It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Friday, March 29, 2019

WFCA Clinic/Big Dane

It is tradition...
CrossFit workout during the WFCA Clinic...
Done workouts in the hotel pool, CrossFit Farmland, and lately at CrossFit Big Dane (where the Wendt boys are at).

Tyler and Zach were ready to go... 6:30am on Friday!

2 Rnds ~
200m Run
10 Single Arm Shoulder Press (each arm)
20 Band Pull Aparts
Practcie (5-10 min)
50' Front Rack Carry & Farmers Carry (ea side)
~ Increase wt as comfortable
AMRAP in 15min:
50/35 Cal Bike/Row (alt rnds...we started on bikes)
200' Front Rack Carry & Farmers Carry (switch arms at 100' / 50-50 / 35-35)
50 Push Ups

T.Wendt ~ 2 rnds + 50cal bike
Z.Wendt ~ 1 rnd + 45 Push Ups
tb ~ 1 rnd + 40 Push Ups

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Bodyweight Beater!

5 RFT ~
30' Lungewalk
15 Pull Ups
30 HR Push Ups
~ try to keep the pull ups and push ups as strict as you can!

Johns ~ 20:28 (3:33-7:41-12:13-16:34-20:28)
tb ~ 20:27 (2:57-7:08-11:48-16:10-20:27)
tb's breakdowns
2:57 ~ 8-7 / 20-10
4:11 ~ 6-5-4 / 20-10
4:40 ~ 5-1-4-3-2 / 15-6-5-4
4:22 ~ 6-5-4 / 12-6-6-6
4:17 ~ 6-5-3-1 / 6-6-6-6-6

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Easy going...again

Still taking it light...

Every 90s for 3 Rnds:
1 - 15 Tempo HR Push Ups (1111)
2 - 60m Farmer Carry & Waiter Carry (Rt. Arm)
3 - 60m Farmer Carry & Waiter Carry (Lft Arm)
4 - 6-8 Strict TTB or Hanging Leg Lifts (2111)

Then ROM WOD w/ Bertag

Johns & I did the WOD, then the 3 of us did ROM WOD

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Easy Going...

Going to be taking it easy for a while...
Bodyweight stuff, light weight, etc

Started day with 4 3-4 min holds of stretching... ROM WOD w/ Bertag


1000m Row for time
2m Rest
1000m Row for time
2m Rest
1000m Row for time

Johns ~ 4:44.5 / 4:47.5 / 5:00.1
tb ~ 3:54.2 (d-1) / 3:46.7 (d-3) / 3:41.1 (d-2)
*left the times at school, I will put them up tomorrow

Monday, March 25, 2019


Posting has been sportatic at best...
But Friday was a GREAT day for the CREW!!!
19.5... FRAN with a Buy-In of 60 extra reps of each!!!

For Time (w/ 20m Cap)
Thrusters (95/65)
C2B Pull Ups

Brehm ~ 192 Reps (15's All Completed!!!)
Wendt ~ 180 Reps (15 Thrusters + 3 C2B)
Carl ~ 120 Reps (27's Complete)
Video of the Crew ~ Start & Finish

I did this one today (Monday) ~ Slow and methodical...back held up, thank the Lord!!!
Now on to some ROM Wod work for the next 2-4 weeks... Gonna get this back healed up and get ready for the OPEN... Sounds like things are changing and the CF OPEN will be this Fall sometime!

tb ~ 163 Reps (21's Completed & 1 Thruster on the round of 15!... Crap, but I will take it for the 1st workout in exactly one week...And my quads are killing me!)
Not having someone counting/pushing me cost me too... 3 extra Pull Ups on the 33 Rnd... and did not hear the timer go off so I did 6 Thrusters at the end even though the 20m was up after the 1st one...
That is ok... I only checked the clock at the finish of the 27's (13:04) then just wanted to push myself...yea right... Think I had 2 or 3 breaks of 60+ seconds in the round of 21's!!!
Start / Finish

Wednesday, March 20, 2019


Feeling a bit better...not great, but maybe (hopefully) not as bad as I thought it was...
Either way, no 19.5 for me... And that might be tougher on my ego than anything!

I love the CrossFit Open, being a part, seeing where I stack-up, etc does not and cannot define me (or any of us).
We are defined by so much more!!!

Today...the crew did this:

2-3 Rnds:
5 Kip Swings
3 Walkouts
5 HR Push Ups
3 Spidey & Reach
10 Lungesteps

5 Rnds for Time:
40 D/U (80 singles)
10 Push Press (135/95)
10 Toes to Bar

Stan ~ 9:50 (singles / 75#)
Daliege ~ 10:59 (singles/115#)
Ladick ~ 11:25 (singeles/95# / 1st Rnd D/U)
Radke ~ 14:?? (singles/ 65#/K2E)
Wendt ~ 13:36 (115# / TTB took its toll!!)

Johns ~ 11:10 (singles/65#/K2E) ... during 3rd Hr Class...

Tuesday, March 19, 2019


Another day, another workout...for the crew...

Every 2 minutes for 30 minutes (3 Rnds):
1 = 30/20 Cal Bike
2 = 40 Wall Ball
3 = 30 Alt. DB Sntaches (55/35)
4 = 20 Burpee Box Jump-Overs
5 = 40s Side Plank (ea. side)
* If you hae less than 20s Rest ~ Reduce Reps
* If you have more than 50s Rest ~ Increase Reps
~ If you are unsure, perform the first round for 90s at each station and try to keep those reps for Rnds #2 & #3...

ZW ~ 30-40-24-14-P / 2 & 3 = 20cal / 30 WB / 24 Alt Snatch / 14 BBJO
A.Johns ~ Made 20 cals each rnd, not sure on other reps, but they were working..
STAN ~ Completed 3 Rnds, not sure on reps...
Those reps are tough...

Monday, March 18, 2019


Today we do the Re-Do of 19.4...

Z.Wendt came in...
I was ready...

Wendt was 4s slower on his first 3 Rnds, but if he would get more reps...that is ALWAYS better than a faster tie-break time...
He had some Bar MU that were really smooth in warm-ups...even strung some together!
Well...after 3m rest he began his BMU...they were tougher than warm-ups, as fatigue has set in...
Got the 10 in, but no Burpees over the bar... Somewhere around 5-7 BMU we knew it was not going to happen... Rather than quite, he finished his BMU!!! Still the Champ!

Myself... was feeling really good... Not great, but no aches and pains or sluggishness...
Began the workout and did not check the clock during the Snatches or the Burpees over the bar...
Was not sure where I was, but wanted to make a push like I did with 6 Burpees on last set with 8 burpees to go... Started the push and at Burpee #7 on the 3rd Rnd, the back blew out...BAD!!!
Stopped everything...
Worse part, after looking at the time, I would have been a lot!

Rest of the Crew did this:

AMRAP in 12min:
3 Strict Pull Ups*
6 HR Push Ups
12 Alt. Pistols
*scale as needed, but make it tough


Sunday, March 17, 2019


How time flies!!!

Already done with CF Open 19.4!
Well almost...a retest on Monday might be attempted!!!

With a 12min Running Clock...
3 Rnds of:
10 Snatches (95/65)
12 Bar Facing Burpees
3 Minutes Rest after this...then proceed to:
3 Rnds of:
10 Bar Muscle Ups
12 Bar Facing Burpees

If you complete both groups, score is total time.
If you do not complete both groups score is Total Reps and time of the first 3 rnds is your tie-breaker!
The 3m Rest is INCLUDED in the 12 min!!!

Great effort this AM by the crew!
Was amazing watching (judging) Brehm and Wendt... we each had a different strategy and each had strengths and weaknesses... but it was great watching and being a part of these guys attacking weaknesses and succeeding! 10 Bar MU for S.Brehm, who has hardly done any getting 10 together in a WOD...awesome!!!

Johns ~ 45#/Jumping PU ~ 100 Reps (5:50)
Ladick ~ ??# / Pull Ups ~ 11:58
STAN ~ Completed it
Daliege ~ 95#/Pull Ups ~ 112 Reps (5:50)
Z.Wendt ~ 88 Reps (4:20)
S.Brehm ~ 88 Reps (4:34)
tb ~ 104 Reps (4:24)

Saturday, March 16, 2019


Time has gotten away from me this week...

Worked out Tue, Wed (thur ~ Recovery) then Friday 19.3...

BUT have not posted since the re-do...

AMRAP in 15min:
5 STRICT Pull Ups
10 HR Push Ups
15 Air Squats (to Med Ball)

Every 10min for 4 Rnds (40 Min):
50/35 Cal Bike (or 2min on bike)
800m Run
40 D/U
~ Remaining time is rest

Daliege, Ladick went on rowers & did 3 rnds (school was going to start)
Stan, Johns and I did 4 rnds (first time on Echo Rouge Bike...OUCH!!!)
I mustered up 35-34-35-33 calories in 2m... and was doing the DU around 8m mark each time

I will do a separate post for 19.3

Monday, March 11, 2019

GameDay Re-Do

Well folks... it is a Re-Do day...
This one is a unique workout...
I just am burning the quads thru the first 90 reps...
Tough but need to keep moving...
I envy those that can just go!!!

For Time (10m Cap):
200' DB OH Lungewalk (55/35)
50 DB Alt. Box Step-Ups (24/20)
50 Strict HSPU
200' Handstand Walk
(5' incriments = 1 rep)

Stan & Ladick re did this as well...not sure on finish...
Daliege ~ Redid w/ 5" HSPU... made some of those...
tb ~ 15 HSPU (+4 from Friday)... Tie-Break was 7:32, better than 8:09 from Friday...

So...better but not where I would have liked...
Brehm was an animal at 6:15 tie break friday...
Then I heard the two Wendts were at 5min coming off the step-ups!!! Jeez...
Good stuff!!!

Now time to get ready for 19.4...
Leaderboard #CFWR
Chuck Brehm (CrossFit DePere)
Tyler Wendt (Big Dane)
Zach Wendt (Big Dane)
Shawn Brehm (CrossFit WR)
tb (CrossFit WR)

If there is anyone else out there doing the OPEN officially that is one of us...ANYthing ONCE WR or CFWR Alumni... let me know, I will include them on the leaderboard...
If I can figure it out I will post the leaderboard tomorrow.

Friday, March 8, 2019

Game Day

Time again...


And this one is a good one...

For Time (10min Cap):
200' DB OH Lungewalk
50 DB Step-Ups (24/20)
50 Strict HSPU
200' HSWalk
(DB ~ 50/35)

(scaled ~ Front-Rack position for Lungewalk, 5" Raised Strict HSPU or HR Push Ups, Bear Crawl for HSWalk and lower DB if needed)

Johns ~
Daliege ~
Stan ~
Ladick ~
Carl ~ 
S.Brehm ~ 118 Reps (6:15 Tie Break)
tb ~ 101 Reps (8:09 Tie Break)

Got to give this another go on Monday...

Thursday, March 7, 2019


I enjoy working up a sweat the day before the competition (CF Open 19.3 tomorrow)...

Not to total fatigue, but I am not one for just a stretching/mobility day either...
I just do not feel the same after that...

Shorter work is good for me.


%'s are approximates, esp if you know your max...
If you do not know your max...climb to heavy then go back and see what you can do...
5 x 80-85%
3 x 85-90%
2 x 90%
3 x 85-90%
8 x 75-80%
8 x 75-80%
4 Rnds for Time:
50 D/U
20 DB Push Press (55/35)
20 DB Alt. Rev. Lunges (55/35)

Stan ~ 135-175-185-175-145-145 / 15:05 (35# / 100 Singles)
Feterer (kid) ~ 17:45 (20 / 100 Singles)
tb ~ 205-215-235-225-195-195 /  17:20 (3 Rnds !?!?...sheesh this I modified it)
Those DB PP were Heavy after Bench.
D/U ~ UB all rounds
DB PP ~ 10.10 / 10.7.3 /
Rev Lunges were with DB held on side (farmer carry style) ~ 10.10 for all rounds

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Double Trouble

3 Rnds ~
2 Laps
3 Spidey & Reach (ea way)
10 HR Push Ups
3 Inchworms
10 Kip Swings
Double Trouble
For Time (12 min cap):
40 Wall Balls
20 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)
30 Wall Balls
20 Wall Balls

Ladick ~ 8:57
Stan ~ 11:00
Radke ~ 11:59
Daliege ~ 9:59
Johns ~ 10 WB @ 12m (of the 20...rested and finished)
tb ~ 11:55 (WB ~ 15-15-10 / 15-8-7 / 8-7-5 / BBJO just S-L-O-W going)

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Max Reps...

Changing some things up... Going to jog and lungewalk + start to add some Push Ups to the warm-up...
Get the VOLUME of BWT exercises up!!!

150m Lungewalk
15 HR Push Ups (should have done 5-10 every X steps in lungewalk...oh, well...tomorrow)
Wall Ham/Groin Stretch

5 Min of Handstand Hold Progression & Wall Walks

Back 2 It
2 Sets for Max Reps (16min)
90s Max Cal Bike
30s REST
90s Max Strict HSPU (scaled HR Push Ups)
30s REST
90s Max Cal Row
30s REST
90s Max Ring Dips (Scaled ~ Dips / Chair Dips)
30s REST

EMOM x 6min:
1 = 8 x Supine Ring Rows (tempo 2111)
2 = 45s Prone Plank

Stan ~ 27-27 / 25-30 / 36-33 / 15-18 / 103+108 ~ 211 Total Reps (Banded Dips/HR Push Ups)
Johns ~ 21-17 / 24-19 / 20-18 / 31-33 / 96+87 ~ 183 Total Reps (Chair Dips/ HR Push Ups)
Schutz ~ 23-23 / 5-6 / 27-28 / 16-16 / 71+73 ~ 144 Total Reps
tb ~ 26-24 / 9-8 / 34-34 / 26-28 / 95+94 ~ 189 Total Reps

Monday, March 4, 2019


On Mondays during the OPEN season, we usually re-test...
See if we can do a bit better on the WOD...

This one, I decided NOT to re-test...
I was pleased with the results...and maybe could get a rep at 225#...
Power Cleans have been where my back has gone out or gotten very fatigued so I decided to keep the score I had and work for fitness...


3 Sets of:
6 x Deadlifts (30X1 Tempo... 3s decent, touch-n-go, eXplode to top, 1s at top)
20s Rest
10 x Box Jumps
3m b/t Sets
Take a BREAK...
AMRAP in 10m:
10 Deadlifts (225/155)
10 Burpees over the Bar
10 C2B Pull Ups

Daliege ~ 225# ~ 3 Rnds + 20 Reps (10 DL + 10 Burpees)
Stan ~ 135# ~ 4 Rnds
Ladick ~ 135# ~ 4 Rnds + 10 DL
Johns ~ 95# ~ 3 Rnds + 5 DL
tb ~ 225# ~ 4 Rnds + 2 DL

Friday, March 1, 2019


19.2 is....

16.2 with some variations...
Instead of 2 4min initial rounds...they went to 8min for Rnds 1 & 2, with two opportunities for tie-breaks!
Also...someone can help you load the plates or use multiple bars!!!

Here is the WOD:
19.2 (16.2 ~ tb HERE)
With an 8min Running Clock, perform:
25 TTB
50 D/U
15 Squat Cleans (135/95)
25 TTB
50 D/U
13 Squat Cleans (185/115)
*If this is completed before 8min mark, ADD 4min to clock and perform:
25 TTB
50 D/U
11 Squat Cleans (225/145)
*If this is completed before 12min mark, ADD 4min to clock and perform:
25 TTB
50 D/U
9 Squat Cleans (275/175)
*If this is completed before 16min mark, ADD 4min to clock and perform:
25 TTB
50 D/U
7 Squat Cleans (315/205)
SCORE is completed Time or Reps completed at the 20m Mark!!!
Scaled is Same Rep Scheme of:
Hanging Knee Raises (above hip crease)
Single Unders
Squat Cleans ~ 95/55 - 115/75 - 135/95 - 155/115 - 185/135

S.Brehm (Scaled-Start / Finish) ~ 19:05 (14:06 tie-break) ~ 430 Reps total folks!!!
C. Deluca ~ (scaled/155 to finish) ~ 344 (12:50 tie-break)
Daliege ~ ?? I think he did 343 Reps (5 Reps at 155#)...not sure of tie-break
tb ~ 254 Reps / 11:27 tie-break

GREAT WORK by all today...
This was a Re-Do of 16.2 where I missed 13 reps at 185 by 2 seconds...this time, made it by 5... And boy, did that fatigue me... Maybe another go on Monday, we will see... I think I might be able to squeek out 1 rep at 225#... BUT, it will be two days of Powerlifting so we will see...
I am extreemly happy with my score...
ALSO with watching these other guys... Coach Carl was in for his first big WOD!!! Plus Brehm was a machine...COMPLETED this thing!!! PLUS got