It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Row, and...

15 x Banded RDL
30s Banded Lateral Walk (ea direction)
10-15 x Scap Pull Ups
3 Sets:
15 KBS
3 Burpees
30s Rest
A) 1000m Row for Time!
~ Rest till fairly recovered...4-6min
B) 2 Sets:
8 x KB Bulgarian Split Squat (3010) ~ Left
12 x Dynamic Bulg. Split Squats ~ Left
60s Rest
8 x KB Bulgarian Split Squat (3010) ~ Left
12 x Dynamic Bulg. Split Squats ~ Left
60s Rest
8x BB Roll Outs (2111)
60s Rest

So the 8+12 are really 20 total reps in a row...KB are held in Farmers carry for the BSS, then just drop after the 8th rep & go immediatly into the Dynamic (jumping) version... Quads will BURN!!!

Johns ~ 4:28.5 / ??
B.Daliege ~ 3:55.2 / 55#
S.Ladick ~ 3:43.3 / 55#
Z.Wendt ~ 3:31.4 / 55#
Drake B ~ 3:48.9 / 55#
tb ~ 3:26.3 / 35#

Row Breakdowns (every 200m ~ Time & strokes per minure):
Ladick ~ 41.5(33)-41.6(35)-47.2(34)-47.8(34)-45.3(36)
Daliege ~ 47.9(38)-47.2(38)-46.6(38)-46.9(36)-46.4(36)
Johns ~ 49.7(36)-50.3(29)-51.5(29)-56.6(39)-1:00.4(38)
Wendt ~ 42.2(27)-42.7(28)-42.6(28)-42.9(28)-41.4(35)
Drake ~ 47.7(33)-44.1(35)-44.8(36)-46.4(35)-45.9(37)
tb ~ 38.1(28)-39.9(26)-42.2(26)-44.2(24)-41.9(26)

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