Nice little WOD from Comptrain...Looked nasty!
Penance (named by me after watching JB do this one and commenting on it...seemed appropriate)
4 Rnds for Time:
10 Thrusters (95/65#)
10 Burpees
10 Hang Pwr Snatch (95/65#)
10 Alt. Split Squat Jumps (5 each side)
JB ~ 12:10
Daliege ~ 13:29
Stan ~ 14:04 (75#)
tb's recovery work...
400m Run
Paleo Chair 2 x 1:30 (sh. width stance & narrow stance)
Roll Out Hip Flexors
E4MO4M x 4:
30 Burpees
Burpees were done in approx. 2:20-:30...
1 = 15 + 5 Step down-Rt + 5 SD-Lft + 5
2 = 5 SD-Rt + 5 SD-Lft + 5 (5 Breaths) 15
3 = 10 (3 breaths) 10 + 10 SD
4 = Did sets of 3 with 3-5 Breaths b/t for 3:30 42 burpees
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