WANT to be around the happy, positive people at every given opportunity.
and RUN from those that just suck all of that goodness out of life... literally, try to not be too obvious in your facial expressions, chime in with a bit of sarcasm, and with the last resort- hug them!
IF that doesn't work- run away from them.
They can come find you when they are better... you tried. (right?)
Stability is something of a luxury.. consistency is nice but change is constant... and sometimes we don't like what we hear, don't agree with other's choices, think that elsewhere may be better, we need to blame someone instead of just accept what we are being told. We think we should challenge instead of fall into line, we want our view to be their view, we listen to speculation but need to address the issue, stay honest, believe it will work out. (if we challenge- do it for the better of the majority)
AND stay together.. because at the end of the day all there is to fall back on are the relationships that make everything worth it...
I can relate to those that feel so strongly about things working out that they refuse to see it any other way...
I can also relate to those that just want to punch someone in the face to make someone else feel as shitty as you do for a minute or two...
One.. super positive. Another.. really, really negative.
(yes, it is possible to feel these two statements at the same time, multiple times in one day!)
It's easy to be negative... and for some reason you can attract a lot of people in a short amount of time by being that way.
Unfortunately, these people won't help you and most don't sympathize with you either- they just want to complain with you and many times their way of fixing the situation isn't what is best for the greater good.. but what is best for them. They are selfish, and if you aren't selfish than you don't belong with them, get the hell out of there!
SO... get some kind of good JUJU concoction together: try really hard to have faith, refuse to see it any other way. We are remembered by our words and actions; make them be honest, purposeful, and... of course, AWESOME.
Love it!!!