Valentines Day or Val visiting LHS...Take your pick!
It was good to see Val and talk...Friendships & Family...those are the things that are truly important in life. Valentines Day just give you the chance to tell the most special person what they mean to you...
We are fortunate to be able to go thru WOD's with the group we do have...Dynamics have changed over the years & months...But we never realize how important it is to have one another until things change... Make sure you are always working on keeping your relationships with others strong!
Warm Up:
10 Bridge Ups / 16's on BB Court / 3 Rnds ~ 5 Forward Rolls, 10 Air Squats, 15 sec. Handstand Hold (on wall if need be)
Valentines Lover
AMRAP in 20 Min:
15 Hang Power Clean (115#)
Air Squats
400m Run
With both partners working, one will perform 15 HPC while the other accumulates as many Air Squats as possible, then switch...Run 400m together... If one person runs faster, partner must wait until other partner is done running...
Total Rounds and Total Air Squat Reps are Score...
Syd & Reeder ~ 5 Rounds - 277 Air Squats
Feidt & Britt ~ 5 Rounds - 262 Air Squats
Hansen & El Tigre' ~ 6 Rounds (-400m Run) - 250 Air Squats
tb (on own) ~ 5 Rounds - 119 Air Squats (time it took to do 15 HPC is what I used to perform AS)
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