It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Friday, December 26, 2014

After Christmas WOD...

No rest for the athletes of the world...
In this morning and there was wrestling practice, then basketball practice...
So with the wt. room being opened up...we had a bunch of the freshmen and sophomores along with the Herman girls...
These punks all did Loredo together...8th Grader Michael Iverson was "labeled" the Caboose...these guys did this together and waited for everyone from round to round...they did the 3 stair-lap version and did the BWT Exercises in the upper gym...MUCH warmer up there!!! GREAT TEAM EFFORT by them...
32 Minutes for the entire group to finish!!! AWESOME...

Alumni that were in:
Regis Henke, Zach Baussener, Blake White, Nick Bairel, Tyler Wendt

They did Loredo & then played Dodgeball!!!

Warm-Up ~ get loose

EMOM x 12:
odd = 8 TTB + 8 Push Jerk (155#/105#)
even = 8 Burpees + 8 UB Deadlift (275#/185#)
*lighten the wt here or lower the reps to 6's...
**try not to "miss" or take time off to be switching wts. in middle of WOD...
Movement through out the 12 minutes is the important thing...This is not meant to have a lot (20+sec) of rest b/t...realistically, as you are 2-3 rnds in you should be just finishing up with 10-15 sec left to get ready for next minute.
Possibally gaining some rest on the odd minutes if TTB are a strength...there is no easy way to do 8 burpees + 8 UB DL...those 16 reps are taxing...this was a great burner WOD...forcing some work.

6 Rnds for Time:
24 Air Squats
24 H.R. Push Ups
24 Lungewalk Steps
400m Run (3 Laps / 3 Stair Laps / 500m row)

Blake ~ 3-4 rnds  at heavy and 8's then went to 6's
Nick ~ switched to 6's after 6 rnds
Tyler ~ (245# DL / 135#PJ) ~ 8 x 8's, 4 x 6's / 4 rnds of Loredo (500m Row)
tb ~ (225#DL / 135# PJ) ~ 6 x 8's , 8 x 6's (went for two bonus make up for the lack of reps) / w/ 500m Row 31:22

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