It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Just starting...

There is just starting...
You know the situation, let me set it up for you:
You have been so consumed in your daily life that you forgot what it was like to put your health first.  This action could be simply walking everyday with an exercise class twice a week or a new way to look at food as fuel instead of simply a time frame, aka breakfast, lunch, dinner.  Honestly, you could have just joined the Y for the first time in your entire life.  
(I have been very much aware of how food can make any situation either GREAT or just awkward... chat with mom this past Saturday: Mom; What's for lunch?  Val; Are you hungry?  Mom; Well, no.  Just seeing what the plan is.  Val; We aren't going to talk about food until you are hungry... be confident that the fridge will get us by.  Mom; Dad is diabetic, they need something we can't just skip it.  Val; That's fine. But remember, Dad is the diabetic, you used the word we, and the fridge + what you brought from up north is plenty.... geeze, you even kept the crackers in the ziplock the mouse chewed a hole in and pulled a cracker or two out so you could have them with the cheese.  It will be fine.  Dad; Val, I tell your mom that all the time.  She just wants to know what she is eating next.  Val; Dad, you kept the cracker bag that a mouse had been in!  WHO does that?  Dad; The mouse didn't crawl in the bag, he chewed a hole in it and pulled the cracker out.  There was no evidence of the mouse being in the bag.  Val; REALLY!  So, the mouse didn't leave turds, which is the only 'evidence' you would see, and you think the mouse didn't set foot in the zip lock.  Dad; There is nothing wrong with them, Val. It isn't going to hurt anything, just eat the cracker.  Val;  No way.  I wasn't going to eat the cracker prior. You shouldn't be eating crackers Dad, empty calories and they don't assist in anything good with your diabetes...  We digressed a bit but it all started with wanting to know what was for lunch they had just had breakfast.  I love my parents.)  

Any of this is 'just starting' is great.  You will ease into the lifestyle.  Set time for yourself every week and as you begin to find comfort in your surroundings, you will continue to evolve into what you enjoy doing as you take advantage of what is being offered your way!

But for some of us that have past that situation above.
We've been changing it up for a while now, finding what we like, don't like, working to try new things, and find different kinds of challenges.
Our diet consists of what we've found to fit our lifestyle and what works for us best... that too can sometimes be a new challenge but we are know the fuel food provides.
We work to influence each other... in a variety of ways: we give each other grief for not being around, text the other to make sure they're up in the morning to get in (no lie, we do this), facebook about new classes in town and want others to be a part of them with us....
We work hard at working hard and we love to sweat!

So, why is it that sometimes we get this from the one's we are around:
I just don't like feeling like I am taking away from other's time when I don't know what the lift is.  I feel bad and I don't want to be in the way.
I am the ugliest runner and so slow.
I need to learn how to _____ before I can go with everyone else.
I would feel better doing some on my own and work on it.
I always feel like I'm the slowest, weakest.

Alright, now for some honesty.
WE ALL started where you are.  You just weren't here at that time and missed our awkward moments.  We still have awkward moments.
(the other day we did clapper push ups.... I did them from my knees, pretty sure I don't need to go any further as to how awkward I looked for the entire duration!)
We understand and get it.  You aren't taking time away from us... we want you to learn and get comfortable with being around and for most of the people that have started in the past two years, they have been improving faster!  It is the ability to understand and work with each other to know how far we can push.
The longer you aren't in there with a group, the easier it is to not come in at all because that awkward feeling still lives with the fact that you are worried about what others think.
This applies EVERYWHERE.  When we walk into the Y, step into the office, out on the court/field, even running for the first time outside on the sidewalk, anything new we do we are constantly surrounded by people and thoughts but the last thing we should worry about is being with friends and having them not tell you whats up.  That is why they are your friend.
They do that.... They tell you.
We will never do better on oly lifts if others are not in there to spot, adjust, comment.
Its awesome to step up in WODs when Krommy is asking to race out the end of mile 2 in Murph... and you thought your pace was 'all you had'.
Wouldn't think about doing pull ups with torn calluses on your hands if tb wouldn't try to show you how to tape them.... ha.  Or having the guy do strict pull ups as you do kipping... OR if he is doing kipping they are chest to bar pull ups!
Syd starts yelling his numbers... and they make you rest less!

There is a time to be alone.  To find solace in the space you are in and ease for the mind.

There is also a time to be surrounded.  To find smiles in the moments that are awkward.  To know you can be there and the room can be full but when the clock starts it is just you... competing with you.

For however long you have been working to better your life, once the comfort hits it is time for a jolt.

Happy Saturday.

It is 8am.  We moved to a home with long, front windows and I am sitting on the couch watching what looks to be what a neighborhood is like:  so far there have been 8 bikers, some walkers, and a woman running with her stroller (rock on).  A home was the coolest thing E and I have ever gotten together, aside from the dog, but I bullied that one by him.  If I wasn't so worried I would freak her out I would try to catch up with the running mama and make a new neighbor-friend... Don't know what they do around here for meet & greet but may have to influence the block party over in tb's neighborhood to this little surrounding area for some good ole fashion get-to-know-ya.
An hour has gone by: E n Des worked out.
They deadlifted... jb's favorite.
E: 305#  Fran @ 9:34 95#+purple
D: 205#  P.R.

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