It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


In an effort to "get ready" for the stair run... AND the fact WITTER had BB practice in the fieldhouse (which made using the track a NO GO)...

We switched up the WOD from JAX a bit...

10 Toes 2 Bar
25m Bear Crawl
10 Pike Sit Ups
25m Lungewalk

3 Rnds for Time:
6 Stair Laps (Run Up Stairs, Run 50m, Run Down Stairs, Run 50m) / (600m Running w/ stairs)
2 Minutes Rest b/t each Round

Then...AMRAP in 6 Minutes:
5 Clapper Push Ups
10 Jumping Air Squats

Fantastic WOD...Good work everyone!
Britt (6-0/155) ~ 3:04/2:47/2:43 + 10 Rnds
Feidt (6-0/210) ~ 3:39/3:45/3:51 + 9 Rnds
tb (5-10/192) ~ 3:26/3:08/3:36 + 11 Rnds
Hansen* (5-11/170) ~ 3:18/3:05/3:09 + 11 Rnds
Fiegl* (6-2/212) ~ 3:37/3:36/3:41 + 11 Rnds
Reeder* (6-1/210) ~ 3:19/3:05/3:06 + 6 Rnds

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