It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Neurology...Next please

Great post Britt!!!  We all need to reflect on what is really important in life... Life get's in the way of that... Perceived life vs. what REALLY matters in life... Day to day living is not really matters, but keep it in perspective... Can't wait to WOD again...

In the meantime, I am seeing the neurologist today...So far, no news has been both good and bad news...good news = everything looks normal; bad news = we don't know why this happed, or if/when it can happen again.

Thursday 2/3/11
50 Jumping Jax
35 SDLHP (35#)
20 Pike Sit Ups

Partner Up...
5 Rounds of the Following (1 Rnd = A-hang, B-3 Rnds then A-3 Rnds, B-Hang):
One person Hangs on the Pull Up Bar while other parter performs:
3 Rnds ~
3 Power Cleans (115#)
3 Push Press/Jerk (115#)
3 Front Squats (115#)

3 Burpee Penalty for the TEAM for EVERY drop from the bar (to be "Paid" after WOD)

Parter B can only do work while Parter A is on bar...If "B" breaks for breath during round, A must still hang-on...EVERYTIME/ANYTIME partner comes off except for the exchange there is the Penalty.

Score is Total Time & Total Burpees

FINISHER (from Gymnasticswod):
1 Min: Middle Splits
1 Min: Rt Leg Splits
1 Min: Lft Leg Splits
2 Min: Pike Stretch (try to get nose to knees / straight legs)
30 Sec: Bridge Hold

1 comment:

  1. Well Biolski, you sure did it this time. This was a pain. Forearms experienced burning sensations.

    Time to complete/ Burpees

    Britt & Feidt - 30:55 / 54
    Fiegel & Hans - 20:05 / 18
    Shanen & Reed - 36:00 / 72

    Here's my take on the WOD.. Three rounds with the three exercises with three reps was a bit much - we'll refer to this as 3x3x3 for explanation purposes. (rnds x exer x reps)

    It may have been better to have something like 2x3x3, or perhaps 3x3x2. It would have forced the person hanging to tough it out until the other person was done doing the lifts. And it would have been easier for the person doing the lifts to complete the set unbroken. (for Hans and Fieg this didn't seem to be much of an issue).

    Since there was less of a chance that a group member had to drop from the bar, the burpee penalty could have been higher... perhaps hiked up to 10 or 15. Mentally, it would have forced the hang and super-set to be completed simultaneously. Where the partners push one another to avoid burpees.

    The rest between the partner switch was key, but did not matter much. The forearms and grip suffered anyway. Had it been 2x3x3 or 3x3x2, the sets from 3 to 5 would have been the deal breaker for the burpee penalty.

    Can I hold on? Can I tough out this set before my partner lets go? Lord, anything but burpees!
