It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Heck to the YEaH!

Lots of great things happening with the snow being gone and the weather warming...  We are getting a pretty good sized group together for Crazylegs in Madtown!  Which is really fun... it is also notorious for a not so nice day but I always run toward the TALLest badger B-ball player to get a jump-start high five at the starting line and then you realize you are going to be surrounded by people for the entire 7k and you forget that it is even raining....  Plus I have already started hoping for sun!  Super Excited.
I have found a few friends that are trying firsts this summer so I worked hard to jump on board with them... one being Crazylegs coming up, Cellcom Half (full), TOUGHmudder (85%full), the Madison Marathon is hosting a 1/4 marathon run that a friend has joined but all the running events get to be a little much, and the Tri in Waupaca is a GO again this summer with most of the members that participated on teams competing in the entire event, but I still need to find a bike race for us and that will be posted. 

YOGA is coming along beautifully and I am going to be working hard on teaching two classes this summer in Fox Lake. It is ALL HAPPENING- (favorite line from Almost Famous).  If you go on In Season YOU can see pics of our seedlings I planted.. only imagine them 3xbigger!! 

~Find something to take part in this summer and make it into a family event!  Events are a lot more satisfying when you have another to hug/high five/fall into in the end- plus that event may be all it takes to inspire another....
~You are never going to be able to do everything but doing something is better than nothing.
~Little things do matter... from your health, diet, working out, to your relationships with friends and family.. you will never be able to find the time but you can always MAKE the time.

**miss you all very much... lots of Happy Thoughts!  Keep Up the Hard Work, everyone is doin so great!


  1. We also have 14 members already for TOUGHMUDDER! Way to go people!!!

  2. Nice look to the page... I like the quick event list! Get the utimate event...Tough Mudder... 14 team mates = awesome.

    Great words of wisdom Val (something to think about)!

