It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Heck to the YEaH!

Lots of great things happening with the snow being gone and the weather warming...  We are getting a pretty good sized group together for Crazylegs in Madtown!  Which is really fun... it is also notorious for a not so nice day but I always run toward the TALLest badger B-ball player to get a jump-start high five at the starting line and then you realize you are going to be surrounded by people for the entire 7k and you forget that it is even raining....  Plus I have already started hoping for sun!  Super Excited.
I have found a few friends that are trying firsts this summer so I worked hard to jump on board with them... one being Crazylegs coming up, Cellcom Half (full), TOUGHmudder (85%full), the Madison Marathon is hosting a 1/4 marathon run that a friend has joined but all the running events get to be a little much, and the Tri in Waupaca is a GO again this summer with most of the members that participated on teams competing in the entire event, but I still need to find a bike race for us and that will be posted. 

YOGA is coming along beautifully and I am going to be working hard on teaching two classes this summer in Fox Lake. It is ALL HAPPENING- (favorite line from Almost Famous).  If you go on In Season YOU can see pics of our seedlings I planted.. only imagine them 3xbigger!! 

~Find something to take part in this summer and make it into a family event!  Events are a lot more satisfying when you have another to hug/high five/fall into in the end- plus that event may be all it takes to inspire another....
~You are never going to be able to do everything but doing something is better than nothing.
~Little things do matter... from your health, diet, working out, to your relationships with friends and family.. you will never be able to find the time but you can always MAKE the time.

**miss you all very much... lots of Happy Thoughts!  Keep Up the Hard Work, everyone is doin so great!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Following Jax.

1 mile run
155 clean & jerk x 21
800m run
155 clean & jerk x 21
1 mile run

I liked it. Jacob would have loved it!

Hans: 32:43
Britt: 29:55 mod 135
Feidt: 36:30 mod 135

Monday, March 28, 2011

Spring Break-up

Lovely Monday.

10 pass thru
20 SDLHP (35#)
Hip mobility/Samson stretches
10 Good mornings (45# bar)
10 OHS (45# bar)

WOD From Jax - getting back with a steady program
100 Low Row (50#) - mod from 1000m row
25 OHS (135/95)
50 Swings (55#)
25 Burpees
800m Run

Britt: 19:08 (115 ohs)
Hans: 20:54
Reed: 25:20

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Snow Day Boys and Girls!

It was a wet, heavy shovel to get out of my driveway this morning... I came in thinking we still had school. Then Reeder broke the news...

5 Bridge-ups
10 Box Jumps
10 Hands off push ups
10 Handstand wall runs
10 Scorpion Stretch (5 each way)

WOD (From Tuesday's CF Jax)
70 Burpees
60 Abmat Situps
50 Swings (35)
40 Pullups

Britt 18:33
Hans 19:18
Reed 21:59

Happy day boys and girls.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


5 Pass Thrus
10 Strict Pull Ups
20 Lungesteps
5 Skin the Cats
10 Ball Slams
20 Air Squats

For Time:
50 D/U
20 Dips
40 Squat Cleans (135#/95#)
800m Run
20 Dips
800m Run

El Tigre ~ 19:53
Britt ~ 17:35 (115#)
Syd ~ 23:50
Feidt ~ 23:07 (115#)
Hansen ~ 18:00
Fiegel ~ 19:32
Reeder ~ 19:20
Schannen ~ 22:??

Monday, March 21, 2011


After the climb we were already discussing what would be next... and that my friends is
Crazylegs in Madison~  April 30, 2011
It is an 8k that ventures through UW campus and ends with you running into Camp Randall.  We have been doing this run for the past couple years and it is a favorite.  There is normally live music, djs throughout the route, and lots of high fives from men on stilts.. the end is pretty neat since you get to see yourself as you're running in on the field from the big screen. 

This is an individual based sign up... no Team leader for this one.

Sign up online by clicking on this link-  Crazylegs

Keep up all the good work and if this one isn't a go for you just yet-  May activities are posted on
TRY ANYthing page!!

HERO Monday

10 Pass Thrus

10 Push Ups
10 Back Extensions
10 GHD Sit Ups

AMRAP in 20 Min:
10 Push Press (115#)
10 Swings (45# Plate)
10 Box Jumps (24")

Army Staff Sgt. Jack M. Martin III, 26, of Bethany, Oklahoma, assigned to the 3rd Battalion, 1st Special Forces Group, Fort Lewis, Wash., died September 29th, 2009, in Jolo Island, Philippines, from the detonation of an improvised explosive device. Martin is survived by his wife Ashley Martin, his parents Jack and Cheryl Martin, and siblings Abe, Mandi, Amber and Abi.

El Tirgre ~ 8 + 10 Swings
Britt ~ 9 + 10 Push Press (95#)
Feidt ~ 8 + 4 Push Press
Syd ~ 8 + 3 Push Press
Hansen ~ 10
Reeder ~ 11
Fiegel ~ 11
Biba ~ 7 + 10 Push Press
Hennessy ~  7 (95#)

GREAT JOB to the Stair Climbers!!!  What is next?  My goal is the JIGSAW!!!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Climb For Air -2011

Fun Stuff!


2 rnds
10 Pass thru
10 Deck squat
10 Spiderman pushups
10 SDLHP (45)
10 Pistols

WOD from JAX Thursday, March 17
10 Sqt Snatch 95
20 G20 135
20 Burpees
30 DL 225
10 Muscleups

Hans 20:48
Britt 24:43
Hepp 22:30 (mod mu)

It's hard to type... Forearms and fingers are tight and don't move correctly.

Rope Slams - alternating arms (like the video Hepp posted) in a TABATA fashion.

4 rnds - 20s work, 40s rest then 4 rounds - 10s work, 20s rest.

After that, we experimented with different rope slams in intervals.

Friday, March 18, 2011

TRACKing our progress

Today we had a few less...For the Boys, tonight is the first TRACK Meet of the season.  Good luck to Reeder & Fiegel!

As for the WODs this week...I (tb) appoligize for not putting anything up... Worked out Monday and got myself worked up to much... It is going to be a while before I can workout like I would like.  This junk has me thinking/worrying to much...looks like stress relief yoga for a while.

The WR Crew has been on Bertagnolski's FAVORITE site in the world (  Programing is slightly different than the way we have been use to, but Jacob LOVES it and that is all that matters...

Box Jump (24")
Swings (70 or 55...get heavy)

Enjoy & Good Luck to the Track Boys!!!

Also... Good luck to the Stair Climbers this weekend... I expect to see Pics on this site!  I am truly sorry I cannot be there!  I will be back in some type of action in April/May...Expect to run @ the Jigsaw!

Britt ~ 14:42
Syd ~ 15:33
Feidt ~ 15:59
El Tigre ~ 18:26

PS ~ Val...GREAT POST below!  Awsome thoughts and VERY TRUE!  It is the people around you that make the difference in the world and life... We must always

Monday, March 14, 2011

Another week..

Well, since the WR crew hasn't been posting their workouts as often this week... I figured I could chime in for a moment.

There is a lot to say about a group of individuals coming together, almost everyday, and sharing with each other what the rest of our daily meetings miss out on...  we share successes, failures, we push each other, take a step back when we notice one may just want to be in their own world that morning, we give that extra word of encouragement when needed or allow brutal honesty to be a form of respect between each other, and we accept another's challenges and only want the best for them ... we share something that we can truly not describe to another who asks us about our workouts together... and yet, we are okay with not being able to define it. 
We accept others on a basis of proving themselves that they 'want' to be there..  'New' additions that hold form and truth throughout their workouts only add to the competitive atmosphere we thrive on, yet simply sharing in the camaraderie is really what we crave.
Participants come and go, but the core that thrives are more than participants.  This core is a constant that you can always rely on, feed off of, and they push you harder than you could ever push yourself.

What happens when you have to step away, move away, leave~  you feel lost.  But what is so great about this understanding is that you know why you feel lost, you miss the feeling you got every morning from those people, you know you need to be surrounded by others throughout the week that simply understand why you are there.  As an individual, you can make it work but it just doesn't feel the same...   so what do you do?  Find another focus?  Find another activity with group emphasis?  OR  Do you examine yourself, address the weaknesses and, after a thorough physical, do you decide to just start again, only with a different focus?  No one ever judges you on your focus, they simply want you to be there... so 'there' is where you should be.

Words can't decribe the weekend I had...  I am just constantly reminded how lucky I am to have met such amazing people throughout my life.

To another week~  challenging ourselves no matter how small or large that may be... 

~the two in this picture, PE teachers from AZ.. my first team triathlon which took first place!  The one on the left attempted the ironman in tempe that year and told me to run a half..  and my mentor, the one in the middle, she keeps tabs on me even now... 

Thursday, March 10, 2011


75 Jumping Jax
Tabata Mash-Up: K2E & Floor Wipers (95#) *95 is to much...should have been 75

5-5-5-5 *2m Rest b/t sets


SDLHP (95#)
OHS (95#)

Watching everyone work hard and push themselves is great...Work your form, push yourself, demand the best out of yourself in all you do!  Keep up the great work...

OHS Heaviest Set / Time on the Burner
El Tigre ~ 185 / 5:02
Britt ~ 155 / 8:29
Feidt ~ 135 / 7:04
Syd ~ FS-225 / 6:42 (135 FS rather than OHS)
Hepp ~ 155 / 5:18
Hansen ~ 155 / 5:02
Fiegel ~ 185 / 4:28
Reeder ~ 155 / 7:39
Elgersma ~ 155 / 5:05 (sketchy reps...get better at form!)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Wednesday WOD

Warm-Up: 2 Rnds ~
10 Pass Thrus, 5 Pull Ups, 10 Lunges, 5 Tuck to Headstand

Miserable Mile
For Time:
50 Jumping Air Squats
400m Run
50 Push Ups (Hands Off @ Bottom)
400m Run
50 Jumping Lunges
400m Run
50 Abmat Sit Ups
400m Run

Another outstanding performance... It is great to watch everyone putting forth the work & effort.
It also makes me appreciate life, working hard, being with friends...this stuff is great...Can't wait to get back at it!

Britt ~ 14:00
El Tigre ~ 17:03
Feidt ~ 17:55
Syd ~ 17:00
Hansen ~ 13:00
Fiegel ~ 16:44
Reeder ~ 14:45
Biba ~ 16:22
Hennessy ~ 18:20

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Warm-Up: 30 Lungesteps...5 Push Ups every 5 Steps...

Deadlift Focus: 5-5-5
Straight Back...easy pull...Drive the Heels

DEADLIFT 3-3-3-3-3 (2min Rest b/t sets)

Hang Squat Snatch (95#)
Chest 2 Bar Pull Ups
Bar Dips

Great Effort by ALL!  Everyone was much higher on C2B Pull Ups than they have been in the past.  Excellent job in being disciplined and continuing to work hard!
Forearms paid the price today...Great Strength & Power combo

El Tigre ~ 4x10 squats rather than DL (225#) / 9:05
Britt ~ 285# / 11:07
Feidt ~ 325# / 15:10
Syd ~ 405# / 11:55
Hansen ~ 405# / 10:15
Fiegel ~ 405# / 14:10
Reeder ~ 405# / 15:39
Biba ~ 285# / 14:38

*Syd and Fiegel both went for 455 and got it ONCE! Great attempts!!!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Back At It...

3 Rnds ~ 5 Pull Ups, 10 Back Extensions, Sampson Stretch

(From Sin City Crossfit)
AMRAP in 15 Min:
Power Snatch (135#) (mod = Clean & Jerk) # = Rnd
5 Burpees
10 Box Jumps (24")
15 Pike Sit Ups

2M Rest

1 Mile Run for Time

GREAT EFFORT by everyone!
Most guys ran the mile w/ negative splits, meaning they ran their second 1/2 mile faster than their first...Impressive whenever this happens.  Legs may have been tired but O2 should have been just as depleated from the AMRAP... Very good stuff...

ET ~ 6 Rnds + 4 Snatch / 8:08
Britt ~ 6 Rnds (C&J) / 6:21
Fiedt ~ 5 Rnds + 3 C&J / 9:36
Hansen ~ 6 Rnds + 5 Burpees / 7:04
Fiegel ~ 7 Rnds / 11:20
Reeder ~ 4 Rnds + 2 Snatch / 7:00
Bibba ~ 5 Rnds + 1 C&J / 6:45

Saturday, March 5, 2011


Big month for ANYthing Once- first activity in the schedule of events for 2011... and lots outside of those performing the workouts posted have been working hard with getting themselves ready and roarin for the warmer season coming up- and it IS coming!  Northern Georgia had daffodils and blooming trees so it is making its way up to us up here in the NORTH.

Took the time today to talk to those that keep up with InSeason- the csa (community supported agriculture) veggie farm we are starting this spring- all about ANYthing Once...
(I am becoming more aware that there are many who read and follow but just don't include themselves in the followers category, so that was really nice to know.)
If you have the time- check it out-....................

                              March is HERE

It is also the time to talk to you guys about March being a great time to find local farmers for your summer produce- CSAs are located throughout Wisconsin,
YES- THEY ARE EVERYWHERE and are so great to connect with for those that enjoy summer produce, may grow some of their own but would really like to have a variety.   
In any case-  I am sure Brittnacher will be getting his garden going this spring so if this doesn't interest you exactly- you can always tell him what your favorite vegetable is and he could maybe plant you a row.

I know this is a little off topic from physical activity but it is good to be introduced or reminded about the other side of the spectrum.

To a new week starting tomorrow..  Happy and Healthy thoughts~V

Cherry Pickin'

Well, as expected, there was controversy regarding the workout from Bert. So in searching for an alterntive, I found a WOD from his favorite site (crossfithardcore) with two of his least favorite lifts (deadlift and HSPU). He had no choice but to abide.

Bear Crawl
Broad Jump
Crab Walk
Walking Lunge
(length of the weightroom - down and back for all)

7 DL (225)
7 Dips/Ring Dips
7 Box Jumps

Hepp 13:49
Syd approx 18:00
Hans 15:35
Britt 21:10
Reed 20:50
ET approx 24 (he was in a tizzy and didn't want to tell me his time)

He gets upset when he takes dead last. "But it wasn't hard"

He states, "It's not physically hard, I just can't do it. It's like benching 300 pounds... It's not hard, you just can't do it."

Friday, March 4, 2011


I agree with the Fab Friday...
No news is good news is how we will take the last few days...

Another Day...Another test!  This time it was a MRA (similar to MRI but images of the arteries)...
VERY interesting stuff, but...nothing again!  No cause, source, or reason was revealed for the TIA.

BUT...Doc has a theory about what could have happened, as there is no other good explanation.
He thinks there was a small tear in one of the arteries going to the brain that caused the blockage...the tear repairs itself (and probably already has) is what his feeling is... SO ... NO WOD for me for a while as I have to stay away from valsalva maneuver (straining)...

The result...
Take one baby aspirin daily!
Can resume normal activities (no straining stuff).
See him again in 6-7 weeks.
An increased possibility of recurrence (b/c this happened), but no good reason to think there will be one.

Fab Friday

We went with Practice Crossfit's WOD this morning...

5xBerg WU (wt bar then 45# bar)
1xBball court 16
2 Rnds Cindy

5 Thrusters (135/95)
15 Swings (55/35)
20 Line Jumps (Over and back counted as 1 rep, and it made all the difference. We jumped a blue box for consistency.)

We started the wall clock and it counted down, but never started the timer... it sat at 0:00. We must have done something wrong... oh well. So no times to post, we continued the WOD for completion.

Fill us in tb... how's everything? Have you been practicing gymnastics or your stretches? You must be doing something..

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Neurology...Next please

Great post Britt!!!  We all need to reflect on what is really important in life... Life get's in the way of that... Perceived life vs. what REALLY matters in life... Day to day living is not really matters, but keep it in perspective... Can't wait to WOD again...

In the meantime, I am seeing the neurologist today...So far, no news has been both good and bad news...good news = everything looks normal; bad news = we don't know why this happed, or if/when it can happen again.

Thursday 2/3/11
50 Jumping Jax
35 SDLHP (35#)
20 Pike Sit Ups

Partner Up...
5 Rounds of the Following (1 Rnd = A-hang, B-3 Rnds then A-3 Rnds, B-Hang):
One person Hangs on the Pull Up Bar while other parter performs:
3 Rnds ~
3 Power Cleans (115#)
3 Push Press/Jerk (115#)
3 Front Squats (115#)

3 Burpee Penalty for the TEAM for EVERY drop from the bar (to be "Paid" after WOD)

Parter B can only do work while Parter A is on bar...If "B" breaks for breath during round, A must still hang-on...EVERYTIME/ANYTIME partner comes off except for the exchange there is the Penalty.

Score is Total Time & Total Burpees

FINISHER (from Gymnasticswod):
1 Min: Middle Splits
1 Min: Rt Leg Splits
1 Min: Lft Leg Splits
2 Min: Pike Stretch (try to get nose to knees / straight legs)
30 Sec: Bridge Hold

How I wish you were here

In spite of our little scare yesterday, one thing IS for certain... We are thankful our friend is still here. Even though our fearless fire-breathing leader was not present at the WOD this morning, it is a constant reminder that a person is but one breath, one heartbeat away from eternal life.

It is a reminder for everyone to keep pushing, keep trying, and to never give up on the things you enjoy until you take that last breath. Life is too short. It can pass you by if you always question, "what if". Take chances, be bold, brave, courageous - but don't forget to be kind, merciful, caring, and to show your love to those you care about along the way.

We have one tangible life on this Earth before our spirit becomes part of the esoteric, spiritual cloud. Get busy living...

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Wednesday...wish I were there

AM Rapids Crew...Here you Go...

100 D/U
5 Bridge Ups, 10 Pistols Rt, 15 Push Ups, 10 Pistols Lft, 5 Deadhang Pull Ups
2 Rnds ~ 15 Hollow Rocks, 15 Supermans

Brought to you by CFWV
3 Rnds for Time:
5 Bear Complex (95#)
10 Floor Bench Press (95#)
20 Floor Wipers (95#)
25 Med Ball Cleans

1 Bear = Squat Clean, Front Squat, Push Press, Back Squat, Push Press
Must go thru this 5 times to equal the 5 Reps...
Floor Wipers = one side is one, the other side is two...

tb's WOD ~ More Tests...Will be back soon!

TIA ~ Tuesday

What a warm-up:
400m Run
30s Wall Sit w/ Plate above Head
20 Step Ups w/ Plate above Head
20 Dips
400m Run
****this was where I had to leave the workout (tb)

Find heaviest Back Squat - (3 Rep) within time...
Find Maximum Box Jump within time...
10 Min Limit

Then...5 Rounds of
5 Back Squats (75% 3Rm) & 3 Box Jumps (75% Max Height)
Begin Every 90sec

REST 3-5 Min

For Time:
60 OHS (95#)

Times are unknown for today...As I had to leave!
Hope everyone else enjoyed the WOD... I was really looking forward to it!  Sorry for the disruption...