It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Max Reps...

Changing some things up... Going to jog and lungewalk + start to add some Push Ups to the warm-up...
Get the VOLUME of BWT exercises up!!!

150m Lungewalk
15 HR Push Ups (should have done 5-10 every X steps in lungewalk...oh, well...tomorrow)
Wall Ham/Groin Stretch

5 Min of Handstand Hold Progression & Wall Walks

Back 2 It
2 Sets for Max Reps (16min)
90s Max Cal Bike
30s REST
90s Max Strict HSPU (scaled HR Push Ups)
30s REST
90s Max Cal Row
30s REST
90s Max Ring Dips (Scaled ~ Dips / Chair Dips)
30s REST

EMOM x 6min:
1 = 8 x Supine Ring Rows (tempo 2111)
2 = 45s Prone Plank

Stan ~ 27-27 / 25-30 / 36-33 / 15-18 / 103+108 ~ 211 Total Reps (Banded Dips/HR Push Ups)
Johns ~ 21-17 / 24-19 / 20-18 / 31-33 / 96+87 ~ 183 Total Reps (Chair Dips/ HR Push Ups)
Schutz ~ 23-23 / 5-6 / 27-28 / 16-16 / 71+73 ~ 144 Total Reps
tb ~ 26-24 / 9-8 / 34-34 / 26-28 / 95+94 ~ 189 Total Reps

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