It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Another week..

Well, since the WR crew hasn't been posting their workouts as often this week... I figured I could chime in for a moment.

There is a lot to say about a group of individuals coming together, almost everyday, and sharing with each other what the rest of our daily meetings miss out on...  we share successes, failures, we push each other, take a step back when we notice one may just want to be in their own world that morning, we give that extra word of encouragement when needed or allow brutal honesty to be a form of respect between each other, and we accept another's challenges and only want the best for them ... we share something that we can truly not describe to another who asks us about our workouts together... and yet, we are okay with not being able to define it. 
We accept others on a basis of proving themselves that they 'want' to be there..  'New' additions that hold form and truth throughout their workouts only add to the competitive atmosphere we thrive on, yet simply sharing in the camaraderie is really what we crave.
Participants come and go, but the core that thrives are more than participants.  This core is a constant that you can always rely on, feed off of, and they push you harder than you could ever push yourself.

What happens when you have to step away, move away, leave~  you feel lost.  But what is so great about this understanding is that you know why you feel lost, you miss the feeling you got every morning from those people, you know you need to be surrounded by others throughout the week that simply understand why you are there.  As an individual, you can make it work but it just doesn't feel the same...   so what do you do?  Find another focus?  Find another activity with group emphasis?  OR  Do you examine yourself, address the weaknesses and, after a thorough physical, do you decide to just start again, only with a different focus?  No one ever judges you on your focus, they simply want you to be there... so 'there' is where you should be.

Words can't decribe the weekend I had...  I am just constantly reminded how lucky I am to have met such amazing people throughout my life.

To another week~  challenging ourselves no matter how small or large that may be... 

~the two in this picture, PE teachers from AZ.. my first team triathlon which took first place!  The one on the left attempted the ironman in tempe that year and told me to run a half..  and my mentor, the one in the middle, she keeps tabs on me even now... 

1 comment:

  1. Very cool, that is almost exactly how I think about it. Awesome post Coach Bath
