SATURDAY... Ethan worked out... I "tested" some thoughts on 16.1...
E's workout:
With a continuous clock:
In 3 minutes complete:
30 Burpees
@ The 3:00 mark, complete in 3 minutes
30 Thrusters (45#)
@ the 6:00 mark, you have 6 min to complete:
Thrusters (75#)
@ the 12:00 mark, you have 3 minutes to complete:
30 Burpees
@ the 15:00 mark, complete as fast as you can:
30 Thrusters (45#)
I "tested" some various ways to get burpees and C2B done better...
Spoiler Alert: IT DID NOT WORK!!!
16.1 Retest & Quit with 15sec left
Thanks to Val, E and Emmet for coming up and trying to push me...
Man, that was frustrating!
Oz and I got a nice grind going from Saturdays Comptrain WOD
EMOM x 21 min:
1st ~ Jog 1 Lap (200m)
2nd ~ 15/12 Cal Row
3rd ~ 5 Power Cleans (135#/95#) + 30 D/U
*so this is really 7 rnds of this WOD...
Oz ~ Completed
tb ~ 28 D/U on 5th, 20 D/U on nemisis... The 15minute mark in ANY WOD!!!
I gave up on retesting these open WODs, it's just too hard, mentally and physically.