The variation we did today was one that a guy named Mark Tu already did.
He finished in 24:36!
Hang Power Clean 1RM
5 RFT ~
20 Burpees
15 HPC (135#/95#)
40 SDLHP (45#/35#)
3 x 30 Hip Extensions
Val ~ 155# / 30:05
SimO ~ 185# / 30:31 (115#)
JB ~ ?? / think he did 6 time as usual
OZ ~ form / 32:48 (65#)
STAN ~ XX / 27:25 (95#)
Dalaige ~ XX / 32:00 (95#)
tb ~ 225# / 30:41 / 2 sets
As for the OPEN! 13.3 will be announced tomorrow night. Here is what we have so far:
Burpees / Box Jumps / Push Press / Snatch ~ these have been done once in each of the last two years
Deadlift ~ was done in 2011, but not 2012
Also performed in 2011 but not 2012:
OHS, Pwr Clean, Sqt Clean, Push Ups
Each of the last 2 years have produced the same FINAL WOD (Fran Variant)
What will "pop up" this week?
Wall Ball, T2B, Muscle Ups are left...
Pistols ~ ??? /
I put my time and weight on the weight room desk under your keys. 32:48. i think