It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Oct. Work!

This is the ATTITUDE you need to have to ATTACK life!
That is right...ATTACK life!  GET AFTER IT!

Don't let life hit you between the eyes! Be ready for ANYthing!
How you respond to things is more important that anything else.  Do you respond with a "poor me" attitude, or do you say "this sucks...why can't I make it better", or even better, "this sucks...what good can I take from this to improve?"

Live your life the way it is meant to be lived...
Lived with a purpose...

To many people go thru life surviving...not living.
I am not saying to be selfish, concieted, or be a "me" person...But live they way YOU feel you should.

Time to challenge ourselves by taking the extra time before to work on our weaknesses:
Starting the 8th... get in 10-15min earlier (5:45-50) and focus on what you want to change...
Hold yourself accountable...
Hold each other accountable....

Assess your weaknessses: What Are They?
This month is your month to work on that weakness... Give it the extra time and effort.
If you aren't at WR and in each morning then tell someone what you are working on... discuss, talk about it, the more people that know what you are working on improving the better the outcome.
WHY? Because the people you tell will ask you about it...THEN you must face-it...Have you been working or will you find an excuse?

We WILL Work to Help You.
Val ~ Strict Pull Up
Kate ~ Strict Pull Up
Britt ~ HSPU w/o wall (Handstand Balance)
Feidt ~ HSPU
Ethan ~ Improve Pull Ups
MF ~ Consecutive Burpees
Des ~ Pull Ups & Mental Toughness
Syd ~ Coaching FB
Bertag ~
Hepp ~ Waking up a couple times for the WOD
tb ~ L-Hold

Here are some suggestions for work:
Eccentric Pull Ups (Lower for a 6-8 count)
Tempo Pull Ups w/ band (pull for a 5 count...lower for a 5 count)

Eccentric HSPU (Lower for an 8 count)
Work on parallettes
Work off Raised platform w/ Head (so you are not down all the way)
Kipping work with HSPU

Breathing Burpees (post)

Make these a part of your warm-up...if not, part of your cool down (if time).
No matter what...Work them...Find the time...
There is no magic in our warm-up...Do what you do to get ready

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