups, 100x arm haulers. 5 minutes box breathing and Warrior Yoga Hip Mobility Drill.
Hepp~ 170//camp
Syd~ 135//camp
tb~ 145//camp
Krommy~ 145/5/24:35
Feidt~ 155/no stamina/19.20/4x400. situps.
Val~ 75/6/25:22/4x400. situps. bb + md
a few missing numbers.. will be applied later.
a few missing numbers.. will be applied later.
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