It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Friday, April 29, 2011


End of the Work Week...
NFL Draft Started Last night...
Crazylegs Tomorrow...(Good Luck to all those ANYthing Once Teammembers Competing!)
VAL was in for the WOD...What could be better?!  Great to have you in VAL!  Always nice when we have guest appearances...WE miss U!

How does 30 Reps sound?

Here we go...

2 Min Paleo Chair...
6 Min Jump Rope (90s Double Bounce, 90s Singles, 30s REST, 30s Left Foot, 30s Right Foot, 90s Bicycle, 30s REST, 30s Double Unders)

30 Reps of Each for Time
BWT Deadlift
One-Arm DB Snatch (15 each arm) 35# / 20#
Box Jump Overs (24"/20")
Toes 2 Bar
Inverted Burpees

Britt ~ 15:21 (155 / 35)
Feidt ~ 21:41 (200 / 35)
Hepp ~ 18:08 (195 / 35)
Val ~ 18:48 (155 / 20)
tb ~ 21:41 (185 / 35)
Hansen ~ 18:02 (180 / 35)
Biba ~ 31:20 (185 / 35)
Ty ~ 33:43 (175 / 35)

Earlier this week we posted how Bertagnolski was a complete BEAST!, Britt stated that although Bertag can start great and really get a jump on everyone...HE would DOMINATE this WOD!
That is just what he did!  He was an ANIMAL!  After the "GO!" command he never looked back...leaving everyone in his path of destruction...  After the WOD, he stated his motivation..."Bertagnolski resting on his First Place finish earlier this week & not even competing this morning". 
Britt stated, "...maybe Bertag should retire on top!"



1 comment:

  1. How I feel walking in to WODs is different now compared to last year, the comfort with everyone is still there but the confidence in the moves is not so much.. It was a suck it up and go or you're going to be ticked @ yourself feeling this morning.... SO WORTH IT. Nothing compares to working out with other people, knowing there is a means to an end that you will all arrive at!
    Wish I could've cheered everyone on more but I was sucking air- and the surprise burpees after DB snatches- WHAT IS THAT ABOUT!! ha- SURPRISE you have to do burpees also!!!
    My T2B were modified.
    Thanks for putting up with me in Rapids~ This is an awesome way to end the Month; Nic's new grill, WR, and Crazylegs!!
