Or 5 Guys and a WOD!!!
Built in warm-up in this one...
3 Person Teams (5 guys for 2 groups...rotate a bit)
AMRAP in 25 Min:
3K Row
100 DB Snatch (70#/50#)
30 Thrusters (75#/55#)
30 Thrusters (95#/65#)
30 Thrusters (115#/80#)
30 Thrusters (135#/95#)
30 Thrusters (155#/105#)
Max Thrusters w/ any time remaining (185#/135#)
* Only one person is working at a time!
This was a good WOD...Would be a great TEAM competition one...
We finished both Rowers w/in Seconds of each other...rotated around with 2.5 people per rower
Everyone did 40 DB Snatches (Total...groups of 10 w/ only TWO people working at a time!)
...(Halbs & Daliege did 50 each...bonus set for them!)
then for Thrusters (we all started at the same time)
Britt, Daliege & Halbs took one bar...27 reps @ 115#
Stoltz and I took the other...5 reps @ 115#
Witt, Desi & ?? did a Wall Ball, Box Jump and something WOD...
Everyone is getting ready for the "12 Days"...tomorrow!!!
Be Ready!!! Warm-Up & Prep begin at 8am...
Let's get the WOD going by 8:30...
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