It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

hOLY Max

What a week...this week has proven to be a bit more taxing than past... WOD combos, coming off a little cold...whatever, it feels good to be sore & achey (the good way)...You know you are alive and working at things...

Flexibility has been going well this week as well...Just jumping into hurdlers stretch, using the pain ball and bands at various times thru the day are ways to sneak flexibility/mobility into your daily routine!

25 yds each ~ Bearcrawl, Lungewalk, Crabwalk
12 Swings (35#), 12 Pull Ups, 12 Pass Thrus
4 Rnds ~ 2 Bridge Ups, 2 Skin the Cats

Warm-Up Snatch / Clean & Jerk on your own 2-4 sets then work the 3 Max Sets...

Snatch 3 x 1
Clean & Jerk 3 x 1

Snatch + C&J = Total pounds baby, pounds ... Jerky Boys reference
Britt (6-0/155) ~ 147+192 = 339
tb (5-10/192) ~ 172+232 = 404
Hansen* (5-11/170) ~ 157+207 = 364

3 Rnds of:
30 K2E / 21 G2O (95#)
Syd performed this for completion rather than risk another MAX DAY...

1 comment:

  1. Sore is good- reminds you that there is no end to improving.
    New workout is great and I recognize one of the great benefits of WODs is the combination of speed and strength- so am including short speed/strength combos each day that the gym can handle :) And who ever thinks yoga is for the fruits and nutz can come with me Monday night and feel even better Tuesday morning! Keep up the good work!
